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Staying Awake and be Always Ready and being Clothed in Christ Say, It is past midnight. It is nearly 2 am.

I just got back from night shift. So, I am writing in reply even though it will be quite a few hours before I attend Sunday mass at church. As usual Father Michael is brilliant, but not quite on point. As you know I will only comment on the gospels, as I do not quite agree with St. Paul on many of his missives. This 'staying awake and be always ready and being clothed in Christ' discourse of Father Michael, with due respect, should not be taken literally. We should not be like the ordinary congregation who cannot think for themselves. The end is always nigh but it is 'not too soon' as Jesus said. But the initial question should be asked as to who is going to heaven? Certainly not the worldly you or me! In fact it is quite irrelevant because the 'goat', the human being, the son of man cannot and can never be clothed in Christ! It is a sheer spiritual impossibility for it, him or her be clothed in Christ. To be a Christian should not be taken literally to be a worldly being, a human being, professing to be a Christian by going to church and reading the bible. That is the view of an egoist, a cultist, a narcissist and an irrational being. That is not taking Jesus's exhortation that flesh is flesh and spirit is spirit! To be clothed in Christ refers to being baptised by water and baptised by the Holy Spirit. That is the 'spiritual clothing'! A human being cannot wear 'spiritual clothing'. It is sheer nonsense! It is the 'sheep', the spirit son of God, entrapped in the worldly son of man that can wear the 'spiritual clothing'! Accordingly, to be awake and be ready refers to the awakening of the spirit son of God, the eternal angel that is in us that is lost in Sin City because of the Fall of Adam after the Original Sin! It is just silly for any human being like you and I to be ready to receive Jesus because the end of the world is near. That will never happen. It did not in the last 2000 years and will not in the next 200,000 years! The end is always near but it will always also be not too soon. There will be thousands of generations after us, before the cosmos implodes but then the cycle starts again with another Big Bang! The end of the world is just an imagery, of a curtain backdrop, to stir our spirit conscience and consciousness to hopefully awaken our eternal spirit son of God in our temporary human body. Our different human bodies, our worldly false self-ego and persona are not going to heaven. In Heaven we would not have thousands of people of different generations from the Neanderthal forebears or even apes of our ancestry clan or family tree all having dinner together! Good Lord! Heaven is not full of immortal ex-human beings in a ghost like spirit form. Heavenly beings have no different surnames or one looking like a 'tau si' (Indian) and another looking like a 'gweilo' (White man)! There are no female or male! Jesus said there is no marriage in Heaven! There are no husbands or wives or fathers and sons or baby boomers or Generation X or Y! It has been over 2000 years since Jesus died. It does not mean therefore that the dead from over the last 2000 years and our current generation are in the same time frame waiting for Christ! That would be ridiculous! How can we talk human worldly time and concepts when Jesus is talking eternal time. Not only that, when you are dealing in the mathematics of infinity there are no absolutes! There is no now, yesterday or tomorrow, no past present and future. Spiritual time is not like that. As angels of God we are already in Heaven. It is because we are lost in the Fall of

Adam, because we are angels going up and down Jacob's Ladder that we are not in Heaven! In fact we are already still in Heaven but yet we are not in our 'mind' in Heaven. It appears, if you get the spiritual message, that we have 'lost' our mind! We have gone bonkers or putting it more mildly we are 'lost' in a 'dream'! Ask yourself whether it was Jacob having a dream that he was an angel going up and down the stairway to Heaven or whether it was the angel dreaming that he was Jacob? Ask yourself what is meant by 'lost' in the Lost Prodigal Son. That who is 'lost' is the eternal spirit son of God, of the Spirit Father, not the son born of flesh from the sin of the flesh. Remember that Adam and Jesus were not born of the flesh! Neither was Eve, who was a 'clone' of Adam. We as human beings are not 'lost'. We are what we are in the 'flesh' in this human world. Yes, you are Say, and I am Chuan! We are born to die! That who is 'lost' can never die. If you are dead how can you be lost? You are dead and gone and not lost! Who is it in us that can never die? It is not the person you see in the mirror that is no longer 6 years old but now over 60 years old! But the person that saw itself wearing the face of a 6 year old child and now sees itself wearing the face of a 60+ year old man is the spirit of son of God in you! That is the angel that is 'lost'. Think! When Jesus said - 'Before Abraham, I am', what did he mean? Apply a bit of spiritual wisdom! Before the Cheok twins were consummated who were they? Who was Seng before he became Seng? If Jesus was the Son of God before Abraham was, who were the spirit sons of God, the 'angels', before they became Say, Chuan and Seng, or whatever else they might have been in earlier passages up and down Jacob's Ladder? The three of us are together in this existence because of our affinity with each other in past existences! That is the 'angel' that has to stay awake and be alert to the Good Shepherd when he comes calling for his lost 'sheep'! So, today's gospel reading from Matthew 24:37-44 is simply telling us not to be a 'goat'. Worldly knowledge and literal interpretation are not going to help in understanding the parables of Jesus. Spiritual wisdom is required. Do not end up like St Paul who made a worldly religion to humans out of Jesus's spiritual messages to the spirit in man. We are saving our eternal souls not immortalising our human persona or body. As a good lawyer would say - it is the 'spirit' of the law not the 'letter' of the law that counts. That phrase came about from what Jesus said about having to speak in parables, so that only the (worldly) blind can see. Please tell me you understand. It is because you keep not understanding that makes me keep reverting to my Zen meditation to allay and calm my frustration. Be 'charitable' to yourself before you can be 'charitable' to others. This is very Zen because that is what Jesus said you have to do. So to be clothed in Christ you must, in being charitable to yourself, in granting yourself the wish to go to Heaven, 'not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing' (Matthew 6:3). So, get rid of the 'goat' of an 'ego' and set the egoless eternal spirit son of God in you that is without mark, label, name, colour, race or agenda or 'hands' - 'free'! Say, Just got back from church. I was not going to go, but Father John's father died last week, so I thought it was best to personally convey my condolence. Father John's sermon harped on preparing for the 2nd coming. There is no such thing as a second coming in a worldly sense! All the generations before us since Christ died were misled in this sense. There will definitely be no second coming in this sense in our lifetime. So, ignore any such inference or connotation. It is nonsensical! In our worldly being, as a human being, we reborn and re-die every second! In that sense there will always be a continuum of 'second comings', until we die. Our death will be the final 'second coming'! I repeat. There is no 'second coming' in a worldly sense in worldly time.

Jesus said that the 'spirit' comes and goes whither and when nobody knows. Spiritually you must think of the 'second coming' in that sense of a spiritual metaphor. It is not to be understood in worldly time. We do not have a spiritual time clock to understand spiritual time. It is inconceivable. In fact the way we measure worldly time is artificial and arbitrary, there are different calendars! We do not know when is the beginning of the Big Bang! Our hours and minutes and days are based on the rotation of the sun and the moon and even then it is not scientifically exact. In fact we do not really know when Jesus was born or died! So, let us be serious and not indulge in the fantasy of a definitive 'second coming' in worldly time. It is just a metaphor! So Father John's sermon about being prepared for Christ's second coming must be taken as just 'mundane talk' for the common congregation. We must think with spiritual wisdom not worldly wisdom or knowledge! Spiritual preparedness is of our soul or our eternal spirit son of God in us, and not of the mortal egoistic son of man in us. Being prepared is about having the right constant daily mental or meditative attitude towards our worldly existence - that is, be good, be humble, be filial, be pious and most of all be skilfully and carefully mindful of the fact that in spiritual fallout terms - we reap what we sow! In common jargon, do not alienate God with our incessant sins. We sin, ask for forgiveness, and sin again, and the cycle goes on and on! Is that being prepared? Keep focused on Jacob's Ladder! Be prepared and being ready in 'spirit' terms means be filial to the Spirit Father. It means being humble by humbling our ego before God (Thou shall have no idol before me) rather than being humble in a worldly sense by being deferential to other worldly beings because of their status, wealth or power! Salvation is between us and God, between the Spirit Father and his spirit sons! To be prepared means to be at peace with ourself, our family, our friends, our neighbours - that way we are at peace with God. Unless we are at peace with God and virtuous and right in his eyes, how can we reconcile with God? Our 'ego' will stand in the way! Be prepared means ready for reconciliation between Father and sons as in the parable of the Lost Prodigal Son! Being awake spiritually means not to be in a drunken stupor with our worldly egoistic being! Awake in spiritual terms means being in the 'light' rather than being or abiding in the 'dark' of Sin City. Metaphorically 'darkness' is like or as if we are asleep at night and floundering in our dreams or nightmares. Basically the son of man is lost in the darkness of his dream of having an ego self! That is the Original Sin of Adam which led to his Fall and separation from God. Love and God bless! Chuan 1/12/13

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