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VA and MA Laws Regulating Sexuality in Relation to Marital vs. Non-marital Sex

Lara Hodak & Laura Perrot HIST213

Marital vs. Non-Marital Sex

Marital vs. Non-marital Sex

Marital Sex: sexual relations within a marriage

Accepted by society Male & female

Non-Marital Sex: sexual relations outside of a marriage

Frowned upon by society

+ Marital vs. Non-marital Sex (17th Century)


Social > Legal Less policing of sexuality= more freedom 1650- 30% of children were bastards

Puritans (Massachusetts Bay)

Legal> Social Bundling Believed that sex was acceptable ONLY inside a marriage Sex was believed to be used for reproduction/creating a family Children= gifts of god Non-marital sex= deviant behavior Sodomy, whoredom, bestiality, incest, adultery, & masturbation Active policing of sexuality Older women used to police sexuality Goodwives

+ Marital vs. Non-marital Sex (18th century)

-How it changed over time


Aristocratic Sexual License Men turned down non-virgin women Adultery


Libertines Increase in non-martial sex

Decrease in community policing of sexuality

Punishments decreased

Regulating Sexuality in Virginia & Massachusetts

Regulating Sexuality

Interracial Marriage was illegal 1792: Sodomy Bestiality 1642-1749 Servant to Servant holder if resulted with bastard child Servant to Interracial relations resulting in bastard child White Christian woman to interracial resulting in bastard child

Massachusetts 1641-1660: Bestiality Sodomy Adultery Rape Non-Martial sex 1696: No cross-dressing Penal Reform (1780): Rape Sodomy Prostitution Adultery Bigamy

So how do they relate?

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