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Roll: ______________ Name: _________________________

Paper: Computer Software

Time: 40 Minutes Total Marks: 40
Q1. Fill in the blanks. 10
1. Save as shortcut is ____________.
2. Undo Shortcut is ____________.
3. Underline word only shortcut is ____________.
4. Change Case shortcut ____________.
5. Ms Word is used for _________________.
6. Ms Excel is used for ____________.
7. ROM Stand for __________________________.
8. Keyboard is an ____________ device.
9. Ms PowerPoint is used for ____________.
10. USB stands for ___________________________.
Q2. Tick (ü) T for True and (û) F for false. 10
1. IT means information technicality.
2. Output devices are used to give us output.
3. Microsoft Word is used for accounting.
4. Sum function is used for addition.
5. PC mean Personal computer.
Q3. Write Shortcuts for the following. 10
1 Italic
2 Change Case
3 Double Underline
4 Underline Word Only
5 Save As
Q4. Write the Syntax of the following formulas. 10
1 Percentage
2 Sum
3 Pass/Fail
4 Grade
5 Average
Paper: Computer Software
Time: 2:20 Hrs Total Marks: 60
Note: Attempt any four questions.
Q1. Write short note any three topic. 15
1. RAM vs ROM
2. DATA & Information
3. Input device vs Output devices
4. Storage devices
Q2. Explain Input devices in detail. 15
Q3. Definition of computer and block diagram of CPU and process. 10
Q4. Explain any two from the following. 20
1. Output devices in details
2. Types of Computers according to logical
3. Computer classification according to size

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