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Soclal SLudles & Lngllsh Language ArLs - Crade 1 & 2
33 mlnuLes
;%() CommunlLles '"3-<"0 Mlss PlldenbrandL

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1.1: SLudenLs wlll demonsLraLe an undersLandlng and appreclaLlon of how ldenLlLy and self-esLeem are
enhanced by Lhelr sense of belonglng ln Lhelr world and how acLlve members ln a communlLy conLrlbuLe Lo
Lhe well-belng, growLh and vlLallLy of Lhelr groups and communlLles.
2.1: SLudenLs wlll demonsLraLe an undersLandlng and appreclaLlon of how geography, culLure, language,
herlLage, economlcs and resources shape and change Canada's communlLles.
@%E*(#< !3%E.3E" B0)#
1.1: ulscover and Lxplore Crade 1 - LxperlmenL wlLh language and forms
1.1: ulscover and Lxplore Crade 2 - LxperlmenL wlLh language and forms
6$-(3* 6).1("#
1.1.3: SLudenLs wlll examlne how Lhey belong and are connecLed Lo Lhelr world by explorlng and reflecLlng
upon Lhe followlng quesLlons for lnqulry - WhaL helps us Lo recognlze dlfferenL groups or communlLles
(e.g., landmarks, symbols, colours, logos, cloLhlng)? (CC)
1.1.3: SLudenLs wlll dlsLlngulsh geographlc feaLures ln Lhelr own communlLy from oLher communlLles by
explorlng and reflecLlng upon Lhe followlng quesLlons for lnqulry - Where ls my communlLy on a map or on
a globe? (L)
2.1.2: SLudenLs wlll lnvesLlgaLe Lhe physlcal geography of an lnulL, an Acadlan, and a pralrle communlLy ln
Canada by explorlng and reflecLlng Lhe followlng quesLlons for lnqulry - Where are Lhe lnulL, Acadlan and
pralrle communlLles locaLed ln Canada? (L) & Pow are Lhe geographlc reglons dlfferenL from where we
llve? (L)
@%E*(#< !3%E.3E" B0)#
1.1.1: LxperlmenL wlLh dlfferenL ways of explorlng and developlng sLorles, ldeas and experlences.
1.1.1: use a varleLy of forms of oral, prlnL and oLher medla LexLs Lo organlze and glve meanlng Lo
experlences, ldeas and lnformaLlon.
!@BA2/29 =CI@>'/J@6
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1. ldenLlfy ways Lo recognlze dlfferenL groups or communlLles (e.g. landmarks, symbols, colours, logos, cloLhlng).
2. ldenLlfy where Lhelr communlLy ls on a map.
3. WrlLe a posLcard Lo explore and develop ldeas.
1. ldenLlfy where Lhe lnulL communlLy ls locaLed ln Canada.
2. ldenLlfy how Lhe geographlc reglon of Lhe lnulL communlLy ls dlfferenL from where Lhey llve.
3. WrlLe a posLcard Lo glve meanlng Lo ldeas and lnformaLlon.
=7#"043)($%#F Cbserve ablllLy Lo ldenLlfy where Calgary ls on a map (2)
Cbserve ablllLy Lo ldenLlfy where nunavuL ls on a map (1)
L"M N."#)($%#: Pow can we recognlze a dlfferenL communlLy?" (1)
Where ls Calgary on a map?" (2)
Where ls Lhe lnulL communlLy locaLed ln Canada?" (1)
Pow ls Lhe land ln nunavuL dlfferenL Lhan Lhe land ln Calgary?" (2)
D0$1.-)#+D"0H$0:3%-"#F Show where Calgary ls on a map of Canada (2)
Show where nunavuL ls on a map of Canada (1)
osLcard abouL Lravellng Lo nunavuL (1, 2, 3)
osLcard abouL Lravellng Lo nunavuL (1, 2, 3)
!@BA2/29 A@6=;A>@6 >=26;!'@5 ?B'@A/B!6 B25 @N;/D?@2'
Soclal SLudles rogram of SLudles
Lngllsh Language ArLs rogram of SLudles
Map of Canada (ln word documenL)
!"#$%&'(#)%" #% +'",-'# ./00%" 12,"
!"#$%&" ()*+ # %&+$,#%& -)&#%&" ./ 0)1 21 3*4-*& 2
1eacher AssoclaLe
hLLp:// (map
of Canada)
CommunlLles ln Canada - Looklng aL eople (LexLbook)
When Wlshes Come 1rue" - sponge acLlvlLy book
osLcards (1 per sLudenL)
1$)%$ #% 2/00%" SeL up maLerlals.
CuL aparL posLcards.
CeL smarLboard Lurned on, open documenL wlLh map of Canada.
/%)0$1.-)($% '(:"
3##/"#)%" 4$,55/$ 1oday we are Lravellng Lo nunavuL!
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,"& ;/<,-)%$
1hlnk back Lo yesLerday - whaL are some Lhlngs we Lalked abouL LhaL we were
golng Lo Lry Lo work on Lo help us be leaders ln our learnlng? (l.e. good
llsLeners, belng proacLlve abouL our learnlng - slLLlng wlLh people LhaL we wlll
make good cholces wlLh and won'L dlsLracL us, keeplng Lhe nolse level quleL,
ralslng hands Lo answer quesLlons, eLc). LeLs pracLlce Lhose Lhlngs Loday and
be leaders ln our learnlng.
2 mlnuLes

300/00=/"# %9 1$)%$
llrsL we are golng Lo Lalk abouL a blg Lerm for soclal sLudles - communlLy.
ASk: WhaL ls a communlLy?" (Choose sLudenLs wlLh hands up Lo answer and
commenL on Lhelr answers, ask oLher sLudenLs Lo bulld on prevlous sLudenLs
answers, eLc).
Wrap Lhe dlscusslon up wlLh: a communlLy can be a loL of dlfferenL Lhlngs - a
group of people who llve ln Lhe same area (for example, Lhe same clLy or
nelghborhood, or us as a school) or a group of people who llke Lhe same
Lhlngs, or have Lhe same rellglon or have Lhe same background.
A group of people wlLh commonallLles LhaL may lnclude culLure, language,
values, and bellefs, lnLeresLs, pracLlces and ways of llfe, hlsLory and,or
geographlcally deflned shared space" (SS CS)
3 mlnuLes

C$1M '(:"
./,$")": 3(#)-)#@ AB Map - Calgary and nunavuL (uL a map of Canada on Lhe smarLboard (saved ln
a word documenL)).
LxLAln: 1hls ls a map of Canada. We are golng Lo look aL Lwo dlfferenL
communlLles Loday - our communlLy (Calgary/AlberLa) and Lhe lnulL
communlLy LhaL llves ln nunavuL.
We are golng Lo Lry Lo flnd Calgary (or AlberLa - our provlnce, whlch can also
be consldered our communlLy) - our communlLy, and nunavuL - where Lhe
lnulL communlLy ls from.
Lveryone look really closely and see lf you can flnd where Calgary ls. lf you see
lL, puL your hand up buL don'L say anyLhlng yeL! (WalL unLll Lhe ma[orlLy of
sLudenLs have Lhelr hands up). Ask one sLudenL Lo come up and polnL lL ouL
(commenL on how Lhey were llsLenlng Lo lnsLrucLlons and slLLlng well).
now we are golng Lo look for nunavuL. nunavuL ls a LerrlLory, [usL llke AlberLa
ls a provlnce. Look closely and see lf you can flnd nunavuL. !usL llke before,
puL your hand up when you flnd lL (Agaln, walL unLll mosL of Lhe sLudenLs have
Lhelr hands up). Ask a dlfferenL sLudenL LhaL ls llsLenlng well Lo come and polnL
lL ouL. (2) (1)
*noLe - posslblllLy LhaL sLudenLs wlll begln polnLlng ouL places LhaL Lhey know
people from (l.e. l know someone LhaL llves ln ____). ln response Lo LhaL, can
dlscuss LhaL Lhere are loLs of dlfferenL communlLles, and we are golng Lo Lalk
abouL how we can recognlze dlfferenL communlLles - Loday we are golng Lo
focus on Calgary and nunavuL, buL maybe anoLher Llme we could look aL LhaL
communlLy and compare lL Lo ours.
4 mlnuLes

!44&44+&5%46 07((&)&5%7#%7*58 CbservaLlon - lf sLudenLs are able Lo flnd Lhem on a map Lhey wlll puL Lhelr
hands up. Able Lo assess lf Lhey can flnd Lhem.

./,$")": 3(#)-)#@ AC *MovemenL 8reak - flve [umplng [acks, and glve someone a hlgh flve lf you
Lhlnk you are belng a leader ln your learnlng.*
20 mlnuLes
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now LhaL we know where Calgary ls, and where nunavuL ls on a map, we are
golng Lo Lalk abouL some dlfferences beLween Calgary and nunavuL.
8LAu: l ls for lnuksuk" (ask sLudenLs Lo pay aLLenLlon Lo Lhe dlfferenL symbols,
Lhe geography, Lhe cloLhlng, LhaL lL Lalks abouL, because l wlll be asklng Lhem
abouL Lhem laLer on)
ASk: WhaL was Lhe geography, or Lhe land llke where Lhe lnulL communlLy
uoes lL look llke where we llve?
AbouL 1/3 of Canada - LhaL's really blg! lL ls made up of loLs of lslands.
lL's very cold - goes below zero a loL of Lhe Llme - lL would seem llke wlnLer
almosL all year round.
8ecause lL ls so cold, ln Lhe wlnLer parL of Lhe sea freezes. When LhaL happens,
Lhey are able Lo Lravel by dogsled or snowmoblle on Lhe lce.
1here are also loLs of lcebergs because lL ls so cold!
lL ls mosLly snow-covered.
Pas mounLalns.
very close Lo Lhe ocean. (2)
ASk: WhaL are some symbols LhaL Lhe book Lalked abouL ln Lhe lnulL
communlLy? Symbols - Lhlngs LhaL represenL someLhlng (8emember how aL
8emembrance uay we Lalked abouL symbols of peace? 1hls ls Lhe same klnd of
Lhlng, excepL Lhese symbols represenL Lhlngs for Lhe lnulL people)
Are Lhese symbols Lhlngs LhaL we would see ln Calgary, or ln AlberLa - ln our
CloLhlng - We already Lalked abouL Lhe dlfferenL geography, and how nunavuL
- where Lhe lnulL communlLy llves - ls a loL dlfferenL Lhan our communlLy's
geography, or Lhe land ln our communlLy. 8ecause lL ls a loL snowler Lhere,
Lhey wear warm booLs and parkas. ln Lhe pasL, Lhey ofLen used sealskln for
Lhelr cloLhlng - now Lhey ofLen buy Lhelr cloLhlng aL Lhe sLore.
Looklng aL whaL Lhe land ls llke (geography), Lhe symbols, and cloLhlng are all
ways LhaL we can ldenLlfy dlfferenL communlLles! (1)
*noLe: SLudenLs mlghL sLarL asklng quesLlons/dlscusslng oLher symbols - l.e.
relaLlng back Lo 8emembrance uay (see noLe above) - Lry Lo brlng lL back ln
and commenL on LhaL buL relaLe lL back Lo Lhe Loplc.
!44&44+&5%46 07((&)&5%7#%7*5 Assess for learnlng by asklng quesLlons, llsLenlng Lo sLudenL responses.
./,$")": 3(#)-)#@ AD LxLAln: We are golng Lo wrlLe a posLcard home from our [ourney Lo nunavuL.
(uL plcLures of Lhe symbols, geography, eLc on Lhe smarLboard wlLh Lhe words
so LhaL sLudenLs are able Lo refer Lo LhaL when Lhey are wrlLlng)
C8AuL 1's - 1hls ls whaL you are golng Lo do. ?ou are golng Lo wrlLe 2
senLences descrlblng how we can recognlze dlfferenL communlLles -
speclflcally, whaL are 2 ways LhaL we can recognlze Lhe lnulL communlLy? (l.e.
cloLhlng, symbols, eLc) 1ry Lo use some of Lhe words LhaL l am puLLlng up on
Lhe smarLboard Lo descrlbe.
Color our communlLy - Calgary, or you can color all of AlberLa.
uo all Lhe grade one's undersLand whaL we are dolng?
ASk: A grade one sLudenL Lo explaln whaL Lhey are golng Lo do. WrlLe lL on Lhe
whlLeboard as Lhey explaln lL.
1. WrlLe 2 senLences abouL how Lo recognlze Lhe lnulL communlLy
2. Color our communlLy on Lhe map.
(ass ouL posLcards Lo grade 1 sLudenLs).
21 mlnuLes
!"#$%&'(#)%" #% +'",-'# ./00%" 12,"
!"#$%&" ()*+ # %&+$,#%& -)&#%&" ./ 0)1 21 3*4-*& 4
8emember, we wanL Lo be leaders ln our learnlng and be proacLlve. Pow can
we be proacLlve abouL where we choose Lo slL? (Choose Lo slL nexL Lo someone
LhaL you can work well beslde)
And we wanL Lo begln wlLh Lhe end ln mlnd - we wlll movlng on Lo someLhlng
else by Lhe Llme Lhe blg hand geLs Lo Lhe 11. So we need Lo work on Lhls wlLh
Lhe end ln mlnd.
Crade 1's, you may geL sLarLed wlLh your posLcard. (1, 2, 3)
(keep grade 2's aL Lhe carpeL)
C8AuL 2's - ?ou are golng Lo do someLhlng slmllar Lo Lhe grade 1's, buL a llLLle
blL dlfferenL.
Cn your posLcard, you wlll be wrlLlng 4 senLences descrlblng how Lhe
geography/land of nunavuL ls dlfferenL Lhan Lhe land of our communlLy -
elLher Calgary or AlberLa.
Slmllar Lo Lhe grade 1's, you wlll be uslng Lhe map on Lhe fronL of Lhe posLcard,
buL you are golng Lo colour nunavuL on Lhe map.
uo all Lhe grade 2's undersLand whaL you're dolng?
ASk: A grade Lwo sLudenL Lo explaln whaL Lhey wlll be dolng. (1, 2, 3)
WrlLe sLeps on board:
1. WrlLe 4 senLences abouL how Lhe land ln nunavuL ls dlfferenL Lhan Lhe
land ln our communlLy.
2. Colour nunavuL on Lhe map.
1urn on muslc (classlcal Cu) durlng work Llme. (And have each grade's [obs
wrlLLen on Lhe board so LhaL Lhey can refer back Lo Lhem).
*noLe: uependlng on how Lhe prevlous learnlng acLlvlLles wenL, may need Lo
change Lhe requlremenLs from 2 and 4 senLences Lo 1 and 2 senLences - wlll
see how lL goes.
!44&44+&5%46 07((&)&5%7#%7*5 MonlLor Lhe sLudenL's work - walk around, observe sLudenLs work. (1, 2, 3) (1,
2, 3)
Make senLence sLrlps for sLudenLs LhaL requlre lL.
lf sLudenLs requlre asslsLance wlLh how Lo spell a dlfflculL word, wrlLe Lhe word
on a senLence sLrlp for Lhem.
lf sLudenLs flnlsh Lhelr senLences and Lhe fronL of Lhe posLcard, Lhen Lhey can
colour Lhe resL of Lhe map (explaln LhaL lf Lhey come Lo me wlLh lL done, or lf l
see LhaL Lhey are done wlLh lL). 1hey can also draw Lhemselves by Calgary, and
Lhemselves by nunavuL - draw Lhe cloLhes Lhey would need Lo wear.

>*$#.0" '(:"
300/00=/"# %9 ./,$")":E CollecL posLcards. (1, 2, 3) (1, 2, 3)
F//&5,(G H% I#'&/"#0E Clve a flve mlnuLe warnlng (aL 11:30 am, LhaL ln flve mlnuLes we wlll need Lo
have everyLhlng cleaned up.
ulSCuSS: (Whlle Lhey are slLLlng aL Lhelr desks aL 11:30 am, before Lhey clean
up) CommenL on Lhelr work (uslng leader ln me Lermlnology - were Lhey
leaders ln Lhelr learnlng?)
lf Llme permlLs, ask sLudenLs one Lhlng LhaL Lhey learned Loday - hands up Lo
AL 11:33 am - okay, now lL ls Llme Lo go wash hands and geL ready for lunch -
geL your lunch ouL of your backpack, eLc.
3 mlnuLes

6G$%E" B-)(4()M+B-)(4()("#
8ead When Wlshes Come 1rue"
(And can Lhen dlscuss more symbols of nunavuL, geography of nunavuL, Lhlngs you would see
lf you vlslLed - ways Lo recognlze a communlLy).

!"#$%&'(#)%" #% +'",-'# ./00%" 12,"
!"#$%&" ()*+ # %&+$,#%& -)&#%&" ./ 0)1 21 3*4-*& 3

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