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Dihydropiridines indications

Hypertension CCBs effectiveness in the treatment of hypertension is related to a decrease in peripheral resistance accompanied by increases in cardiac index. CCB are also useful in the treatment of hypertensive patients with comorbidities such as: asthma, diabetes, angina, ond or peripheral vascular disease. Angina pectoris Calcium channel blockers act as coronary vasodilators, producing variable and dosedependent reductions in myocardial oxygen demand, contractility, and arterial pressure. These combined pharmacologic effects are advantageous and make these agents as effective as beta blockers in the treatment of angina pectoris. They are indicated when beta blockers are contraindicated, poorly tolerated, or ineffective. In the presence of heart failure, the use of calcium channel blockers can cause further worsening of heart failure as a result of their negative inotropic effect.

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