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Corneal Ulcers

Created by Nur Liza Septiani

1.Definition 2.Etiology 3.Epidemiology 4.Phatology 5.Symtopmathology 6.Diagnosis 7.Treatment

Corneal ulcer is an open sores in the outer layer of the cornea. can resulted partial loss of the corneal surface. Tissue loss because of inflammation produces an ulcer.

Infection by bacteria Infection by fungi Infection by viruses Deficiency of vitamin A or protein

Based on survey in Africa and Asia, it was found that the corneal ulcer is the second cause of blindness after cataracts as the leading cause of blindness in many developing countries in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Corneal ulcers are also a number two cause of blindness in Indonesia. epidemiology of corneal ulcers varies from nation to nation and even in each region. Incidence in Indonesia is 5.3% by 100.000 population.

Infection bacteria, fungi, virus
release of the enzyme lysozyme destruction of collagen and proteoglycans

denaturation tissue

kemotaksit leukocyte

Corneal ulcers cause pain, sensitivity to light and increase the formation of tears. Other symptoms are:


Depends on the cause, give eye drop medications containing an antibiotic, anti-viral or antifungal. To reduce the inflammation could be given corticosteroid eye drops. Serious ulcers may need to be corrected with surgery (corneal transplantation).

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