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Demings 14 points on route of quality Deming Cycle(PDCA cycle) Seven Deadly diseases of Management System of Profound Knowledge

Create constancy of purpose towards improvement Adopt new philosophy Cease dependence on inspection Stop awarding business on price tag Improve constantly and forever the system

Institute training
Teach and institute leadership

Drive out fear, create trust and a climate for innovation Break down barriers between departments Eliminate slogans and targets for the work force Eliminate work standards on factory floor Remove barriers that rob people of pride of workmanship

Encourage education and self-empowerment for everyone

Take action to accomplish the transformation

Lack of consistency of purpose Emphasis on short term profits Reliance on performance appraisal and merits Staff mobility Reliance on financial figures Excessive medical costs Excessive legal costs

Appreciation for a system Knowledge of statistical theory Theory of knowledge Knowledge of psychology

Internal customer Cost of Quality Quality Triology Jurans 10 steps for Quality improvement The breakthrough concept

Each person from product designer to final user is a supplier and a customer




Failure cost scrap rework Appraisal cost Inspection Investigations Prevention cost Training Process improvement implementation

Quality Planning( Identify customer, develop process) Quality Control(Establish measurements, interpret difference) Quality improvement(Diagnose causes, provide remedies)

Awareness of need for improvement Set goals for improvement Organise to reach the goals Provide training Projects to solve problem Report progress Give recognition Communicate results Keep score Maintain momentum on improvement

Journey from symptom to Cause Journey from cause to remedy

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