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Brennan Harris 11/11/2013 Gauntlet Lesson Plan Objectives and assessments: Students will be able to play staccato notes

es accurately at measures 1-17. Cello and bass specifically beginning at measure 1. Violin and violas at measures 6-8 (hook bow/staccato). Cello and bass at measures 10-17. Student will be able to accurately play the last two measures, while observing the rests on beat 2 in both measures with bow lifts. Personal Objective To Improve the accuracy of the students staccato articulation. Introduction Today we are going to practice some different articulations that will help us play Gauntlet for our concert next week. Procedure Aural experience Have students discern between staccato notes and normal articulation Have students write their own rhythm/articulation patterns on the board for the rest of the class to play Air bow model the staccato rhythms while are bowing and saying the bow direction in measures 2-5 (the viola part) part by part and have them echo those rhythms. Play on open string Have students play measures 2-5 (viola part) Play piece Make sure cello and bass keep steady beat very staccato (m.1-4) Violas m. 2-5 Violins m.5-8 Cellos and bass m.10-14 Everybody 102 to the end Closure Great Job! the staccatos are sounds much better, make sure to practice the rest of the piece just like we did today so that you sound this good at your concert next week.

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