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REMEMBER!!! Some is used in affirmative sentences and in questions when requesting or offering something.

Any is used in negative sentences and in questions.

Complete with some or any: 1. Can I have ______ coffee, please? Ive just woke up. 2. He i nt take _____ !oo picture of us. ". Hes so nice. He #rou!ht me ________ flowers$ %. I nee a hammer an _____ nails to fi& the shelf. '. If (ou want, we coul have ____wine with the inner. ). *he hasnt t(pe _____ letter (et$ +. I went to the supermarket to #u( _____foo . ,. -ets ask the #aker if hes !oin! to #ake ____ #rea to a(. .. /o (ou want ______ cake? 10. 1he reporter i nt ask ______ interestin! 2uestion. 11. Have (ou !ot _____ 2uestions? 12. I went fishin! #ut i nt !et _______ fish.

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