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Classroom Management Plan

Brenda Linville EDU 650 Teaching Learning and Leading in the 21st Century Prof. Joyce Frazier December 2, 2013

CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT Grade level: 10-12 Grade Subject: Sociology

As teachers, it is important to remember that our core values will follow us into the classroom. What we truly believe is what we will expect from our students. I will encourage, interact, and promote learning with a management plan that gives students opportunities to succeed and create a safe learning environment. There are three core beliefs I have: 1. All students want to learn 2. Students are not your friend 3. All students want discipline

Goal of the classroom

The goal of the classroom is to ensure that each student receives an education that is engaging and rewarding. All students will be treated as individuals and will be respected by the teacher. Each and every student will have opportunities to complete tasks to his/her own abilities.

Rules and expectations

I will give students the opportunity to help establish the classroom rules and expectations. I will have the students brainstorm ideas for establishing the classroom rules and consequences for breaking the rules. When students are allowed to participate in the rule making, they then have ownership in the classroom environment. Each class will come up with a set of rules and expectations. I will guide them to create rules that are conductive to learning such as: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Come to class on time quietly and begin work immediately Bring all required materials to class. Wait for permission before speaking or moving around the room. No swearing or teasing, always use manners. Do not touch other people or things that do not belong to you.


Role of the Student

To Learn. A student's role in the class is very basic. In order to learn, students must be willing to take chances, be courageous, and make decisions. Students must take responsibility for their own learning as well as take ownership in the classroom and encourage other students to learn. To obey. A student has the responsibility to obey the rules set in the classroom. This is to ensure that every student has a safe learning environment and to encourage cooperation in the classroom. To report problems. Students have a responsibility to report a problem when it occurs. Whether the problem is concerning another student or a safety issue, it is very important that students know they can be heard and respected for coming forward. Each student also has a responsibility to tell the teacher when they do not understand instructions. Students must feel comfortable approaching the teacher concerning assignment issues.

Role of the Teacher

Monitor the classroom. As a teacher it is my responsibility to be aware of all situations that occur in the classroom. I can better do this by walking around the room and giving attention to individual students. Set clear rules and procedures. Posting rules at eye level so that all students can see them will help to remind the students of what is expected of them. Also, practicing the rules and discussing hypothetical situations can help to draw a clearer picture for the students. I can model behaviors that will be expected of each student in the classroom. Practice with procedures. I will have the students practice room arrangements, coming in and out of the room, and how to move about the room during instruction time. I will explain to the students the purpose of the procedure and have each student practice the procedure. Throughout the year, these procedures may need to be revisited to ensure they are being followed correctly by each student.


I will provide a wall chart for different seating arrangements. The students will be able to have a copy of the rules and procedures available at any time. I will also provide a handout for daily procedures that need to be addressed, such as passing out papers, homework collection, textbook and handouts, and speaking in class. Provide learning experiences that promote student engagement. By using technology, I can model appropriate subject content to the students. I can challenge myself to have a website that is interactive with the students. I can provide students with appropriate time to use technology in groups or as individuals to promote student learning and creativity. I can strategically place students together to collaborate and use each other's learning styles to enhance projects. I will allow students to work with one another to promote social skills, critical thinking skills, and problem solving skills. By using virtual environments I can also promote respect and responsibly for good citizenship while using technology. (NETS-T) Be a good model of behavior. It is my responsibility to set a good model for the students. I will keep my tone of voice low when addressing individual students. I will raise my voice only to project the lesson instruction. I will not yell at the students, belittle the students, or make the students feel unwanted in the classroom. I will accomplish this by being a good listener, making eye contact with the students and having enthusiasm for the subject matter. Life Long Learner. I will participate in local community activities that help me develop as a professional. I will be aware of changing attitudes, technology, and strategies that help my students learn. I will attend and participate in teacher professional learning opportunities and attend continuing education courses that will ensure I am giving my students the most up-todate learning skills. (NETS-T)

Behavior Management


Consequences for appropriate behavior. I will follow school guidelines and expectations for rewarding appropriate behavior. I will ensure that I "catch" students doing the right thing and mention it to them. Each student will also be assessed on their behavior and participation during class time. By having a percentage of their grade related to their behavior, I can help to promote good behavior in the classroom. As a reward for good behavior I can allow students to have "free time" at the end of the week. Students can then have choices of what to do with their free time, such as read, do homework, or play appropriate games in class. Consequences for inappropriate behavior. Students with negative behavior will be addressed immediately. Their consequence can range from lowering their classroom participation grade to being asked to leave the room. By addressing behavior quickly I can earn respect from the class as a teacher who ensures that everyone has a safe learning environment. I will be fair and swift with the consequences for inappropriate behavior. Rule Enforcement. I will provide each student with a behavior contract. This contract will state the classroom rules, procedures, and consequences for breaking the rules. I will have each student and his/her parent sign the contract. I will also give each student a copy of the contract to keep. I will follow school protocol when enforcing rules for the classroom.

Room arrangement and Student Placement

The arrangement of the room can be very beneficial to learning. I like to move the desks around to match the learning activity. Although having the seating in rows can promote individual learning, sometimes it is necessary to have cluster seating or some other arrangement of the seats that will promote all students to focus on presentations. To ensure that each student knows the proper seating arrangement and to make sure they are able to move the desks quickly and efficiently, the class will have to practice the different seating arrangements. To increase instruction time, the students will need to practice the room arrangements many times to become proficient at it. Five room arrangements:


Theater seating

Row seating is great for individual learning. It is also good for testing, lecture and monitoring the student's activities. It also lowers the risk of cheating and discussions that are off task.

Theater seating is a great way to ensure that each student is focused in the same direction. It also encourages discussion after the presentation.

Quad clusters

Partner seating

Quad seating is great for group projects and for grouping a-like learners together.

Debate seating

Partner seating is a great way to accompany higher learners with students who may need additional help. Learning to work collaboratively can also help students with social skills. Debate style seating puts the students in close proximity to one another in the group to encourage discussion. One student is elected to the front to be the speaker for the group.

Red: talkative student Gray: special needs Green: pull out /near door Yellow: best friends


Education., I. S. (2008). National Education Teachers Standards. Retrieved November 2, 2013, from ISTE: Goldstein, N. M. (2001). Behavior Modification in the Classroom. Retrieved November 3, 2013, from LD Online: McIntyre, T. (n.d.). Environmental Engineering: Arranging your classroom Environmnet for Optimal Functioning. Retrieved Novmeber 1, 2013, from Behavior Advisor: Newman, R. (2013). Teaching and learning in the 21st century: Connecting the dots. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. This text is a Constellation course digital materials (CDM) title

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