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Mack 1 Willie C.

Mack IV Professor Leslie Wolcott ENC 1102 4 September 2013

M Perso!al Narrati"e Ma! people #ai! t$e ma%orit of t$eir literac from sc$ool as &ell as t$e assi#!me!ts t$at t$e #i"e o't. I ca!!ot sa t$at I (i(!)t (o t$e same t$i!#* b't &$e! it comes to lear!i!# abo't $o& to t pe a!( (o ma! tasks o! t$e comp'ter I $a( to lear! a completel (iffere!t &a . W$e! I first 'se( a comp'ter* I &as at m #ra!(pare!t)s $o'se 'si!# a! ol( I+M comp'ter. M first "i(eo #ame t$at I pla e( o! it &as a classic #ame 'si!# a flopp (isk calle( Comma!(er ,ee!. It &as a si(e scrolli!# s$ooter a("e!t're #ame i! &$ic$ o' !ee(e( to resc'e o'r sister from a! alie! bree(. -$e #ame itself allo&e( me to impro"e o! m $a!(.e e coor(i!atio!. I co!ti!'e( to impro"e o! pla i!# (iffere!t #e!res of "i(eo #ames s'c$ as books $a"e (iffere!t #e!res so (o "i(eo #ames. -$e creatio! of t$e i!ter!et to t$e p'blic (efi!itel altere( m "ie& of ma! #ames. /fter recei"i!# a! /0L (isk to i!stall for t$e (ial.'p i!ter!et co!!ectio! at $ome* I be#a! to e1plore sites s'c$ as MSN a!( 2a$oo. -$ere* I &o'l( rea( some of t$e !e&s $ea(li!es t$at &ere locate( o! t$e pa#e. It $elpe( a to!* beca'se I (i(!)t rea( ma! books t$at &ere!)t assi#!e( o'tsi(e of sc$ool. / fe& ears later* /-3- starte( to pro"i(e faster i!ter!et access calle( 4SL* &$ic$ lea( to m (isco"er of a #ame calle( 5'!escape back i! 2006. It is a $'#e a("e!t're #ame i! &$ic$ o' !ee( to le"el ma! skills 'p to obtai! certai! items or to (o 7'ests &it$i! t$e #ame itself.

Mack 2 -$e #ame ta'#$t me $o& to t pe faster a!( more proficie!tl * &$ile teac$i!# me $o& to 'se se"eral (iffere!t acro! ms. It e"e! $elpe( impro"e m E!#lis$ b comm'!icati!# &it$ t$e se"eral pla ers &$o &ere pla i!# t$e #ame at t$e time. If I (i(!)t k!o& a certai! &or( t$at &as t pe( i! t$e c$at bo1* t$e! I &o'l( procee( to look 'p t$e (efi!itio! of t$e &or( &it$ t$e 'se of a (ictio!ar . Later* I co!ti!'e( to e1pa!( m k!o&le(#e abo't comp'ters b taki!# a class i! $i#$ sc$ool abo't $o& to create o'r o&! &ebsite a!( e(it pict'res &it$ t$e 'se of /(obe soft&are. It ca! be a! e!tertai!i!# pro%ect e(iti!# pict'res b maki!# t$e pict'res look #oof b &arpi!# t$e face or part of t$e t$i!# bei!# e(ite(. 4ream&ea"er a!( P$otos$op are t$e !ames of t$e pro#rams t$at I 'se( i! t$e co'rse* a!( ('e to m back#ro'!( &it$ comp'ters* I ofte! $a( to $elp t$e ot$er st'(e!ts i! t$e class to complete t$e assi#!me!ts t$at &ere ('e for t$at (a . -$ereafter* I &as taki!# e!#i!eeri!# classes i! 8i#$ Sc$ool t$at ta'#$t me $o& to pro#ram (iffere!t soft&are. 0!e of m first pro%ects &as b'il(i!# a (e"ice to sort (iffere!t colore( marbles i!to t$eir o&! (esi#!ate( bi!s. -$e team t$at I &as part!ere( &it$ ma(e o'r o&! #oal i! attempti!# to make a (e"ice t$at 'se( fe&er parts t$a! a! ot$er #ro'p i! t$e class. We procrasti!ate( 7'ite a bit to aro'!( t$e last &eek of t$e pro%ect* t$o'#$ &e s'ccee(e( &it$ t$e 'se of abo't 14 parts* 2 motors* a!( a car(boar( bi! for t$e marbles. /fter I became c'rio's abo't t$e i!!er &orki!#s of a comp'ter* I (eci(e( to take o!e apart a!( see for m self. I took apart t$e ol( I+M comp'ter b'rie( a&a i! t$e #ara#e to see e"er t$i!# from t$e processor to t$e ram c$ips a!( to t$e $ar( (ri"e. Later* I fi!all be#a! to b'il( m o&! comp'ter at $ome after b' i!# se"eral of t$e alrea( o!es from t$e store. -$e b'il(i!# process o!l laste( abo't t&o (a s* so it &as!)t too ba(* b't t$e &ait for t$e

Mack 3 parts to come i! took abo't a &eek)s time. I &ill al&a s fi!( &a s to e1pa!( o! m tec$!olo#ical literac &it$ !e& i!"e!tio!s t$at come o't or !e& 'ses for &or(s. -$erefore* I lear! more t$a! I e"er &o'l( b rea(i!# i!formati"e articles off of t$e i!ter!et i!stea( of from a book. M $a!(.e e coor(i!atio! is top !otc$ from pla i!# "i(eo #ames for most of m life. I also ca! create ma! (iffere!t ima#es a!( &ebsites b 'si!# pro('cts ma(e b a(obe. W$e! a !e& piece of tec$!olo# comes o't* I ca! !ormall fi#'re o't $o& to 'se all of its feat'res &it$i! t$e first (a &it$o't i!str'ctio!s. I &ill co!ti!'e to lear! eac$ a!( e"er (a t$ro'#$ t$e 'se of tec$!olo# .

Mack 4 Work Cite( +ra!(t* 4ebora$. 9Spo!sors of Literac .: College Composition and Communication* Vol. 4;* No. 2. <Ma * 1;;=>* pp. 16?.1=?. Pri!t.

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