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Lesson Plan

Title: Going on a Bear Hunt

Grade: Subject:

Pre K/Kindergarten Literature/Science

Key Goal: Learning natural elements & surroundings through: 1) Reading 2) Virtual Trip Essential Question: What are the different types of elements on a bear hunt?

Learning Standards: Early Childhood Standard of Quality for Pre-Kindergarten

Michigan State Board of Education

Early Learning Experience C: Understand print and book handling concepts including directional titles Experiment with sounds, rhyming alliteration and phonological awareness Show progress in listening attention ally avoiding interrupting others

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Lesson Plan
View multimedia materials to gain, information for pleasure, to add to their understanding of written material. Learning Objectives: Students will be able to: Show interest in books Experience a virtual field trip Understand the concept of : Over, Under & Through Identify the natural elements: 1. Dirt/Mud 2. Grass/Vegetation 3. Rain/River 4. Snow/Snowstorm Materials Needed: After reading Michael Rosen & Helen Oxenbury edition of, Were Going on a Bear Hunt, discuss the different element in the story. Technology: Computer and Virtual Reality software which includes: Three-dimensional
images that appear to be life-sized from the perspective of the user and the ability to track motions, particula-rly head and eye movements, and correspondingly adjust the images on the user's display to reflect the change in perspective

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