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Clare Paronich Final Growth Statement Edug 789 Last semester in Education 787, I learned to use the WIAT

and to score it. Upon entering Education 789, I did not know how much more there was to learn about special education testing. However, between the two classes, I have learned very important information about special education and how a child comes to be in special education. Additionally, I worked with my student again from last semester and I was able to see the beneficial effects of the extra help given to a struggling student. While in this course, I became familiar with an IEP (Individual Education Plan). I learned what is written in an IEP and who writes it. An IEP is confidential and parents have the final say in what the IEP includes, which means that IEPs do not always contain the most accurate information. One of the most important parts of the IEP is the goals section. When the goals are written, they have to be specific and measurable otherwise they will not help the student grow and learn. Working with my student again this semester helped me realize the importance of special education testing and setting goals for our students. Although my student was not a bad student by any means, she did struggle in some areas, which was evident from her WIAT scores. By creating and setting measureable, observable goals for my student, she began to improve in her reading comprehension and mathematics skills. These are two very important subject areas to improve in. Each week, we would work on one of the areas and have a mini lesson to work with her. Over the course of the semester, my students skills improved significantly. In conclusion, after being enrolled in both Education 787 and 789, my knowledge about special education has grown. I am more aware of the testing and what comes after the testing. I am

knowledgeable about IEPs and how to write one. I feel that after taking this course, I can feel comfortable student teaching in a special education classroom next semester.

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