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Mueller Charter Leadership Academy

How media and the Giver parallel

Wendy Moreno Humanities Mr. Medina 10-30-13

here are many e!amples o" te!t "rom our media that parallel the #oo$% & he

Giver'. (ome o" these e!amples are articles a#out )dward (nowden% *.(. incarceration rates% Ari+ona,s #an on #oo$s% and son-s such as Muse. All o" these te!ts have stronevidence o" how the Giver society parallels our society. he )dward (nowden situation and articles parallel the Giver society. .ne e!ample is surveillance% in the Giver it is similar #ecause people are always #eino#served so that nothin- #ad occurs. he di""erence is that the are watched #y the elders where as we are watched #y the -overnment. Another e!ample is secrets and clueless people. We didn,t $now our phone call records were #ein- -one throu-h and in the Giver they are hidden "rom pain% love and other emotions. he last e!ample is that #oth communities have a whistle#lower. /n our community it would #e )dward (nowden #y spea$in- up a#out the -overnment -oin- throu-h our phone call records and in the Giver it would #e 0onas "or tellin- the Giver that the memories should #e shared with the community. he article a#out incarceratin- the population o" the *.(. parallels the Giver #ecause it e!plores control. /n the Giver they have release which helps control the population so that there is enou-h "ood and so that people have 1o#s. )ven thou-h incarceration is only used to punish in our community% in the Giver it is used to decrease population and not very o"ten as punishment. /n the article% it says that when it comes to incarceratin- a hi-h percenta-e o" the population the *.(. comes "irst and in second comes /srael. All in all the article a#out incarceratin- the population o" the *.(. parallels to the Giver is #ecause althou-h in the Giver they don,t con"ine people they have release which helps. /n Ari+ona they have some #oo$s on the Me!ican American studies pro-ram

2MA(3 #ein- con"iscated #y the *(4. .ne action involved a wal$out march "rom Cholla Hi-h (chool to the *(4 which is a distance o" 5 miles. When they arrived they met with several #ureaucrats and the administrator Lupita Garcia who told them Me!ico is where Me!ican studies are tau-ht not America% When the students as$ed why )uropean studies had not #een #anned the administrator had no answer. Apparently the administrator #elieves that Me!ican Americans do not #elon- in America. /n the son- &*prisin-' #y Muse there are many e!amples that parallel the Giver. /n the son- there are some lines which compare our society to the Giver. .ne o" them says &they,ll try to push the dru-s that $eep us all dum#ed down.' / thin$ that in the Giver they do this #y -ivin- them stirrin-s pills and hidin- their true emotions. /t also says &rise up and ta$e the power #ac$ its time the "at cats had a heart attac$' this means the they should not let themselves #e controlled and that they should surprise the leaders #y ta$in- control. here are a lot o" pieces o" evidence that show how the Giver and the media parallel. As you can see% there are a lot o" pieces o" evidence in the media that parallel to the Giver. he ones that tal$ed a#out incarceratin-% )dward (nowden and the #oo$ #ans are 1ust a "ew e!amples. 6elieve it or not #ut i" you read the #oo$ the Giver and read some articles online you can "ind a lot that parallels to the Giver.

Lowry, Lois. The Giver. Laural Leaf. 1993 Park, Allen. Hero or Traitor? The Guardian. Print. 2 !"to#er 2$13. %use. &'(risin).* + ,e(te-#er 2$$9 .i-#ler, ,u/anne ,te(hanie 0raus. To( ,e"ret? Ti-e 1or 0ids. Print. 1$ 2une 2$13. 2 !"to#er 2$13. 3odri)ue/, 3o#erto. Ari/ona &#anned* %e4i"an5A-eri"an #ooks. The Guardian. 16 2anuary 2$12. Print. 2 $"to#er 2$13. 7in), 8i"k. Politi"s . The Huffin)ton Post. 13 Au)ust 2$13. Print. 2 !"to#er 2$13

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