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Alverno College

Ready to Administer Performance Assessment Self-Assessment

Designers Name: Cathy Boerner

CHECKLIST TO ENSURE FOLLOWING OF DIRECTIONS: Cover Sheet Statement (Overview) Includes: __x__ 1. Grade level, subject matter area, composition of student group if relevant __x__ 2. Class in relation to classes at other levels (1st or 2nd science class or what?) _x___ 3. Relation of assessment outcome(s) to class outcomes. (To broader outcomes if they are identified at another level). __x__ 4. Placement of the assessment within the time line of the class and in relation to other assessments. __x__ 5. Explanation of how the assessment relates to teaching/learning experiences in the class (input, practice, feedback) and to the development of the students learning. _x___ 6. Explanation of how self-assessment is used in the class (or will be given in the future). __x__ 7. Indication of how feedback is given in the class (or will be given in the future). _x___ 8. Indication of how assessment has the potential to elicit creativity and range of performance.

Instrument include the following part labeled: __x__ 1. Introduction to Students __x__ 2. Directions to Student __x__ 3. Statement of Outcome(s) to Be Assessed __x__ 4. Criteria _x___ 5. Assessment Mode or Prompt unless its covered in the directions _x___ 6. Self-assessment Prompt and/or Form __x__ 7. Feedback Form

Alverno College

INCATION OF CRITERIA MET Cover Sheet Statement (Overview) __x__ 1. Provides sufficient context for a reader to understand how the assessment fits into the educational process the teacher has designed for the students. If yes, specifically how? If no, why not?

Introduction of the Assessment to the Students _x___ 1. Clearly explain to the students the point of the assessment in relation to what they have been learning. If yes, specifically how? If no, why not? __x__ 2. Clarifies the setting (including audience), the student role, and exactly what the students must produce.

Directions __x__ 1. Makes clear everything the students need to know (e.g., format, length, neatness, legibility) If no, whats lacking? Outcomes __x__ 1. Integrate(s) knowledge and ability If no, whats lacking? Criteria _x___ 1. Express something the reviewer could readily observe If no, which ones do not? __x__ __x__ __x__ __x__ 2. As a group, represent an appropriate integration of knowledge and abilities 3. Relate appropriately to the mode of the prompt 4. Fit the level of the students to be assessed 5. Specify qualitative dimensions of performance If no, which ones do not? __x__ 6. Could be met in varied ways If no, which ones do not? __x__ 7. Provide a basis for an accurate self-assessment by the student to be assessed __x__ 8. Together give a clear PICTURE OF THE PERFORMANCE EXPECTED Select 2 of your answers (1 yes and 1 no if possible) and explain your judgment

Alverno College

Assessment Mode/Prompt __x__ 1. Brings student as close as possible to a personal and/or professional situation within which they will be using the outcomes outside the classroom __x__ 2. Fits the level of the students development of ability and knowledge __x__ 3. Has the potential to engage the students __x__ 4. Allows for a range of performances __x__ 5. Gives students an opportunity to demonstrate sufficient levels of the outcomes (including previous levels, in an increasingly sophisticated way) __x__ 6. Allows the student to demonstrate the outcomes in a variety of ways _x___ 7. Has the potential to elicit performances with explicit data to provide feedback to a student on his/her strengths and weaknesses Select 2 of your answers (1 yes and 1 no if possible) and explain your judgment

Student Self-Assessment Prompt/Stimulus _x___ 1. Is appropriate to the students level of development __x__ 2. Includes some or all elements from the Alverno Framework for SelfAssessment (observation, analysis/interpretation, judgment, planning) Explain your judgment (as related to self-assessment prompt(s) and/or stimuli)

_x___ 3. Requires students to use explicit evidence in relation to criteria __x__ 4. Encourages students to accurately analyze/interpret their performance before judgment of the performance, in order to inform the judgment (employ metacognition)

Feedback Form _x___ 1. Includes ample opportunity for feedback on criteria used to assess _x___ 2. Provides for accurate evidence and/or explanation of instructor judgment _x___ 3. Provides for targeted suggestions/comments for improvement

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