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Neal 1 Megan Neal Mr.

Harrell English Composition I 4 November 2013 There's Still Hope Have you ever thought about how hard it would be losing both of your parents before you even turned eighteen? For most teenagers, this isnt a thought that ever crosses their mind. You never expect to lose both of your parents at such a young age, and when you do, words cannot explain how hard it is to carry on each day, stay positive and put a smile on your face. Elizabeth "Liz" Karam is a prime example of why there are many reasons to still carry on with your life, even with the loss of both parents, because there is still hope and a possibility for a successful future. Liz is a graduate of Barberton High School. Liz graduated last year and now is a student at Walsh University. Before graduating high school though, Liz was a proud member of the Barberton Magics' Band and now is a member of the Walsh band. Although Liz loves participating in the Walsh band, her main focus right is becoming a nurse. Liz said, "I go to Walsh because they are one of the best in nursing and they are close to home. Aside from me having pre-calculus with Liz last year, I also work with her at the Norton Subway. Liz had a pretty normal life with her big family; mom, dad, three older brothers and one younger sister. Rob, the oldest brother, is married to Darlene and they have one son, Robby. The second oldest is Mike and he is married to Katie, with one daughter, Melanie. And the youngest is Tim, and he is engaged to Aubrey. Liz's younger sister, Laura just graduated when she did. Liz is kind, smart, fun and easygoing. But most importantly, Liz has proven to me and many others how strong she

Neal 2 really is. Having lost her dad to a heart attack on September 29, 2003 and losing her mom on December 9, 2012 to the same cause, Liz has still managed to graduate high school, start college and work two jobs; even with her shrinking family. Liz said, "I lost both of my parents before I even turned eighteen and graduated. That was really hard." Ultimately, Liz has proven that even in the worst of situations, there is still hope. I was questioning if I really wanted to interview Liz for this profile essay because I thought that this would be a hard topic for her to talk about. I really wanted to though, because her story is so interesting and unique. I texted Liz and told her that I wanted to interview her for an assignment and asked if she worked that night. She was so excited, which I didnt expect, and she did work with me that night so it was perfect; I could ask her questions at work. Any free time we had at work, we were talking about her parents. She said: My dad had Liver Disease, which affected his heart. He was in surgery, open heart surgery for the third time, after having a heart attack. He died while he was in surgery. My sister, Laura, and I were at my grandma's house; we stayed the night there because all of the stuff that was going on; even though we didn't know what was going on because my mom kept it a secret. We were making Get Well Soon cards, expecting him to come home. We knew he was sick, but not the details. Dad went into surgery and when my mom got home, she told us the news. All my sister and I kept asking was, Where is daddy? Where is daddy? we were so confused and too young to understand. I mean I was only eight and my sister was only seven. I also remember my brothers standing in the driveway; they knew more of what was going on than us girls, since they were older of course.

Neal 3 I couldnt imagine being eight years old and hearing that my dad had just passed away. I just couldnt imagine being so young and losing someone that you have been so close with and loved so dearly. I understand that talking about losing her father now is easier because it has been over a decade, but it still takes some strength to answer questions about it, without shedding a tear. That right there proves how strong Liz truly is. After a couple of pauses in our discussion (because of costumers), I continued to ask Liz questions. This time I wanted to ask about her mom. I knew that this topic would be a little bit harder for her to talk about since it hasnt even been a year yet since her mom passed away. I thought maybe that this topic would make her shed some tears but it didnt; she was just as calm, cool and collected as when I asked questions about her dad. This surprised me again and proved, once again, how strong Liz is. She said: My mom had a heart attack. When my mom went to the emergency room because of it, I was at work. I was nervous when I got the news, we all were nervous. I wasnt sure what was going on. I left work and went straight to the hospital. I felt bad leaving my co-workers but they understood and were just as concerned for my family as I was. I wasnt at the hospital for too long before the doctor came out and pronounced her dead, it felt as if a part of me had just died; a part of my heart had just died. The tension in the room was so thick that you could cut it with a knife. We waited in the IC room, it felt like hours. It was definitely hard to be there, it felt like a dream. I could see in Lizs eyes how much she loved her mother. I could tell how much she misses her and how hard it was for her to lose her last parent. I went on to ask Liz if she was more of a

Neal 4 mommys girl or a daddys girl. She laughed and said, It definitely depended on the moment. When Dad was alive, I was definitely a spoiled rotten daddys girl. But after he died, I mentally grew up a lot and became a mommys girl. I was always helping her because of her disabilities. We became a lot closer. Liz was happy that she became a lot closer with her mom before she passed away. She is thankful that she had such and strong and special bond with both of her parents; something that some children will never experience with their parents. I started thinking about how hard it is going to funerals and calling hours, let alone for your mother and your fathers. She said, For my dads funeral and calling hours, I wasnt involved at all with it because I was so young. I wasnt mentally there because I still didnt understand what was going on. I didnt know what a funeral truly meant. For my mom, it was very hard because I knew exactly what was going on and I was very involved in the funeral and calling hours. There has been a lot that has changed for Liz, after leaving her moms funeral. She said: I live with my brother, Rob, now. Living at Robs is hell. Him being my older brother and being so protective over me prevents me from being allowed to do what I want and have freedom. I understand somewhat but Im eighteen, I should be allowed to do what I want. I cant stay out passed 11:30pm even when I dont leave work until 10:30pm, I cant stay at my boyfriends house, I cant do anything without him twenty-one questioning me. My parents were strict and all but never this bad. Living with my older brother definitely is a big difference than living with my parents.

Neal 5 There are a lot of things that Liz misses about living with her parents since she dislikes living with her brother. She said, Oh my gosh, there is so much that I miss. I miss the car rides with them, all seven of us going places, it was always an adventure. I miss being able to talk to them when things get hard or confusing. I also miss my moms home cooked mealsso much! Sometimes we take so much for granted that when it is taken away from us, you never expected to miss it as much as you do. Liz realized (even if she didnt take these things for granted) that she misses them so much and would do anything to just have one more car ride with them, one more home cooked meal. Nowadays, Liz is a typical working, college student. She is in a happy relationship with Ian and she loves him with all of her heart. They have been together for a year and two months and she is so happy that he got to meet her mother before she passed away. Liz said: My mom loved Ian and Im so glad that she approved of him. Because in five years, I could see myself marrying him and one day having kids. Im so excited to have a family of my own with him. Ian and my friends of course, are what keep me so strong. With them I would have gone crazy by now. Just knowing that they are there whenever I need them and that they are proud of me is enough to keep me sane. I know they love me and would do anything for me. They are what motivate me to succeed and my parents, of course. I know my parents are looking down at me, waiting for me to graduate college and start my career. I know they cant wait for me to have a family and have my happy ending. I know they are excited to see what my kids look like. I know they are looking after me, and thats all that matters.

Neal 6 Liz is definitely an influence in my life. She has taught me that no matter what happens, there will always be hope for the future. God will always find a way to bring happiness into anyones life, whether positive or negative things surround them. Liz is a strong young lady who has managed to bring hope into her life, even in the hardest of situations. She is smart, funny, easygoing, strong-willed and caring. She has proven to me and any others that she will forever stand tall with her head held high because she knows that Robert I. Karam, Jr. and Michele T. Karam are looking after her, and thats all that matters.

Neal 7 Work Cited Karam, Liz. Personal Interview. 21 October 2013.

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