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Maria Morales English 10 P.

2 Family Interview Interview #1: My Aunt, Maria Teresa Lara Maria: How was a typical day in your childhood? Aunt: In the morning, I would wake up, and get ready to go to school. We would eat breakfast and go to school. At lunch time I would hang out with my two friends, and would play around the school. When I got home, my mom would wait for us at home with dinner ready. After dinner we would clean up the house, I always got to wash the dishes. In Ensenada, where I lived, at 5 PM we would watch the television. We would watch Scoobydoo, the Flintstones, batman and robin, King Kong and more. After watching television, I would go outside with my siblings and neighbors to play baseball, La Culebra. Around 8 we would get inside to eat a snack. After eating we would go to sleep. Maria: During your childhood, what were some difficulties in your family? Aunt: A difficulty would be the absence of my father, because he worked far from where we lived. He would come and visit us every month for one weekend. I felt like I needed his presence to feel secure. Because he was the strength of the house, and our family was lacking a little of that. My mom then became the strong person Maria: What were your dreaming jobs? Why? Aunt: My dream job was to study to be a secretary. That is because I always liked how they looked. Also I admired their way of typing fast in their typewriters. Maria: Where theyre any political struggles going on where you lived? Or in another place? Aunt: A struggle in Hermosillo there was like a rebellion from the teachers in Hermosillo, where I lived. I saw how they were proclaiming something in a park. It was close to my house, and always saw the action that was going on. I didnt understand what they were claiming or what their problem was. Maria: Who was your biggest inspiration? Why? Aunt: I always liked the family of my neighbor, Paula. This was because it was a family that had everything. They had things that I wanted. For example, they had a dad, and I had one but he was not always there for me. I saw how her husband would get from his job and

his family would be there waiting for him. Another inspiration for me was a famous singer, Juan Gabriel because even though he had different sexual views, and in that time it was like a hard topic to talk about, it was controversial, he still was persistent and strong. All the bad commentaries didnt affect him, and he was able to succeed in his career. Maria: How do you describe your relationship with your siblings? Aunt: My relationship with them I would describe it as a union of sisterhood, empathy, solidarity, a lot of familiar love, with honesty. With our feelings, we are very honest with each other, even if sometimes is a bad emotion or feeling, we are always there for each other. Maria: What are some events that have marked you in a positive way? Aunt: An event that has marked me in a positive way is when I graduated from the career of secretary and auxiliary of accountability. I felt very proud of myself, because I always liked what I was doing, and that day I made it official, I felt very important. Another event is the day of my wedding, the birth of my children, and when I took care of my dad. These were positive events that marked my life because it was like special and happy moments in my life. Maria: How did you meet your currently loving partner? Aunt: I met my husband at the wedding of my sister. He invited me to dance with me, we danced all night. From there he started to take me out to dates, and started giving me special gifts. He was vey romantic. Then it came the time when he asked me to marry him, and I accepted. Maria: Are you happy with the family you have formed? Why? Aunt: Yes I am happy with the family we have formed, my husband and me because thanks to God, and the values we have fostered they are healthy, athletic, and responsible. Maria: What would be something you would change from your past? Why? Aunt: I would change from my past, the fact that I was an insecure person and my fears because I was not let to be the person I wanted to be. Those facts from me didnt let me be a free person. I was able to speak freely and able to express my feelings, then I think it would be different, and maybe also my life. Also I would change to be a strong person, to be like a rock to my mom when she was going through difficult moments. Interview #2: My dad, Luis Morales Maria: How was a typical day in your childhood?

Dad: I would wake up, then my sister or my mom would make me breakfast and I would eat. Then I would go to school in the morning, but then changed in the afternoon, then to the morning. When I got home, I would eat, and then would go outside to play with my friends. We would play, soccer, canicas, trompo, and more Mexican popular games. Then when it got late I would get in the house to eat something, then Ill do my homework, and go to sleep Maria: During your childhood, what were some difficulties in your family? Dad: A difficult was that my dad was not at home with us/me. He worked in Costa Mesa, California, and he came every 15-day to visit us in Rosarito, Baja California. I really missed his presence. Every summer vacation or any break from school, I would go with. I stayed with family friends, and when he came back from work, we would hang out. I missed my dad in my school activities and at sport games. Something was missing and it was he. Maria: What were your dreaming jobs? Why? Dad: I dreamed of being a professional basketball and soccer player because in my teen years I practiced those sports. Then I wanted to be an auxiliary at airplane mechanics, because I really liked it and I thought it was interesting the study of mechanics in airplanes. My sisters husband was a pilot, and he would teach stuff about airplanes. I went with him, and I was into it. Maria: Where theyre any political struggles going around where you lived? Or in another place? Dad: I was involved in a political campaign that helped the political group-PRI, which he was supporting. He would inform people about the group and tried to get their vote. There was rivalry between the political groups for example the strongest ones where PRI and PAN. Every time we would go through the streets in Rosarito, people would sometimes throw us tomatoes and even rocks because they didnt like our group (PRI). Maria: Who was your biggest inspiration? Why? Dad: My biggest inspiration was my mom because she was always supportive of me. She was always leading me to take the right decisions and she was always there for me. When I was ten years old my dad died, and she got closer to me because I would always be with him. Then I became her rock/strong person for her, and we became closer. Maria: How do you describe your relationship with your siblings? Dad: My relationship with my brothers and sisters would be like, even in the good or in the bad moments we are always there for each other. Communication in our family is a very

big factor between us, especially with my sisters. We always go through everything together and supportive. Maria: What are some events that have marked you in a positive way? Dad: The first one is when I went to a soccer clinic in Washington where teams from all over the world would go. One time we went out to eat pizza, and some important people asked us if we were professional players. That was a very important moment for me, I felt very special and important. My second event was when I married your mom, it was a very special moment for me, and it was a big step in my life. Another important event was when my first child, your brother, was born it was a very magical and special event, and again it was a big step for me. Maria: How did you meet your currently love partner? Dad: I first saw your mom at one of my soccer games. At a white and black themed party it was the first time I asked her to dance with me. Your mom came in with another guy. They were sitting at a table, and then I just asked her if she would dance with me, and she accepted, I basically stole her from that boy. I knew she was vey special, and she is specially now. Maria: Are you happy with the family you have formed? Why? Dad: I am happy with my loving partner because she is very important and special to me. We have been through ups and down, and weve got through it together, and that is why I love her. The best are four children we have raised, they make me very happy and I love them with all my life. We all form a happy, valuable, loving, and strong family, which I am proud of. Maria: What would be something you would change from your past? Why? Dad: I would change that my dad would be there for me, through the years he wouldve been with me. I really needed his presence and advices. I would have wanted him to see me grow up and see the strong person I became to be. Reflection: Questions that worked really well are, how was a typical day in your childhood? Who was your biggest inspiration? What are some events that have marked you in a positive way? And what would be something you would change from your past? These questions because they got me more information from my aunt and dad. What were your dreaming jobs? How do you describe your relationship with your siblings? These were the questions that I believed needed more improvement because I did not get like a lot of information from my aunt and dad. I discovered that both my aunt and dad had kind of a

tough childhood because their dads were missing. In that aspect my life has been different because I have my dad, and he has been in my special moments. This gives me insight in the sub-driving question because I am lucky that I have a loving and united family, I really matter for them.

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