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FACT COMPUTER SOCIETY A- Give Any Five answer?

1. Write the difference between Ram & Rom?


2. What is the port ? please Explain the Types of port? 3. What is MS- Word ? Please Explain the all feature of MS- Word Active Window? 4. Please explain of the CPU ? 5. What is Input Device? Please Explain the Five type of Input Device? 6. Please Explain the Personal Computer Configuration ? 7. Write down the advantage of Computer? 8. Draw the Computer Structure?

B- Fill in the Blanks

1) MICR is an ______________ Device. 2) ROM is a __________________ memory. 3) 1byte= __________________ bit 4) Standard size of the floppy Disk is __________________ 5) Inkjet printer is a _______________ printer.


6) For quitting the MS-Word we select ____________ option from __________menu 7) Shift + insert is a shortcut of __________________. 8) Bar Code scanner is use to _______________ coding. 9) Serial port data transfer speed is _______________. 10) _______________ is printing in Dot- Dot Format. 11) Mouse are __________________ & __________________type. 12) The storage capacity of the compact disk is __________________ 13) CRT Stands for _______________. 14) _____ & _______________ are binary Bite. 15) ___________ & ____________ two types of paper orientation are present in MSWord.


1. A Data is a collection raw fact & Figures 2. Bit is considered as one byte. 3. LCD is considered as light Crystal Display. 4. The toolbar contains a list of menu.


5. A Pop-up menu is appeared when user press left button of mouse. 6. Pen Drive is attached on USB Port. 7. Clrl+A is shortcut of Select Line. 8. The view menu is used to show or hide tool bars on ms- Word. 9. Pen drive is a onetime data store device. 10. A normal Keyboard have 204 button. 11. A mouse is a hand-held pointing device used to give input as keyboard. 12. To remove page break we used Del key. 13. Alt + f4 is the shortcut key to shut down window. 14. Ram is non- volatile by nature. 15. A Computer does not minimize the redundancy of data

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