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A Look into my Life

Tiffani Lang Final Project

I am Tiffani Lang..
I was born in Salem, Oregon on November 26,1993. I have two brothers and one sister. My mom and step dad are my parents. I lost my father when I was 9 years old and it changed my whole life.

>Picture of my siblings and I on the right

Growing up
After losing my dad I struggled with more moments of emotional despair. My parents switched me to catholic school after my father past and put me in sports to keep my mind busy. Throughout high school I had many relations to try and achieve the love I felt like I was missing out on without having my dad in my life. I had a lot of anger toward my mom and step dad, with not listening, arguing and rebelling. I grew up having to go to church all the time but was constantly bored and uninterested.

Life on my own
I got a job working at a group home for individuals with autism. Shortly after I graduated high school in 2012. My graduation gave me the freedom I always wanted and moved out the day after to live with my boyfriend.
>picture of my boyfriend and I

A New Chapter
Although I grew up going to church I never felt like I had a close relationship with Jesus. I struggled with religious identity. After being introduced to Christian church by my sister and attending a bible study class I found the love I was searching for my whole life in Jesus Christ. I went through an identity crisis in trying to find Jesus in my life but am satisfied now and He has filled me with His love and peace and has changed my way of thinking.

After my graduation I started going to college at SLCC, and I plan to continue my education to get my Bachelors degree for being a developmental specialist in early intervention.

My Future

I am excited for what my future holds for me and put my life and trust in Jesus to guide me through it.

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