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Directions to Play Speed

Intended Learning: To generate sequences of multiples with numerals, both forwards and backwards. Students should have prior experience reciting multiple sequences, forwards and backwards, starting at different places within the sequence. Materials: A numeral card deck containing four each of the first ten multiples of a given number. For example, for multiples of three, the deck would contain four each of the numbers 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30. How to Play: Two players are each dealt fifteen cards from a deck of numeral cards containing multiples of a given number. These cards are placed in a stack, face down in front of the player. The remaining ten cards are divided into two stacks of five and placed face down between the players with space enough between the stacks to turn up and display cards to start the play action. The larger stack in front of the player is the draw pile for that player. Each player draws three cards from their own pile. Next, both players simultaneously turn over a card from the middle stacks. A play is made from a players hand by placing the next multiple either forwards or backwards on top of one of the turned up cards. Both players play at the same time and may make a series of plays, so long as the plays are made one card at a time. For example in a game using multiples of five, if a 25 is turned up a player may play either a 20 or a 30. A sequence of cards may be something such as 30, 35, 40, 35, 30, 25, 20. As cards are played during the game, the player replenishes their hand from their draw pile. A player cannot have more than three cards at any one time. When neither player can play a card, new starter cards are turned up. If the starter cards are all used, the cards in the center are shuffled and placed face down for new starter cards. The first player to play all cards from their draw pile is the winner.

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