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- Waves of rayer

- Colng Lhe ulsLance for
Lhe Cospel
- 8eachlng a young naLlon

-MeeL Zaan: newesL
member of CM
B! - ro[ecL namana
1haL's whaL's ln my hearL - Lo see Lhe
Malagasy people rlse up and Lake
ownershlp of mlsslons."
Madagascar ls a naLlon full of beauLy and
Lragedy, llghL and darkness. SLrlcken by
pollLlcal lnsLablllLy, poverLy and a wave of
naLural dlsasLers - Lhe Malagasy people
are searchlng for sLablllLy ln Lhls world.
SLeeped deeply lnLo wlLchcrafL, anlmlsm,
ancesLor worshlp and lslam, Lhe darkness
ls cerLalnly prevalenL - buL a llghL ls
comlng. CM Madagascar exlsLs Lo
moblllze Lhe Malagasy church, Lraln
ChrlsLlans Lo be equlpped for mlsslons,
faclllLaLe communlLy developmenL
programs, and brlng Lhe gospel Lo Lhe
unreached of Lhls lsland naLlon Lhrough
church planLlng. 1he harvesL ls ready ln
Madagascar buL Lhe workers are few, we
are currenLly a small Leam wlLh a blg
Cne of our dreams ls Lo bulld a mlsslon
Lralnlng base. CurrenLly, lf someone
would llke Lo [oln CM and serve ln
Madagascar Lhey musL be Lralned ln
Zambla or SouLh Afrlca. Slnce flylng cosLs
are so hlgh, we hope Lo bulld a Lralnlng
base here ln our own counLry. 1hrough
Lhls Lralnlng base we can begln recrulLlng
mlsslonarles Lo serve ln Lhe rural areas
and brlng Lhe way, Lhe LruLh, and Lhe
llfe" Lo Lhese unreached peoples.
1hls mlnlsLry would noL be posslble
wlLhouL Lhe love and supporL of Lhe body
of ChrlsL. 1hls ls Lhe flrsL of our new
quarLerly newsleLLer, and we hope you
en[oy our updaLes! lf you would llke more
deLalls or lnformaLlon on how Lo geL
lnvolved, please emall:
F;77+><,/!! !
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! 2''+-!34!5-6,-78-)!9:33!
demanded a hlgher level of dedlcaLlon
Lhan mosL. She shared LhaL she musL walk
flve hours before caLchlng a bus ln order
Lo flnally arrlve aL Lhe locaLlon where Lhe
Leam has been meeLlng. We were so
lmpressed by her courage and love, and
we asked
moLlvaLed her
Lo Lravel such
a long
dlsLance. She
slmply sald: l
would llke Lo
grow ln my
servlce for
Cod". ln
addlLlon, as
an acL of
Lo her love for ChrlsL, she ls aLLempLlng Lo
ralse supporL for Lhe ouLreach by selllng
some of her ducks. lease pray LhaL Cod
wlll bless her obedlence and wlll conLlnue
Lo shape and grow her.
1he CM Madagascar Leam has a passlon
Lo moblllze Lhe Malagasy church by
expandlng Lhelr worldvlew and ralslng
awareness abouL whaL Cod ls
accompllshlng globally Lhrough mlsslons.
ln 2006 Lhe radlo program !esus Llves"
was launched. ln Lhe early sLages of Lhls
program, mosL of Lhe alrLlme conslsLed of
llsLeners calllng ln wlLh prayer requesLs.
1he program has slnce been renamed
World Challenge" and Lhe focus has
shlfLed llsLeners are now challenged Lo
pray for mlsslons around Lhe world.
8ecenL Loplcs have lncluded: prayer for
Lhe Musllm world and Lhe persecuLed
church. ln addlLlon, llsLeners recelve Lwo
dally SMS' from World Challenge" - ln
Lhe mornlng a scrlpLure verse and aL nlghL
a prayer challenge. World Challenge"
also hosLs an annual prayer gaLherlng,
whlch ls aLLended by roughly 700 people.
lease pray for Lhe
llsLenlng audlence Lo
conLlnue ln Lhelr
splrlLual growLh as Lhey
parLner wlLh CM
Madagascar ln
lnLercedlng for Lhe
PanLa llves ouLslde of AnLananarlvo, Lhe
caplLal of Madagascar, wlLh her farmlng
famlly. She flrsL became lnLeresLed ln
mlsslons when she observed her slsLer's
devoLlon Lo spreadlng Lhe gospel of !esus
ChrlsL ln Madagascar. PanLa has declded
Lo parLlclpaLe ln Lhe upcomlng ouLreach
Lo Manakara, whlch wlll be arranged by
CM Madagascar ln SepLember. 1he
ouLreach parLlclpanLs have been meeLlng
every SaLurday mornlng Lo prepare for
Lhls Lrlp, and Lhrough Lhese Llmes
LogeLher we came Lo reallze LhaL PanLa's
declslon Lo parLlclpaLe ln Lhe ouLreach
Lncouraglng prayerful lnLercesslon
Lhrough Lhe radlo waves of
flrsL Llme he had ever Louched a copy of Lhe 8lble. We are looklng
forward Lo conLlnulng sporLs mlnlsLry as a meLhod Lo reachlng our
young people.
Zaan de !onge felL Lhe Lord
calllng her Lo mlsslons ln
2010 and declded Lo
parLlclpaLe ln Lhe CM
Mlsslons ulsclpleshlp 1ralnlng
ln reLorla, SouLh Afrlca.
lollowlng Lhe Mu1 program
Zaan knew Cod was Lelllng
her Lo puL her unlverslLy
sLudles on hold and move Lo
Madagascar Lo counsel women. 8alslng Lhe necessary funds was a
daunLlng Lask, buL Cod provlded a way for her. She arrlved ln
Madagascar ln AugusL 2011 and ls hoplng Lo learn boLh Malagasy
and lrench ln Lhe upcomlng weeks. She would Lhen llke Lo move ouL
of Lhe clLy and lnLo Lhe rural area and begln counsellng women. We
pralse Lhe Lord for Zaan's courage and know LhaL Lhe Lord wlll use
her ln a mlghLy way. lease pray for conLlnued sLrengLh and LhaL Lhe
Lord wlll gulde her Lo Lhe rlghL Lown and Lo Lhe rlghL women.
1herefore, slnce we are surrounded by so greaL a
cloud of wlLnesses, leL us also lay aslde every
welghL, and ln sln whlch cllngs so closely, and leL
us run wlLh endurance Lhe race LhaL ls seL before
us, looklng Lo !esus." Pebrews 12:1-2a
Cver 30 of Lhe populaLlon of Madagascar ls under Lhe age of
13, yeL Lhere are llLLle or no ChrlsLlan youLh programs currenLly
runnlng. ln !une 2011, Lhe CM Madagascar Leam hosLed a
fooLball compeLlLlon for youLh ln AnLananarlvo, Lhe caplLal of
Madagascar. eople ln Lhe communlLy were Louched, as Lhey had
never seen any ouLreach speclflcally for young people, and asked
us Lo plan a compeLlLlon nexL year as well. AfLer Lhe games, each
Leam was glven dlfferenL awards - some geese or oLher food
lLems. A week laLer Lhe Leams gaLhered LogeLher Lo eaL and have
fellowshlp. lL was lncredlble Lo see LhaL Lhe Llme of fun Lhey had
playlng fooLball and hearlng Lhe gospel presenLed led Lo a longer
lasLlng fellowshlp and communlLy among Lhem. We also gave a
copy of Lhe 8lble Lo each referee as a glfL afLer Lhe compeLlLlon.
Cne man was over[oyed wlLh Lhe presenL, and sald lL was Lhe
hoLo CredlL: AnlLa Cehrlng
"#!#$%$&$'($)!*+$),-)./!0-1'.-,,-)! 2''+-!34!5-6,-78-)!9:33!

namana ls Lhe Malagasy word for
frlend. 1he marglnallzed people
of Madagascar are noL only
economlcally lsolaLed buL also
soclally. 1he name namana
(frlend) descrlbes Lhe goal of CM
Madagascar Lo noL only
flnanclally help Lhese people buL
also Lo become Lhelr frlends and
brlng Lhem ouL of soclal lsolaLlon.

1he goal ls LhaL wlLhln one year, Lhe reclplenL
wlll have esLabllshed a vlable buslness, be able
Lo manage Lhelr own flnances, and provlde for
Lhelr famllles lndependenLly"
As a resulL of Lhe Madagascar pollLlcal crlsls of 2009, Lhousands
of Malagasy people are sufferlng under Lhe yoke of poverLy. WlLh
llLLle or no enLrepreneurlal skllls and llvlng on less Lhan $1 a day,
Lhe fuLure seems bleak.
lans Lo sLarL Lhe flrsL ChrlsLlan mlcro-flnance program ln
Madagascar has been a longLlme dream for CM Madagascar. ln
parLnershlp wlLh CM Pong kong Lhls dream wlll become a reallLy
ln CcLober 2011. We are plannlng Lo flrsL sLarL wlLh a 30 people
LesL pool ln 2 separaLe communlLles. 1he parLlclpanLs wlll recelve
any amounL from $10-100 dependlng on Lhelr buslness plans. We
plan Lo equlp Lhese people boLh flnanclally and splrlLually as Lhey
recelve Lralnlng ln enLrepreneurlal skllls and 8lbllcal values.
ro[ecL namana ls a Lwo-fold program, wlLh one group recelvlng
flnanclal loans and Lralnlng, Lhe oLher group ls geared
speclflcally for young glrls from Lhe rural areas of Madagascar
who have come Lo Lhe clLy seeklng employmenL. 1hese glrls
seek employmenL as housekeepers, buL are ofLen Laken
advanLage of - flnanclally and physlcally. 1hrough ro[ecL
namana Lhese glrls wlll recelve baslc flnanclal and economlc
Lralnlng and 8lbllcal values Lo help proLecL Lhem ln Lhelr
1. lease pray for good relaLlonshlps wlLh Lhe local church as
we parLner wlLh Lhem ln every mlnlsLry - LhaL Cod would help
Lhem Lo reallze Lhe lmporLanL role Lhey play ln evangellsm and
2. ray for Cod Lo send us more lnLerns, shorL-Lerm and long-
Lerm mlsslonarles - and pralse Plm for Lhe Leam we have!
3. ralse Cod for Lhe rlpe harvesL ln Madagascar - many
people are comlng Lo Pls klngdom!

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