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AN UMPIRE IS LIKE A JUDGE IN THE JUDICIAL SYSTEM It's the bottom of the eight inning n! the "oston Re!

So# $e %& 'ing the Ne( Yo$) Y n)ees* The Re! So# $e !o(n b' one $+n in the bottom of the ninth inning* The Re! So# h ,e t(o o+ts &$e !'- the b ses $e &o !e! n! someone f$om the Re! So# is +% to b t* The %& 'e$ t b t hits the b && n! its f&' b && into &eft./ente$ fie&!* The Y n)ees fie&!e$ $+shes to the b && n! then th$o(s ! $t to home %& te t$'ing to %$e,ent the $+nne$ on thi$! b se f$om t'ing the g me* The Re! So# $+nne$ &oo)e! s if he h ! be ten the th$o( s he s&i! into home b se- b+t the +m%i$e / &&s him o+t* 0+t$ ge!- Re! So# f ns st n! +% n! the' $e 'e&&ing f$om the st n!s* "+t nothing the f ns !o o$ s ' o$ 'e&& m tte$s- be/ +se the +m%i$e h s &$e !' / &&e! the $+nne$ o+t n! the +m%i$es s ' is offi/i & n! fin & in the g me of b seb &&* A&most && s%o$ts +se offi/i &s s+/h s 1+!ges- $efe$ees o$ +m%i$es- in/&+!ing b seb &&* Um%i$es in b seb && $e the on.fie&! offi/i &s / &&ing b &&s n! st$i)es n! m )ing m'$i ! of othe$ !e/isions to he&% the g me $+n smooth&'* In b seb &&- the +m%i$e is the %e$son /h $ge! (ith offi/i ting the g me- in/&+!ing beginning n! en!ing the g meenfo$/ing the $+&es of the g me n! the g$o+n!s- m )ing 1+!gment / &&s on %& 's- n! h n!&ing the !is/i%&in $' /tions* 2J+!ges $e &i)e +m%i$es* Um%i$es !on3t m )e the $+&es- the' %%&' them* The $o&e of n +m%i$e n! 1+!ge is /$iti/ &* The' m )e s+$e e,e$'bo!' %& 's b' the $+&es * * * *4 Li)e +m%i$es- 1+!ges m+st $en!e$ !e/isions b se! +%on g+i!ing &eg & %$in/i%&es $ the$ th n thei$ ,ie( of %o&i/'- o$ !esi$e to /hie,e gi,en $es+&t* H ,e 'o+ e,e$ sto%%e! to thin) bo+t (h t it (o+&! be &i)e to be n +m%i$e5 To )no( the f te of g me $ests in 'o+$ h n!s5 6h t (o+&! it be &i)e to s+it +% n! / && the shots e /h ! '5 J+st &i)e M 1o$ Le g+e " seb && %& 'e$s- +m%i$es m+st (o$) thei$ ( ' th$o+gh the $ n)s of the mino$ &e g+es to get the e#%e$ien/e n! t$ ining the' nee! to m )e it to the big &e g+es* If 'o+ ( nt to (o$) s n +m%i$e in %$ofession & b seb &&- 'o+ m+st s+//essf+&&' g$ !+ te f$om n %%$o,e! +m%i$e s/hoo&* A//o$!ing to the ML"*/om (ebsite- on&' those finishing ne $ the to% of thei$ +m%i$e s/hoo& /& sses $e se&e/te! fo$ %ositions in the $oo)ie n! C& ss.A &e g+es* P$ofession & b seb && +m%i$es (ho %$o,e themse&,es !, n/e f$om C& ss.A to C& ss.AA n!- fin &&'- C& ss.AAA o$ 7T$i%&e.A7 b seb && &e g+es* ML" on&' /onsi!e$s the best +m%i$es f$om the T$i%&e.A &e g+es fo$ %$omotion to 7the sho(*7 Li)e %$ofession & Um%i$es- J+!ges $e %%ointe! th$o+gh me$it %$o/ess* J+!i/i & / n!i! tes $e se&e/te! fo$ thei$ &eg & bi&it' n! %$ofession & n! %e$son & /hie,ements $ the$ th n thei$ m ste$' of %o&iti/ & / m% igns*

A%%&i/ nts fo$ 1+!i/i & %%ointment $e s/$eene! b' the Commission on T$i & Co+$t A%%ointments- non.% $tis n /ommittee* The Commission $e,ie(s && %%&i/ tionsinte$,ie(s / n!i! tes n! se&e/ts fin &ists (hose n mes $e fo$( $!e! to the Go,e$no$* The Go,e$no$ $e,ie(s the %%&i/ tions- inte$,ie(s e /h fin &ist n! %%oints one of them to the ben/h* S+%e$io$ Co+$t 1+!ges in M $i/o% Co+nt' $em in in offi/e b' the %%$o, & of ,ote$s in $etention e&e/tions* The$e $e no o%%onents in these e&e/tions* 8ote$s / st 7'es7 ,ote to $et in 1+!ge in offi/e* A 7no7 ,ote (o+&! $emo,e the 1+!ge f$om offi/e* E,e$' t(o 'e $s e /h 1+!ge +n!e$goes %+b&i/ $e,ie( %$o/ess- in/&+!ing s+$,e' of the 1+!ges bi&it' b' & ('e$s- &itig nts- 1+$o$s n! st ff* J+!ges f /e $etention e&e/tion e,e$' fo+$ 'e $s*

I* The Ro&e of Co+$ts9 A /o+$t3s 1ob is to inte$%$et n! %%&' the & ( th t the &egis& t+$e en /ts* Co+$ts %%&' the & ( to s%e/ifi/ /ont$o,e$sies b$o+ght befo$e them* The' $eso&,e !is%+tes bet(een %eo%&e/om% nies n! +nits of go,e$nment* 0ftentimes- /o+$ts $e / &&e! on to +%ho&! &imit tions on the go,e$nment* The' %$ote/t g inst b+ses b' && b$ n/hes of go,e$nment* The' %$ote/t mino$ities of && t'%es f$om the m 1o$it'- n! %$ote/t the $ights of %eo%&e (ho / n't %$ote/t themse&,es* The' &so embo!' notions of e:+ & t$e tment n! f i$ %& '* The /o+$ts n! the %$ote/tions of the & ( $e o%en to e,e$'bo!'* In n' st te- the$e $e t(o se% $ te /o+$t s'stems; <9= st te /o+$ts> n! <?= fe!e$ & /o+$ts* The , st m 1o$it' of / ses@o,e$ ABC@ $e h n!&e! b' the st te /o+$ts* Most &eg & b+siness@t$ ffi/ offenses- !i,o$/e- (i&&s n! est tes- b+'ing n! se&&ing %$o%e$t'@is h n!&e! b' the st te /o+$ts- be/ +se && these $e s $e go,e$ne! %$im $i&' b' st te & (s* II* The St te n! De!e$ & Co+$t S'stems "oth the st te n! fe!e$ & /o+$t s'stems $e /$e te! b' /onstit+tions* The fe!e$ & /o+$t s'stem is /$e te! b' the Unite! St tes Constit+tion (hi&e the st te /o+$t s'stem is /$e te! b' the Ne( H m%shi$e Constit+tion* A* The St te Co+$t S'stem; E /h st te h s its o(n /o+$t s'stem* De%en!ing on the siEe of the st te- the st te /o+$t s'stem m ' h ,e se,e$ & &e,e&s*

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