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l led Lhe crafL for Lhe second week of Lhe ChrlsLmas CrafL Club. Cur crafL for Lhls week
was sewlng sLocklngs. We had cuL ouL all of Lhe sLocklngs, pre-Lhreaded needles and goL some
supplles Lo decoraLe Lhem wlLh.
My 1A Lalked wlLh me abouL how she Leaches sewlng ln her class - she Lells a sLory: 1he
needle sLarLs aL Lhe edge of Lhe swlmmlng pool, and whaL do you do when you're aL Lhe edge of
Lhe pool? ?ou [ump lnLo Lhe waLer. And once you're ln Lhe waLer, whaL do you do? Come back
up and sLand on Lhe edge agaln." l Lold Lhe sLory Lo Lhe forLy sLudenLs, and when l assess for
undersLandlng Lhey seemed Lo all know whaL Lo do. 1haL sLory was so greaL - l was a llLLle
nervous abouL Leachlng dlvlslon 1 sLudenLs how Lo sew, buL Lhey dld amazlngly. A few sLudenLs
asked some quesLlons abouL how Lo do lL, and a couple oLhers chose Lo only decoraLe and noL
Lo sew. 8uL almosL everyone declded Lo glve lL a Lry. And all of Lhe sLudenLs were able Lo flnlsh
sewlng Lhelr sLocklngs ln Lhe alloLLed Llme. A loL of sLudenLs asked Lo do anoLher and were able
Lo sew a couple of sLocklngs. lL really helped me Lo see how you can Lake a somewhaL
compllcaLed acLlvlLy and slmpllfy lL so LhaL sLudenLs are able Lo be successful. 8y Laklng sewlng
and Lurnlng lL lnLo a relaLable sLory for Lhem, Lhey were aLLenLlve and successful wlLh Lhelr
8y havlng Lhe dlfferenL componenLs Lo Lhe acLlvlLy - sewlng and decoraLlng - we were
able Lo dlfferenLlaLe Lhe acLlvlLy for sLudenLs. SLudenLs LhaL dld noL feel comforLable sewlng
could [usL decoraLe, and oLhers could Lry lL ouL and Lhen decoraLe. lL funcLloned Lo keep all Lhe
sLudenLs busy unLll Lhe club was over, and Lhey dldn'L feel llke Lhey weren'L done lf Lhey only
sewed Lhe sLocklng - Lhey felL llke Lhey had accompllshed someLhlng. Agaln, Lhls demonsLraLes
how lmporLanL dlfferenLlaLlon ls, and really how slmple lL can be. lL wasn'L hard Lo dlfferenLlaLe
Lhls acLlvlLy, and lL proved Lo be very worLhwhlle.

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