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Elements Required in the Project are:

Generals Report:
1. 2. 3. 4. Project Title: share feeds the soul Author: Domitilo Rodrguez Contact: The theme and subject covered in the project: Thanksgiving day___English 5. Degree or level: XI _ Science 6. sections required for the project: five per week 7. Education center: I.P.T. Alejandro Castillo

Techniques sheets:
1. Technological Resources: camera, computer, overhead projector and so on and non-technological resources for project implementation: book, dictionary, table, chair and so on 2. Technological tools: movie maker, collage ,you tube and so on 3. References, link or research documents: 4. Competition to develop: Language and Communication, mathematical logical thinking, knowledge and interaction with the physical world, the data processing, digital competence, Social and civic Cultural and artistic, Learning to learn, personal initiative and Subject Specific Competition 5. Bibliography and internet references: www. Thanksgiving Turkey The Video ,

1. Description: my project is based on holidays in the world, and specifically at thanksgiving to share and enjoy in family with delicious food It is a traditional celebration of the United States and Canada. In the United States is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November, this festival usually gather around a table in family and friends to share a meal. Thanksgiving

has its origins in 1621, in a celebration at Plymouth, in the present state of Massachusetts....It is a special day, in which we are going to 2. General objective: Develop writing and communication skills of the English language as a foreign language, so that students can interact and improve the language in a warm environment. 3. Specific objective: Integrate and develop listening, speaking, Reading and writing skills, to express ideas, opinions and perform related to thanksgiving holiday issues. 4. Learner's situation: when you spend time with loved ones and have fun. and some people have traditions too, there are people make honor the Lord, share with family; so it is holiday, therefore is important keep in our mind the special family days. Thanksgiving was celebrated between the Pilgrims and the Indians in 1621.That first feast was a three day affair. Life for the early settlers was difficult. The fall harvest was time for celebration. It was also a time of prayer, thanking God for a good crop. The Pilgrims and the Indians created a huge feast including a wide variety of animals and fowl, as well as fruits and vegetables from the fall harvest. This early celebration was the start of today's holiday celebration. Like then, we celebrate with a huge feast. Today, most of us enjoy Turkey with "all the trimming". The "trimming" include a wide variety of foods that are a tradition for your family. Those traditional foods often replicate the foods at the first Thanksgiving feast. While others, is traditional ethnic or religious groups recipe, or a special food item that your family always serves at Thanksgiving dinner. Then, to top it off, pumpkin pies, apple pies, an even mince meat pies are bountiful around the table. American Thanksgiving traditions revolve around a huge and lavish meal, usually with Turkey as the centerpiece. For those who do not like Turkey, a Roast or Prime Rib is common. As tradition has it in most families, a special prayer of thanks precedes the meal. In many homes, family members will each mention something they are very thankful for. Did you know? Potatoes were not part of the first Thanksgiving. Irish immigrants had not yet brought them to North America. After the first Thanksgiving, the observance was sporadic and almost forgotten until the early 1800's. It was usually celebrated in late September or October. In

1941, Congress made it a national holiday and set the date as the fourth Thursday in November

5. Challenge: I want students get to know about this important holidays, besides they can change ideas or some experience about thanksgiving, in Other hand they can perform and make some activity, where put in practice or improve the english as second language. The most Essential is that students can familiarize and sensitize of the important to give thanking God for all the blessings that we receive every day. Therefore, they develop individual or group activities according to subject

6. Guiding questions
a) Essential questions: why the humility leads us to success? b) Unit Question: Why you should share with, who needs your help? c) Content Question: What is the meaning of the holidays? Why is important to share the November 26th, with family or friends? 7. Final product: product characteristics and product goals. Create a role play according the theme, thanksgiving holidays: they should to create restaurants that will bring in Thanksgiving Day . After that prepare a creative name for the drama, as well as the menus and advertisements, including fliers and a slogan. The children will work on the project in groups of two or three, having ample time to brainstorm and conduct research. They consider popular Thanksgiving Day foods, such as cranberries, stuffing and turkey, when creating the menu.This role play will be perform in class. Finally, in this project they going to put in practice the english skills, also, technology a importance to celebrate the holidays 8. Activities :( Detailed activities, resources required by activities, skills developed technological tools) 1. Make brainstorming or a tree with handprint leaves to show what you are thankful. (Students generate ideas according to the following words "holidays and thankful" then ask to other classmates what are the most important words for his or her and why?) 2. Read an interesting reading or article about thanksgiving holidays history (in groups of two students will read or analyze a article on Thanksgiving, and then to summarize the main ideas, or what he

understood, and then write 20 words related to the topic, and then write senteces and finally go in front and share ideas or write on the board ) 3. Create handwritten letters thanking a person, so important or special that is in your life(As a way to give thanks and let others know how thankful the students feel, have them create handwritten letters. Distribute craft supplies, such as glitter, glue, construction paper, Scissors and markers, and have them use their imagination when writing and decorating the letters. Before to star they need to know or consider carefully who they would like to thank. can be a family member to a church leader to a coach to a school staff member, such as the janitor or librarian. When the students complete the letters, mail the cards to their chosen recipients. 4. Prepare a power point with the outstanding information about thanksgiving holiday. (firstly, make a group of four students then choose a Specific sub- title such as: thanksgiving history, foods tradition, customs and why is important celebrate it. When the groups are ready, select a coordinator for each team. Then togethers ganna debate and extract the most relevant or important for them according the topic, that has each group. And after that all the groups make a power point with the informatins, and finally one student or coordinator prepare a power point or newspaper with all information of each group and support it. 5. create a role play according the theme, thanksgiving holidays (they should to create restaurants that will bring in Thanksgiving Day . after that create a creative name for the restaurant, as well as the menus and advertisements, including fliers and a slogan. the children will working on the project in groups of two or three, having ample time to brainstorm and conduct research. they consider popular Thanksgiving Day foods, such as cranberries, stuffing and turkey, when creating the menu.This role play will be perform in class. Observation: Students make a video relate with all the materels, and then prepare its at movie maker; this video will be realized in class with the different activities that requires the project. And then, send to you tube and me too. 9. Include a special student activity: 1- Realize a bulletin board or pamphlet with the most important information of thanksgiving (the student collect the most important

information, which was taught during the unit period, then she going to fix or prepare a bulletin in the classroom. Other hand their classmates support to explaining the bulletin).

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