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Travis Kornely

Classroom Management Plan

Behaviorist theories of motivation are based on the ideas of psychologist B.F. Skinner. His theory revolves around the idea of reinforcement for behavior that you would like to be repeated and punishment for negative or unwanted behavior. 1. Students walk in greet them at the door. 2. Have on the board what will be doing all week. 3. Have homework on desk if applicable 4. Explain in detail what is expected at the beginning of each day.

Preventative approaches to controlling a class

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Removal from the shop for a day if behavior is bad. Proximity approach. Sit in the room and assign book work instead of shop work. Soft whisper to students to see me after class. 2 strikes for misbehavior and have a meeting with principal. Move students out of groups or seat in class to reduce disruptions Assign projects for points if students cannot control themselves with subs.

General Rules of the class

Respect yourself, your peers, your teachers, and the machines. Always use safe shop skills.

In the shop you only get two strikes. Warned the first time and second time meeting with principal about dropping the class there is no excuses when it comes to safety for yourself or your peers. In one class if spoken to more than 3 times in one period stay after class to talk with me. If behavior after the meeting continues you have one more warning with another meeting after class talking to me there are no more warnings and detention after school or time from the shop losing points on projects or special presentations will be assessed. Swearing will not be tolerated. Punishment will be determined by meeting with principal or detention.

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