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Ma8 Geometry Card1

Ma8 Geometry Card2

Ma8 Geometry Card3

Ma8 Geometry Card4

Ma8 Geometry Card5

Find the value of x

Find the area

Find the perimeter

Find the area

Ma8 Geometry Card6

Ma8 Geometry Card7

Ma8 Geometry Card8

Ma8 Geometry Card9

Ma8 Geometry Card10

Find the perimeter

True or false. Every rectangle is a square. Explain.

True or false. Every square is a rhombus. Explain.

True or false. Every parallelogram is a kite. Explain.

Draw a diagram or explain. What is the intersection of a ray and a ray?

Ma8 Geometry Card11

Ma8 Geometry Card12

Ma8 Geometry Card13

Ma8 Geometry Card14

Ma8 Geometry Card15

Draw a diagram or explain. What is the intersection of three planes and a line?

Draw a diagram or explain. What is the intersection of a segment and a line?

Find the value of x.

Find angle A.

Find the value of x.

Ma8 Geometry Card16

Ma8 Geometry Card17

Ma8 Geometry Card18

Ma8 Geometry Card19

Ma8 Geometry Card20

Find angle A.

For this trapezoid AC 20; BE 8 Find DE

ABCD is a rhombus, <ADC = 124, find <BAE

For this rectangle AC 12 Find DE

For this rectangle DAC 420 Find ABE

Ma8 Geometry Card21

Ma8 Geometry Card22

Ma8 Geometry Card23

Ma8 Geometry Card24

Ma8 Geometry Card25

For this parallelogram BE 5 AC 8 Find CE

Find the value of x. Find angle A. Find the value of x.

Find the value of x.

Answer Card5

Answer Card 4

Answer Card 3

Answer Card2

Answer Card1




Answer Card7

Answer Card6

Answer Card10

Answer Card9

Answer Card8

Point, ray or segment.

Check your explanation with someone else.
Answer Card15

False because every parallelogram does not have the equal sides next to each other.

True because every square does have four equal sides.

False because every rectangle does not have four equal sides.


Answer Card14

Answer Card13

Answer Card12

Answer Card11




Point or segment.
Check your explanation with someone else.
Answer Card17

Point or line.
Check your explanation with someone else.
Answer Card16

Answer Card20

Answer Card19

Answer Card18





Answer Card25

Answer Card24

Answer Card23

Answer Card22

Answer Card21



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