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Process Paper We started our history fair project by searching for topics that related to the topic.

We met at the Acres Home Library and began our research of several topics. After a bit of research we eliminated a few topics because of their inability to full express the theme of both rights and responsibilities. Next we decided on what way to present our topic. We came to the easy decision that a website would best show our skills as far as presentation. Finally we decided on a topic. The topic Cesar Chavez and the UFW's fight for Hispanic farm worker rights fits the theme, allows for great presentation through website, and allows for good resources since the topic is not to old. It also allows for the possibility of interviews with people who were actually involved in the UFW movement. Cesar Chavez is one of the greatest leaders in the twentieth century. He brought about improved working conditions for agricultural workers and reformed the labor system for farmers. Our group selected Cesar Chavezs stand against the injustices of the farm labor system because he discontinued the harsh hours and low wages set for farmers. At the beginning of our project, we first began by researching the local libraries for books, documents, and newspaper articles to determine the significance Cesar Chavez had imprinted. Resourcefully, our group was able to acquire first-hand accounts of the poor and unfair working conditions. After extensive research, our group still remained undecided on how to present our project. Realizing that our technological skills were best accustomed to building websites, we agreed that it would beneficial to present Cesar Chavezs stance through a web site. Furthermore, our group began to explore the different possibilities in creating a web site. It was of necessity to learn html codes.

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