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Consumer Behavior

A product or service costing over $100 that performs a utilitarian function

Submitted to: Sir Malik Husnain

Submitted by: Haris Khan
Class: BBA- 8M
Enroll# 01-111132-064
Date: 03/05/19
Questionnaire (Depth Interview)
Q: Who bought the product or service?
Q: Identify all those who played a role in the decision process. What role did they play?
Q: What problems did the product/service solve? What functions would it facilitate?
Q: What attributes seemed important?
Q: Was it a first time decision? A review of a previous decision? A casual decision? Was the
amount of deliberation appropriate to the decision?
Q: What triggered the process?
Q: Was there an information search? How was the search conducted? How much information
was collected? What sources were used? When in the process was information gathered?
Q: How many alternatives were evaluated? Why those?
Q: How was the final choice determined?
Q: Where you buy the product? Why there?
Q: How often is the product used or consumed? Who uses it? When? Where? How often?
What feelings and opinions surround the consumption experience?
Q: How long has the relationship been going on? How has it evolved and changed over time?
What terms best describe the relationship: good, bad, mixed, ambivalence, dependency, casual,
partners, exploited, exploitative, good friends?
My cousin recently bought an iPhone 6s for PKR 30,000. The factors which played a vital role in
the decision process are (1) He already used IPhone, previously. (2) He wanted to buy iPhone
because first time he saw it with his elder brother (IPHONE6S) and he used it. (3) He was
committed that I will buy an iPhone once I get a job.
This product plays functions of communication and its security is good. It is easy to use. And the
problem it solves is, that he uses it very rough and it is in good shape, still. It does not get stuck
or hand.
It was careful decision based on previous experiences. And he wanted to buy it for a long time.
The process was triggered by the desire that one day he will be able to buy iPhone with his own
money when he gets job. The information was basically gathered before the purchase decision as
he had already used it before and other models of iPhone and Samsung. The other alternatives
were Huawei and Samsung.
The final choice was determined as he only wanted to buy an iPhone and was not having enough
money to buy the new iPhone X or any other upgraded model so he decided to buy IPhone 6s.
He buys it in a mobile store near his office.
He utilizes it all the time, whether he is in office or home. In office he use it for official work.
And when he is free he use it for communication and in leisure time. Now it’s been a couple of
months that he is using it. He is happy and enjoying.
Consumer Behavior
His behavior was influenced by previous experience. He used iPhone 3 and 5s previously, and
also used Samsung but form a long time now he is loyal customer of iPhone.

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