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Life in New York City Over the Past 100 Years

Aisling Kennedy Alison Libfeld ED ! "0"

Aisling Kennedy Alison Libfeld EDUG 808 Unit of Study 1. Unit Overview: Topic: Life in New York City over the p st !00 ye rs Rationale: " sed on o#r visit tion to the $ene%ent &#se#%' we w nted to (re te #nit th t wo#ld llow st#dents to fo(#s on how life h s (h nged in New York City in the l st !00 ye rs) $his #nit llows st#dents to (o%p re nd (ontr st their life i n the present d y to the lives of those t the t#rn of the *0th (ent#ry' f#rthering th eir #nderst nding of i%%igr tion into New York City) Length of unit: + weeks Target population: ,#r t rget pop#l tion is st#dents in the se(ond gr de in New Yo rk City) $his #nit will be #sed in (oll bor tive te % te (hing (l ssroo%) -n this ( l ss there re *0 st#dents (o%prised of !0 boys nd !0 girls) $he st#dent pop#l tion (o%es fro% v rying b (kgro#nds' % ny of whi(h re first gener tion i%%igr nts) 2. E ential !ue tion: ./ow nd why h s life in New York City (h nged sin(e the t#rn of the *0th (ent#ry0 ". Standard : #o$$on #ore State Standard % Reading Standard : .1-)*)!) Ask nd nswer s#(h 2#estions s who' wh t' where' when' why' nd how t o de%onstr te #nderst nding of key det ils in te3t) .1-)*)*) -dentify the % in topi( of %#ltip r gr ph te3t s well s the fo(#s of spe(if i( p r gr phs within the te3t) .1-)*)4) Des(ribe the (onne(tion between series of histori( l events' s(ientifi( ide s or (on(epts' or steps in te(hni( l pro(ed#res in te3t) .1-)*)5) Deter%ine the %e ning of words nd phr ses in te3t relev nt to gr de * topi( or s#b6e(t re ) .1-)*)7) Know nd #se v rio#s te3t fe t#res 8e)g)' ( ptions' bold print' s#bhe dings' gloss ries' inde3es' ele(troni( %en#s' i(ons9 to lo( te key f (ts or infor% tion in te3t effi(iently) .1-)*)+) -dentify the % in p#rpose of te3t' in(l#ding wh t the #thor w nts to nsw er' e3pl in' or des(ribe)

.1-)*):) E3pl in how spe(ifi( i% ges 8e)g)' di gr % showing how % (hine work s9 (ontrib#te to nd (l rify te3t) .1-)*);) Co%p re nd (ontr st the %ost i%port nt points presented by two te3ts on t he s %e topi() #o$$on #ore State Standard % &riting Standard : .<)*)*) <rite infor% tive=e3pl n tory te3ts in whi(h they introd#(e topi(' #se f (ts nd definitions to develop points' nd provide (on(l#ding st te%ent or se(tion) .<)*):) > rti(ip te in sh red rese r(h nd writing pro6e(ts 8e)g)' re d n#%ber of b ooks on single topi( to prod#(e report? re(ord s(ien(e observ tions9) .<)*)8) 1e( ll infor% tion fro% e3perien(es or g ther infor% tion fro% provided so #r(es to nswer 2#estion) #o$$on #ore State Standard % Spea'ing and Li tening: .@L)*)!) > rti(ip te in (oll bor tive (onvers tions with diverse p rtners bo#t gr de * topi(s nd te3ts with peers nd d#lts in s% ll nd l rger gro#ps) .@L)*)*) 1e(o#nt or des(ribe key ide s or det ils fro% te3t re d lo#d or infor% ti on presented or lly or thro#gh other %edi ) .@L)*)5) $ell story or re(o#nt n e3perien(e with ppropri te f (ts nd relev nt' d es(riptive det ils' spe king #dibly in (oherent senten(es) .@L)*)7) Cre te #dio re(ordings of stories or poe%s? dd dr wings or other vis# l d ispl ys to stories or re(o#nts of e3perien(es when ppropri te to (l rify ide s' th o#ghts' nd feelings) (ew )or' #ity *%+ Social Studie Scope and Se,uence: Standard 1: /istory of the United @t tes nd New York @t#dents will #se v riety of intelle(t# l skills to de%onstr te their #nderst nding of % 6 or ide s' er s' the%es' develop%ents' nd t#rning points in the history of the United @t tes nd New York) *ey -dea 1.1: !) $he st#dy of New York @t te nd United @t tes history re2#ires n n lysis of the develop%ent of A%eri( n (#lt#re' its diversity nd %#lti(#lt#r l (onte3t' nd t he w ys people re #nified by % ny v l#es' pr (ti(es' nd tr ditions) *ey -dea 1.2: *) -%port nt ide s' so(i l nd (#lt#r l v l#es' beliefs' nd tr ditions fro% New Yo rk @t te nd United @t tes history ill#str te the (onne(tions nd inter (tions of p eople nd events (ross ti%e nd fro% v riety of perspe(tives) .. Le on /lan :

Le on 01 % 1a ed on 2ield Trip Study $opi(A Living Conditions in !;00 Gr deA * /urpo e: .Bor st#dents to #nderst nd how the living (onditions t the t#rn of the (ent#r y in New York City (o%p re to living (onditions in New York City tod y) 3oca4ulary: .i%%igr nt' h rdship' over(rowded' tene%ent O45ective : @t#dents will be ble toA .identify nd ( tegoriCe d ily (tivities' f %ily %e%bers nd p rt%ent =ho%e str#(t#re .disting#ish (tivities in their d ily life b sed #pon (ert in re2#ire%ent s .synthesiCe their #nderst nding of life t the t#rn of the (ent#ry .(o%p re nd (ontr st living (onditions tod y to !;00 (ew )or' State Learning Standard : #o$$on #ore State Standard % Reading Standard : .1-)*)*) -dentify the % in topi( of %#ltip r gr ph te3t s well s the f o(#s of spe(ifi( p r gr phs within the te3t) .1-)*)4) Des(ribe the (onne(tion between series of histori( l events' s(ientifi( ide s or (on(epts' or steps in te(hni( l pro(ed#res in te 3t) .1-)*)5) Deter%ine the %e ning of words nd phr ses in te3t relev n t to gr de * topi( or s#b6e(t re ) .1-)*)7) Know nd #se v rio#s te3t fe t#res 8e)g)' ( ptions' bold print' s#bhe dings' gloss ries' inde3es' ele(troni( %en#s' i(ons9 to lo( t e key f (ts or infor% tion in te3t effi(iently) .1-)*)+) -dentify the % in p#rpose of te3t' in(l#ding wh t the #thor w nts to nswer' e3pl in' or des(ribe) .1-)*):) E3pl in how spe(ifi( i% ges 8e)g)' di gr % showing how % (hine works9 (ontrib#te to nd (l rify te3t) #o$$on #ore State Standard % &riting Standard : .<)*):) > rti(ip te in sh red rese r(h nd writing pro6e(ts 8e)g)' re d n#%ber of books on single topi( to prod#(e report? re(ord s(ie n(e observ tions9) .<)*)8) 1e( ll infor% tion fro% e3perien(es or g ther infor% tion fro % provided so#r(es to nswer 2#estion) #o$$on #ore State Standard % Spea'ing and Li tening:

.@L)*)*) 1e(o#nt or des(ribe key ide s or det ils fro% te3t re d lo# d or infor% tion presented or lly or thro#gh other %edi ) .@L)*)5) $ell story or re(o#nt n e3perien(e with ppropri te f (ts n d relev nt' des(riptive det ils' spe king #dibly in (oherent senten( es) (ew )or' #ity *%+ Social Studie Scope and Se,uence: Standard 1: /istory of the United @t tes nd New York @t#dents will #se v riety of intelle(t# l skills to de%onstr te their #nderst nding of % 6or ide s' er s' the%es' develop%ents' nd t#r ning points in the history of the United @t tes nd New York) *ey -dea 1.1: !) $he st#dy of New York @t te nd United @t tes history re 2#ires n n lysis of the develop%ent of A%eri( n (#lt#re' it s diversity nd %#lti(#lt#r l (onte3t' nd the w ys people re #nified by % ny v l#es' pr (ti(es' nd tr ditions) *ey -dea 1.2: *) -%port nt ide s' so(i l nd (#lt#r l v l#es' beliefs' nd tr ditions fro% New York @t te nd United @t tes history ill#str te the (onne(tions nd inter (tions of people nd events ( ross ti%e nd fro% v riety of perspe(tives) /re%6 e $ent: .@t#dents h ve previo#sly investig ted i%%igr nt life thro#gh v rio#s re ding s nd dis(#ssions of Ellis -sl nd) @t#dents h ve lso e3plored virt# l to# r on Ellis -sl nd' in(l#ding #dio nd vis# l (o%ponents 8httpA==te (her)s(hol sti()(o%= (tivities=i%%igr tion=to#r=9) $hro#gh these previo#s e3plor tions' st#dents will h ve b si( #nderst nding of the w n ts=needs of i%%igr nts whi(h i%p (ted their %igr tion to new nd #nkno wn l nd) Le on /re entation Set%-nduction: @t#dents will refle(t on their person l d ily lives nd (tivities) -n do ing so' the te (her will sk st#dents to write down everything they d o fro% the ti%e they le ve s(hool in the fternoon #ntil the ti%e the y get b (k to s(hool the ne3t %orning) $he st#dents will lso be sk ed to list how % ny people live with the% nd how % ny roo%s nd b throo%s there re in their ho#se or p rt%ent) $he te (her will %odel his or her list for the st#dents before (re tin g their own person l lists) ,n(e ll st#dents h ve (o%pleted their lists' the st#dents will be s ked to (ross o#t ny (tivities th t in(l#de ele(tri(ity' b tteries' he t

or r#nning w ter) E3 %ples of s#(h (tivities will be or lly given to t he (l ss' nd the te (her will lso de%onstr te on his or her list by (rossing o#t s#(h (tivities) /rocedure: $he te (her will re d the (h pter titled D/o%esE fro% Life on the Lowe r E st @ide) $his (h pter det ils why i%%igr nts h d to live in tene %ents nd wh t life w s like inside) $he te (her will deepen the st#dentsE #nderst nding by showing sele (ted pi(t#res fro% the book /ow $he ,ther / lf Lives' by F (ob 1ii s) $he te (her will then h ve the st#dents %e s#re s2# re on the floo r with the di%ensions of !0 feet 3 !0 feet 8!00 s2# re feet9) $he te (her will p#t % sking t pe on the floor to o#tline these di%ensions' whi(h represents one of the few roo%s in tene%ent) $hen gro#ps of si3 will be given the opport#nity to st nd in the sp (e to gr sp n #nderst nding of wh t it wo#ld h ve been like to live in s#(h s% l l sp (e with l rge f %ily) #lo ure: As refle(tion' st#dents will (o%plete venn di gr % 8 tt (hed9 in whi(h they (o%p re nd (ontr st wh t life wo#ld h ve been like livi ng in tene%ent to their person l e3perien(es t ho%e) $he te (h er will provide n e3 %ple for e (h to en(o#r ge the st#dentsE think ing pro(ess) 7aterial and Re ource : <orksheets 8see tt (hed9 Genn Di gr % 1el ted $e3tsA H Life on the Lower E st @ide by Fennifer "liCin Gillis H @ele(ted i% ges fro% /ow $he ,ther / lf Lives by F (ob 1iis .Assorted % teri ls for (l sswork nd de%onstr tions H <hite (o%p#ter p per H >en(il H $ pe %e s#re H & sking t pe 2ollow%Up 6ctivity: As followI#p (tivity' the (l ss will visit the $ene%ent &#se#% of New Yor k City nd p rti(ip te in the D/ rd $i%esE to#r) $hro#gho#t the to#r' st#den ts will le rn bo#t the lives of p st residents of ;: ,r(h rd @treet fro% diff erent ti%e periods) $he first restored tene%ent the st#dents will visit is th t of the G#%pertC f %ily' Ger% nIFewish f %ily who lived on the se(ond f

loor d#ring the !8+0Es) $he se(ond is th t of the " ldiCCi f %ily' n -t li nI C tholi( f %ily who lived on the se(ond floor d#ring the !;40Es) @t#dents will lso p rti(ip te in te (herIg#ided w lking to#r of the (o%%#nity to f# rther their #nderst nding of the Lower E st @ide) Evaluation86 e $ent: $he st#dents will be infor% lly ssessed thro#gho#t the (l ss) $he te (her will observe nd inter (t with the st#dents to g #ge their level of #nderst nding thro#gh (l ss dis(#ssions nd (l ss work) $he followI#p ssign%ent will be (olle(ted nd (he(ked for (o%prehension nd #nderst nding) 9ifferentiated8Learning Style : De%onstr ting e3pe(t tions thro#gho#t the lesson will f (ilit te the st#dentsE bility to s#((essf#lly (o%plete the (tivities) $he te (her will provide n#% ero#s ven#es for the st#dents to (o%plete the given (tivities' s#(h s ll owing st#dents to #se words or dr w pi(t#res) Gis# l= @p ti l le rners will h ve the opport#nity to le rn thro#gh the re ding of the book nd the pres ent tion of sele(ted pi(t#res) Kinestheti( le rners will benefit fro% the e3p erien(e of being within the (re ted (onfined sp (e representing roo% in tene%ent) Gerb l=Ling#isti( le rners will prosper fro% the or l re ding of the te3t' nd by (o%pleting the venn di gr % worksheet so they ( n (le rl y see the rel tionship between the differing lifestyles) -n sking o#r st#dent s to i% gine life in tene%ent ho#sing' interperson l le rners ( n sense ho w (hildren felt in the !;00s) "y (re ting list t the st rt of the lesson nd (o%p ring it to life t the t#rn of the (ent#ry' they will better pro(ess the inf or% tion) Re ource : Gillis' Fennifer "liCin) Life on the Lower E st @ide) 1iis' F (ob) /ow the ,ther / lf Lives) ArtsedgeA $he Kennedy CenterEs Arts Ed#( tion Network I httpA== rtsedge)kennedyI(enter)org=ed#( tors) sp3 &#se#% t Eldrige @treet I httpA==www)eldridgestreet)org=new(o%ers= $ene%ent &#se#% New York City I httpA==www)tene%ent)org=

Directions# sing yo$r list and the %aterials we have fo&$sed on today' &o%(are and &ontrast tene%ent life to yo$r life) *e%e%ber to write si%ilarities in the area where the &ir&les overla()

Tenement Life

My Life

Le on 02 % 1a ed on Unit $opi(A Life for Child in !;00 Gr deA * /urpo e: .$o help st#dents better #nderst nd the role of (hild d#ring the l te !800s nd e rly !;00s) .$o pro%ote (o%p r tive thinking between their life tod y nd life t the t#rn of the *0th (ent#ry 3oca4ulary: .(hild l bor' (onditions' i%%igr nt' peddler' pie(ework' p#sh( rt' swe tshop' t ilor' tene%ent O45ective : @t#dents will be ble toA .identify key det ils in infor% tion l te3t .dr w (on(l#sions fro% histori( l photogr phs .org niCe det ils into spe(ifi( ( tegories #sing the 7<Es .(re te nd develop %ode of present tion .re( ll det ils to te (h peers (ew )or' State Learning Standard : #o$$on #ore State Standard % Reading Standard : .1-)*)!) Ask nd nswer s#(h 2#estions s who' wh t' where' when' why' nd how to de%onstr te #nderst nding of key det ils in te3t) .1-)*)+) -dentify the % in p#rpose of te3t' in(l#ding wh t the #thor w nts to nswer' e3pl in' or des(ribe) .1-)*):) E3pl in how spe(ifi( i% ges 8e)g)' di gr % showing how % (hine works9 (ontrib#te to nd (l rify te3t) #o$$on #ore State Standard % &riting Standard : .<)*):) > rti(ip te in sh red rese r(h nd writing pro6e(ts 8e)g)' re d n#%ber of books on single topi( to prod#(e report? re(ord s(ie n(e observ tions9) .<)*)8) 1e( ll infor% tion fro% e3perien(es or g ther infor% tion fro % provided so#r(es to nswer 2#estion) #o$$on #ore State Standard % Spea'ing and Li tening: .@L)*)!) > rti(ip te in (oll bor tive (onvers tions with diverse p rtner s bo#t gr de * topi(s nd te3ts with peers nd d#lts in s% ll nd l rger gro#ps) .@L)*)*) 1e(o#nt or des(ribe key ide s or det ils fro% te3t re d lo# d or infor% tion presented or lly or thro#gh other %edi )

.@L)*)5) $ell story or re(o#nt n e3perien(e with ppropri te f (ts n d relev nt' des(riptive det ils' spe king #dibly in (oherent senten( es) .@L)*)7) Cre te #dio re(ordings of stories or poe%s? dd dr wings or other vis# l displ ys to stories or re(o#nts of e3perien(es when p propri te to (l rify ide s' tho#ghts' nd feelings) (ew )or' #ity *%+ Social Studie Scope and Se,uence: Standard 1: /istory of the United @t tes nd New York @t#dents will #se v riety of intelle(t# l skills to de%onstr te their #nderst nding of % 6or ide s' er s' the%es' develop%ents' nd t#r ning points in the history of the United @t tes nd New York) *ey -dea 1.1: !) $he st#dy of New York @t te nd United @t tes history re 2#ires n n lysis of the develop%ent of A%eri( n (#lt#re' it s diversity nd %#lti(#lt#r l (onte3t' nd the w ys people re #nified by % ny v l#es' pr (ti(es' nd tr ditions) *ey -dea 1.2: *) -%port nt ide s' so(i l nd (#lt#r l v l#es' beliefs' nd tr ditions fro% New York @t te nd United @t tes history ill#str te the (onne(tions nd inter (tions of people nd events ( ross ti%e nd fro% v riety of perspe(tives) /re%6 e $ent: .-n v rio#s re ding (tivities' the st#dents h ve previo#sly been sked to e3tr (t key det ils fro% infor% tion l te3t s well s #se i% ges to infer %e ni ng) @t#dents will #se their knowledge of who' wh t' where' when nd why to help the% (re te det iled nd dire(ted responses) Le on /re entation H Set%-nduction: @t#dents will be invited to g thering) $he te (her will re d e3(erpts l o#d fro% Life on the Lower E st @ide) -n(l#ding se(tions on (hildre n' 6obs nd s(hools' whi(h des(ribes life in these spe(ts d#ring th e t#rn of the (ent#ry) $he te (her will e3pl in to the st#dents th t tod y they re going to le rn wh t life w s like for (hildren of their ge in !;00) H /rocedure: @t#dents will be broken #p into fo#r predeter%ined gro#ps in(orpor ting different le rning styles nd bility levels) E (h gro#p will be ssigned v rying spe(t of (hildEs life in !;00 i n(l#ding t s(hool' t work' t ho%e' nd t pl y) @t#dents will be provided with v riety of reso#r(es to ssist the% i n (olle(ting infor% tion to help the% nswer the 7<Es 8who' wh t' where' when' why9 bo#t their ssigned spe(t of d ily life)

E (h gro#p will work together to ddress e (h (o%ponent on their i nfor% tion sheet 8 tt (hed9) After e (h gro#p h s (o%pleted their sheet' they will (onferen(e wit h the te (her to dis(#ss the infor% tion they (olle(ted nd the pres ent tion %ode in whi(h they will sh re their infor% tion with the (l ss) @t#dents will be given the opport#nity to (hoose to (re te skit' po sterbo rd' or l present tion' rtisti( displ y' song or n pproved (tivity of their (hoosing' in whi(h they te (h their (l ss% tes bo#t their spe(t of d ily life) @t#dents will be given de2# te ti%e to prep re their present tion with their gro#p) H #lo ure: ,n(e the pro6e(ts re (o%pleted' the (l ss will be invited to g thering nd e (h gro#p will t ke t#rns sh ring their infor% tion) 7aterial and Re ource : <orksheets 8see tt (hed9 7<Es Life for Child in !;00 1el ted $e3tsA -%%igr nt Kids by 1#ssell Breed% n Life on the Lower E st @ide by Fennifer "liCin Gillis -f Yo# Lived !00 Ye rs Ago by Ann &(Govern @ele(ted i% ges fro% /ow $he ,ther / lf Lives by F (ob 1iis .Assorted % teri ls for present tions H >osterbo rd H Coloring s#pplies H $ pe=Gl#e H >rops 2ollow%Up 6ctivity: .@t#dents will be given follow #p ssign%ent 8 tt (hed9 in whi(h they identi fy t le st two key points for e (h of the se(tions presented in (l ss 8 t ho %e' t s(hool' t pl y' nd t work9) -n doing so' the te (her is ble to g # ge their #nderst nding nd (o%prehension of the % teri l nd ssess wh ether or not the v rio#s %odes of present tion f (ilit ted their le rning) Evaluation86 e $ent: @t#dents will be infor% l ssessed thro#gho#t the ssign%ent s the te (he r observes e (h gro#p nd sks 2#estion of the gro#p %e%bers) $he te ( her will noti(e if the st#dents re ble to follow thro#gh series of 2#estio ns' work (oll bor tively nd est blish (on(l#sions) $he st#dentsE tho#ght

pro(ess nd growth will be e3 %ined thro#gh their re(orded responses on their worksheets where they will lso be gr ded for ((#r (y nd effi(ien( y) 9ifferentiated8Learning Style : @t#dents will be working in predeter%ined gro#ps (o%prised of both high n d low level st#dents) Gis# l le rners will h ve the bility to e3 %ine the v rio#s te3ts nd i% ges' % nip#l te the worksheets nd witness the prese nt tions of their peers) $here will lso be %ove%ent in the lesson fro% g t hering to gro#ps nd b (k to g thering th t will llow the kinestheti( le rn ers to get so%e energy o#t nd help the% to re% in fo(#sed) $ (tile le rn ers will en6oy (re ting the present tion nd #sing v rio#s reso#r(es nd % teri ls) A#ditory le rners will benefit fro% listening to the e3(erpts re d l o#d by the te (her' p rti(ip ting in dis(#ssions with their peers nd he rin g the work presented by their (l ss% tes) @t#dents will h ve the bility to work nd dis(#ss in gro#ps s well s (o%plete their worksheet independ ently f (ilit ting both the interperson l nd intr person l le rners) Re ource : Breed% n' 1#ssell) -%%igr nt Kids) Gillis' Fennifer "liCin) Life on the Lower E st @ide) &(Govern' Ann) -f Yo# Lived !00 Ye rs Ago) 1iis' F (ob) /ow $he ,ther / lf Lives) >"@ KidsA "ig Apple /istory I httpA==pbskids)org=big pplehistory=life=

Life for a Child in 1+00 ,y to(i& is at ----------------.ho%e' s&hool' work' or (lay/)

What? What?

Where? Where?

Who? Who?

When? When?

Why? Why?

Directions# 0ased on yo$r gro$(1s resear&h and the (resentations' list at least 23O fa&ts for ea&h bo4 below)

:. 6nnotated 1i4liography: Teacher Re ource : 1iis' F (ob) /ow the ,ther / lf Lives) Dover >#bli( tions' -n()'!;:!) $his book do(#%ented nd e3posed the terrible living (onditions in the tene%ents on New YorkEs Lower E st @ide with sho(king nd h orrifying pi(t#res) <e #sed this book in o#r lessons to help st#dents better #nderst nd wh t life w s like for i%%igr nts d#ring the t#rn o f the *0th (ent#ry in New York City) <e lso #sed pi(t#res fro% 1ii sE book thro#gho#t o#r Do(#%ent " sed J#estion) /opkinson' Debor h) @h#tting ,#t $he @ky) ,r(h rd "ooks' *004) $hro#gho#t this book the stories of five i%%igr nts to the Lower E st @ide re re(o#nted thro#gh interviews nd n rr tives) <e #tiliCed this book to develop o#r Do(#%ent " sed J#estion' nd #sed n e 3(erpt for one of o#r do(#%ents) $his book w s signifi( nt in helpin g #s be(o%e %ore f %ili r with the % teri l we w nted to (over in o#r #nit) "i l' 1 y%ond) $ene%entA -%%igr nt Life on the Lower E st @ide) /o#ghto n &ifflin Co%p ny' *00*) As n #pper ele%ent ry book' this w s v l# ble reso#r(e in provi ding infor% tion on d ily tene%ent living in ((essible l ng# ge) $h ro#gho#t this book there re (olorf#l pi(t#res of the interior of the $ ene%ent &#se#%) $here re lso (#rrent pi(t#res of the Lower E s t @ide longside ill#str tions nd vint ge pi(t#res) -t llows for #sef# l (ontr sting of the ti%es) Student Re ource : &(Govern' Ann) -f Yo# Lived !00 Ye rs Ago) @(hol sti(' -n()' !;;;) As o#r #nit ddresses life (h nges in New York City sin(e the t#rn of the *0th (ent#ry' this reso#r(e is n e3(ellent tool to help (hildre n #nderst nd how their own life wo#ld be different h d they lived !0 0 ye rs go) $he book is presented in 2#estioning for% t bo#t v riety of spe(ts of d ily living s#(h s (lothing' food' work nd s( hool) -t #ses ppropri te l ng# ge nd wording to id in st#dentsE # nderst nding) Gillis' Fennifer "liCin) Life on the Lower E st @ide) /eine% nn Libr ry' *00 4) "eginning with n introd#(tion to the Lower E st @ide nd ti%elin e of o#r re of st#dy' this book #tiliCes re l i% ges with key l ng# ge th t f (ilit tes st#dentsE le rning) $his nonfi(tion te3t llows st#d ents to deepen their re ding for infor% tion skills) $he book present s t ble of (ontents' gloss ry' inde3' bolded key ter%s nd ( ption s for e (h i% ge) Breed% n' 1#ssell) -%%igr nt Kids) E)>) D#tton' !;80) $o help st#dents better #nderst nd (hildEs role d#ring the l te !80 0s nd e rly !;00s' this te3t fo(#ses solely on the role of (hildren

t ho%e' s(hool' work nd pl y) All of whi(h re spe(ts o#r st#dent s ( n rel te to in their d ily lives) "y 6#3t posing the el bor te te3t nd det iled photogr phs' st#dents re better ble to e3plore the si %il rities nd differen(es of life then to now) ;. 6nnotated &e4ography: Teacher Re ource : ArtsedgeA $he Kennedy CenterEs Arts Ed#( tion Network I httpA== rtsedge)kennedyI(enter)org=ed#( tors) sp3 $his tool offers det iled nd str#(t#red lesson ide s nd reso#r(es dire(tly rel ting to o#r #nit of st#dy) 6 Len into the /a t nd Under tanding Tene$ent Life e3plored v rio#s w ys to help st#dents #nd erst nd life t the beginning of the *0th (ent#ry #sing stories nd i % ges to de%onstr te diffi(#lties nd (h llenges e3perien(ed by th e new(o%ers) "y #sing i% ges nd te3t to develop st#dents #nders t nding' the present tion g#ided #s to (re te #sef#l te3t dependent 2#estions th t ids o#r st#dents to think (o%p r tively) &#se#% t Eldridge @treet I httpA==www)eldridgestreet)org=new(o%ers= -n rese r(hing the Lower E st @ide' this %#se#% ppe red s n i ntegr l (o%ponent to i%%igr nt life t the t#rn of the (ent#ry' s it o rigin lly served s syn gog#e before be(o%ing %#se#%) $he %#se#% offers inter (tive nd eng ging s(hool to#rs th t help st#d ents e3plore i%%igr tion) (ewco$er to (ew )or' e3plores i%%igr tion to New York City broken #p nd (olor (oded by ethni(ity lon gside n inter (tive % p) Student Re ource : $ene%ent &#se#% New York City I httpA==www)tene%ent)org= $his website is e3tre%ely inter (tive nd (hild friendly) @t#dents ( n t ke 3irtual Tour of the %#se#% nd he r #dio des(ribing the i % ges) $here is lso n -$$igration <a$e' where st#dents see w h t life w s like in New York City in !;!+) $hey do so by (re ting th eir own p ssport' sele(ting their belongings' nd setting s il for A% eri( thro#gh n inter (tive % p) @t#dents ( n to#r the inside of Elli s -sl nd before he ding to ;: ,r(h rd @treet) Upon rriv l' st#dent s (hose wh t to do for work' f#n nd ho#sework long with where t o sleep nd wh t to e t) @t#dents re ble to write letter to noth er i%%igr nt' infor%ing the% on their new life) >"@ KidsA "ig Apple /istory httpA==pbskids)org=big pplehistory=life= " sed in ti%eline for% t' the site llows st#dents to e3plore v rio #s ele%ents of New York City history t their level nd bility) > rti( #l rly dv nt geo#s to o#r #nit w s the se(tion on (ew )or' Living

s it to#(hed #pon % ny of the re s we fo(#sed on s#(h s tene% ent life' (hild l bor' p#sh( rts nd even the refor%er F (ob 1iis' wh o #sed photogr phy s tool to (h nge this h rsh ti%e period) =. 6 e $ent >91!?:

9O#U7E(T%16SE9 !UEST-O( 9irection : $his t sk below is b sed on do(#%ents ! thro#gh 7) $his t sk is designed to test yo#r bility to work with histori( l do(#%ents) Look t e (h do(#%ent nd nswer the 2#estio n or 2#estions fter e (h do(#%ent) Use yo#r nswers to the 2#estions to help yo# writ e yo#r ess y) @i torical 1ac'ground: -%%igr nts rriving to New York t the t#rn of the *0th Cent#ry often settled into p (ked tene%ent p rt%ents' worked fro% yo#ng ge nd l (ked % ny of the l #3#ries we h ve tod y s#(h s r#nning w ter nd ele(tri(ity) Ta ': Bor > rt A re d e (h do(#%ent ( ref#lly nd nswer the 2#estion or 2#estions fter e (h do(#%ent) $hen re d the dire(tions for p rt " nd write yo#r ess y) Bor > rt " #se yo#r nswers to the 2#estions in > rt A' infor% tion fro% the do(#%ent s' nd yo#r knowledge of so(i l st#dies to write wellIorg niCed ess y) -n the ess y yo # sho#ldA

#o$pare and contra t life in (ew )or' #ity at the turn of the 2Ath century to your life today u ing at lea t T@REE eBa$ple .

9ocu$ent 1 Gi(tori Confino w s yo#ng i%%igr nt who ( %e to New York in !;!4) $his is Gi(tori Es report ( rd fro% se(ond gr de t >)@) +7)


9ocu$ent 2 $his is photo of l rge i%%igr nt f %ily in their tene%ent p rt%ent) $o get to their p rt%ent' they h d to w lk #p long wooden st irw y nd thro#gh d %p' d rk nd s%e lly h llw ys) -nside their tene%ents' there w s no ele(tri(ity' r#nning w ter' or b throo %)


9ocu$ent " /ere re the (osts of b si( food ite%s needed for New York City) 2ood Eggs nd %ilk Chi(ken nd fish Cere l Br#it "re d Total f %ily of si3 8+9 in !;05 nd *0!* in

#o t of 2ood Each 7onth 2or a 2a$ily of SiB 1CA. L*)54 L4)*7 L0)+; L0)!0 L*)8! DC.2+

2A12 L77)85 L!05)00 L*+);5 L+!):5 L5:)88 D2C;..A

!) Use the t ble bove to fill in the bl nks) -n !;05' bre d (ost LKKKKKKK for $od y' bre d (osts LKKKKKKK for f %ily of si3 e (h %onth) f %ily of si3 e (h %onth)


9ocu$ent .

-n the !;00Es' people lined the sidew lks s $he pu hcart were repl (ed by the Ess elling goods in pu hcart ) e3 @treet 1et il & rket) $he (onstr#(tion of this % rket % rked the end of the pu hcart er )


9ocu$ent : 7any young i$$igrant had heavy wor' re pon i4ilitie 4ecau e their parent could nEt find teady 5o4 that paid well enough to upport their fa$ilie . 6 childE fir t 5o4 $ight 4e roa$ing the neigh4orhood treet earching for piece of wood for the tov

eF or following the coal car to pic' up any coal that dropped onto the treet. 1oy 4ec a$e hoe hiner F $e enger F and new paper 4oy . )oung girl and wo$en wor'ed in factorie that $ade everything fro$ clothe and candy to cap and cigar F often get ting paid no $ore than iB or ten dollar a wee'. I Shutting Out The S'y Life in the Tene$ent of (ew )or' 1++A%1C2.


+. Our Learning: .AislingEs Le rningA ./er onal: Bro% o#r dvent#res to the (ity to visit the $ene%ent &#se#% to t he n#%ero#s ho#rs we spent together n lyCing every spe(t of o#r #nit' thoro#ghly en6oyed (re ting this #nit pl n with Alison) Bor re(ent M( reer (h ngerN' Alison h s wonderf#l ide s th t (o#ld be well i%ple%ented into (l ssroo% environ%ent) /er %otiv tion nd drive is inspiring nd gre tly f (ilit ted the e se t whi(h we were ble to (oll bor te) As (#rrent ele %ent ry s(hool ed#( tor' - oftenti%es en(o#nter individ# ls who re #nwill ing to think o#tside the bo3 nd (re te new nd inter (tive % teri l so it w s en6oy ble to be ble to think so freely thro#gho#t this pro(ess) ./rofe ional: As (#rrent se(ond gr de te (her' - w s interested to (re te (tivities nd find reso#r(es th t (o#ld be #sed to f#rther %y st#dentsE gro wth nd #nderst nding) - en6oyed o#r visit to the $ene%ent &#se#%' not o nly be( #se it w s new e3perien(e for %e b#t lso be( #se - w s envisi oning how - (o#ld #tiliCe this e3(eption l reso#r(e for %y st#dents) ,#r sel f g#ided w lking to#r of the Lower E st @ide de%onstr ted how intrig#ing t he e3plor tion of new re ( n be nd how s#(h n e3perien(e ( n be e sily % nip#l ted to f (ilit te le rning t ny ge) As we developed o#r l essons' (tivities nd D"J' we were ble to (ontin# lly ssess whether or not the (o%ponents were ge ppropri te nd relev nt to the (ontent nd skills of se(ond gr ders) .AlisonEs Le rningA ./er onal: -t w s ple s#re to be ble to work with Aisling on this #nit of st#d y) AislingEs strong work ethi( nd drive for perfe(tion %otiv ted %e to do % y best) As so%eone who is new to ed#( tion' it w s e3tre%ely benefi(i l t o work with so%eone who is lre dy n ed#( tor' nd s#perior one) <e (re ted o#r #nit for se(ond gr ders' nd sin(e Aisling is se(ond gr de te (her it w s helpf#l to h ve her shed light on wh t she tho#ght w s ge ppropri te) Aisling lso sh red so%e gre t te (her reso#r(es with %e th t definitely helped %e while (re ting o#r lessons) ./rofe ional: - en6oyed visiting the $ene%ent &#se#% nd t king the D/ rd $i%esE to#r) <e lso did w lking to#r of the re whi(h helped #s better #nderst nd the (o%%#nity s whole nd wh t life w s like d#ring the t#r n of the (ent#ry) $hro#gho#t o#r visit to the Lower E st @ide' - s w % ny (onne(tions to the previo#s field visit - did to Arth#r Aven#e) -t w s interest ing nd e3(iting for %e to see these si%il rities nd rel tionships) Addition lly' this pro6e(t reinfor(ed for %e the i%port n(e of field trips nd how (lo sely nd e sily they ( n be rel ted to the Co%%on Core @t nd rds nd th e @o(i l @t#dies @(ope nd @e2#en(e) -n rese r(hing o#r topi( in depth' lso dis(overed % ny #sef#l st#dent reso#r(es nd books th t - will #se w hile (re ting lessons in the f#t#re)

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