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Looking into imagery from both surgeons, surgery and tree surgeons gave me aesthetics to work with for the branding. The equipment both professions used was interesting to use together as they are complete opposites. The idea of the precision of surgery and the rough manual labour of tree surgery mixed together to create a identity came to mind.

Heartwood is wood that as a result pf a naturally occuring chemical transformation has become more resistant to decay.

Tr e e c a r e
We care for your trees. T h e Tr e e c a r e s e c t i o n o f t h e company name comes from the surgery side of the design. As surgeons and nurses look after you in hospital, the tree surgeons look after your trees.

Symbol for debrillator

Leaf to represent trees

H e a r t w o o d Tr e e c a r e L o g o

H e a r t w o o d T r e e c a r e

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