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Brand Identity

Brand identity
Brand identity is a unique set of association that a brand strategist aspires to create or maintain. The brand identity structure includes a core and extended identity .the core identitythe central timeless essence of the brand which remains constant as brands travels in time ,markets while the extended identity includes identity elements that provide cohesive and meaningful groupings that provide texture and completeness

Brand identity traps

External trap

Position trap

Brand equity trap

Image trap

Product attribute trap

Identity /image

Brand identity

Signal transmitted

Brand image

Other sources of inspirations Mimicry, opportunism idealism

Competition and noise

Brand image trap

Brand image is the how the brand is perceived by the user Here the image becomes identity The customers dictate what you are

Brand position trap

Brand position is the part of the brand identity and value proposition that is to be actively communicated to target audience and that demonstrate an advantage over competing brands

Brand identity
CBBE dictates that Establish the proper brand identity Create the appropriate brand meaning Elicit positive brand response Forge strong brand relation-ship with customers.

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