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I take cover to Allah from damned prince of darkness obsession.

referred [as]ly [is] Allah name which is enamoured the most again the most humane. .[is] Holy the most Allah degraded Al-Fur an ! Al-"ur#An$ to His slave% in order to he&she become commemoration giver to entire&all nature. what kepunyaan-'ya-lah and bumi%dan sky empire don#t have child% and [there] no ally for -'ya in His power% and he&she have created everything% and he&she specify [his&its] si(e measure by serapi-rapinya.

)ater*+hen they take the infinite [of] apart from [at] ! to be curtseyed$% what that the infinite [do] not create any% even the themselves created and [do] not have the power to refuse something kemudharatan from ,#self and [do] not also for megambil [of] something kemanfa#atanpun as well as [do] not have the power to kill% animating and [do] not also awaken.

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