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New Voices Fellowship for Screenwriters Checklist

Deadline: Dec 15, 2013; Mail application folder to: To do list: 1. Print out application: nvfs_2013-14_application_form_version2 2. Find out how to register script/story & how long it takes and register: Film Writers Association Mumbai, go to: and for the Copyright Office go to: a. Please note that both the story and the first three pages of the proposed script MUST be registered either with any film writers association or with the Indian Copyright Office. (There are several film writers associations in India. A search on the Internet will give you their details.) 3. Write Covering Note: 1 page/~500 words; who you are; short note on your reasons for applying to this fellowship. Please mention if you have done any screenwritingrelated work (not done), written for newspapers, magazines, etc. Please mention other creative work you may have undertaken. 4. Write the Story: Word limit: 3000-4500 words. dramatic potential to expand into a featurelength screenplay. 5. Write the Synopsis and Objective: A 300-word summary of the story. Additionally, 150200 words on what it is that you find interesting about the story, and what the story is trying to say. 6. Write the First Three Pages of the Script: Develop the beginning of your story as a three page script (refer: nvfs_sample_script_reference). 7. Reread Rules, Regulations & Disclaimer and FAQs in nvfs_asia society fellowship before submitting. Check that your name, address, phone number or any other identifying information does not appear on the title page or any other page of the story and the proposed script. 8. Fill out application 9. Scan completed application. 10. Mail in Completed Application, Covering Note, Synopsis and Objective, Story, and Three Pages of Script before deadline!!!!!

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