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1he MonLhly newsleLLer of 8lders WlLh A urpose
ChapLer #1211 of Lhe
ChrlsLlan MoLorcycllsLs AssoclaLlon

Who are we? 8lders WlLh A urpose-#1211
As a parL of Lhe ChrlsLlan MoLorcycllsLs AssoclaLlon, we are an lnLerdenomlnaLlonal mlnlsLry Lo oLher
blkers. As wlLh Lhe CMA, our mlsslon ls changlng Lhe world, one hearL aL a Llme." We meeL every 3

SaLurday aL 8u's Amerlcan Crlll~1426 LancasLer lke (8L. 272) Cuarryvllle, A~SouLh of Lhe 8uck, !oln us!
resldenL-!ohn !azz" Zook 1reasurer-Mary 8russLar rayer Chaln-!aneL Maldonado
vlce resldenL-!ohn lreeman WebmasLer-uave Maldonado 8oad CapLaln & newsleLLer
SecreLary-8eLh lreeman Chaplalns- nell unlacke, 8ud & karen SLlllman -kenL 8russLar

Cn 1hursday, uecember 19,
members of 8lders WlLh A urpose
[olned members of Wakefleld
Ambulance, lulLon llre Company, and
Llvlng SLones mlnlsLry for an lncredlble
annual evenL, whlch 8WA has
dubbed, Opetotloo metqeocy
8lessloq. 1he church ldenLlfled
famllles ln need, and we gaLhered glfLs
for Lhem," explalned 8ud SLlllman,
8WA member and asLor aL Llvlng
SLones. 1hen Lhe llre and Ambulance
helps ouL by dellverlng Lhe glfLs uslng
Lhelr vehlcles."
ln all, over Lwo-dozen
volunLeers were lnvolved ln Lhe
evenlng. A flre englne and Lwo
ambulances served Lo LransporL Lhe
glfLs and Lhe volunLeers. My favorlLe
parL ls Lhe carollng," sald 8WA
Chaplaln and Ambulance member, nell
unlacke. As each dellvery was made,
famllles were greeLed wlLh Lhe
comblned volces of all of Lhe groups ln
a cheery ChrlsLmas Lune. !ohn Zook
once agaln reprlsed hls role as SanLa
for Lhe dellverles. 1here was also a
speclal appearance by lrosLy Lhe
Snowman! AfLerwards, everyone
reLurned Lo Llvlng SLones Lo share
ChrlsLmas LreaLs. 8lesslngs glven,
blesslngs recelved!
1op-koty uolocke mokes o flool cbeck of tbe
qlfts to be JellveteJ, 8ottom-1be Cooq oo
o Jellvety. (no-no-no-1bots Iozz!)
Seasons of 8efreshlng
lebruary 8, 2014
Calvary 8apLlsL Church.
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Seasons of 8efreshlng ls a greaL
evenL LhaL comblnes CMA fellowshlp
wlLh worshlp. lL ls a sorL of mlnl rally"
and could even be LhoughL of as a
reglonal rally. As Lhe name lmplles, lL ls
a Llme Lo refresh...ln Cod's word...ln Pls
Crace...ln fellowshlp wlLh broLhers and
slsLers ln ChrlsL...and ln our dedlcaLlon Lo
Lhls mlnlsLry - 1he ChrlsLlan
MoLorcycllsLs AssoclaLlon. lL could noL
be held aL a beLLer Llme (well, excepL for
Lhe facL LhaL lL makes rldlng dlfflculL).
Seasons" ls held ln lebruary-rlghL ln
Lhe mlddle of Lhose wlnLer doldrums! So,
puL lL on your calendar now. uon'L mlss
Lhls lmporLanL CMA evenL.
1he evenL beglns aL 8:00 AM, so
we wlll need Lo geL an early sLarL. 8lders
WlLh A urpose wlll be meeLlng aL new
rovldence 8apLlsL Church ln Cuarryvllle
aL 4 AM. We wlll make a breakfasL sLop
along Lhe way. lL really ls a greaL Llme of
worshlp, fellowshlp and lnformaLlon
abouL our organlzaLlon. !oln us!!

Operation Emergency

klcksLands up! 8lders WlLh A urpose uecember, 2013
8lders WlLh A urpose-8lde and LvenL Calendar
nC1L: 8ldes usually follow all regular meeLlngs!
^ lndlcaLes evenLs aL whlch we wlll be seLLlng up our LenL" and CMA lnfo booLh.
uecember 19 CperaLlon Lmergency 8lesslng 6:00 M Llvlng SLones

uecember 21 ChrlsLmas 8reakfasL & ClfL Lxchange 8:00 AM 8u's Amerlcan Crlll, 81 272, C'vllle

!anuary 11 new ?ear's 8reakfasL & 9:00 AM Llvlng SLones
'WhlLe LlephanL' Swap

!anuary 18 8reakfasL/8egular MeeLlng 8AM/9AM 8u's Amerlcan Crlll, 81 272, C'vllle

lebruary 8 Seasons of 8efreshlng 8 AM Calvary 8apLlsL Church, AlLoona, A
ueparL 4 AM-new rovldence 8apLlsL, Cuarryvllle, A

lebruary 13 8reakfasL/8egular MeeLlng 8AM/9AM 8u's Amerlcan Crlll, 81 272, C'vllle

March 1 ChapLer CrlenLaLlon 9 AM 8rookslde MlnlsLrles-Shamokln uam
ueparL 6 AM-new rovldence 8apLlsL, Cuarryvllle, A

llnd us Cn 1he Web!
8lders WlLh A urpose
2014 revlew-
Where Lo 8lde-Pmmm...
SLaLe 8ally
AL Lhe uecember offlcer's
meeLlng, we began some prellmlnary
dlscusslon abouL our 2014
Sprlng/Summer 8lde Calendar. A few
Lhlngs are non-negoLlable" as Lhey are
already scheduled by oLher groups.
1hese lnclude 8un for Lhe Son (May 3),
Lhe CMA naLlonal 8ally (!une 17-21),
and SLaLe 8ally (!uly 24-27). A few
oLher daLes are pendlng such as 1he
WlLness lesLlval ln Cuarryvllle and
SunfesL ln 8lslng Sun. WlLh Lhe
weekends lefL, we have some greaL
ldeas. Cne parLlcularly exclLlng evenL ls
a Lrlp Lo WaLklns Clen. 1he plan ls a rlde
of abouL 3 hours Lo Lhe SLlllman's cabln
ln norLhern A, and Lhen an early sLarL
wlLh anoLher Lwo hour rlde Lo WaLklns
Clen where would spend Lhe day, Lhen
back Lo Lhe cabln for dlnner, and a rlde
home Sunday afLernoon. 1he daLe for
Lhls awesome weekend-May 23-23. uL
lL on your calendar nCW. We need Lo
hear from ?Cu wlLh more ldeas. Shore
Lrlp? 8owllng? lcnlcs? WhaL would
?Cu llke Lo do? Pow would you llke Lo
mlnlsLer Lo our communlLy?
Anyone for Arkansas?
8esulLs of ChapLer
AL our november meeLlng,
we elecLed offlcers for 2014.
1he followlng members wlll
serve 8lders WlLh A urpose
ln leadershlp poslLlons for
lteslJeot-keot 8tosstot
v.l. Iobo lteemoo
5ectetoty- Moty 8tosstot
1teosotet-koteo 5tlllmoo
kooJ coptolo-Iobo 2ook
cboplolo-Nell uolocke
lans are underway for Lhe 2014
CMA naLlonal 8ally ln PaLfleld Arkansas.
Pow would you llke Lo [oln us? 1he 8ally
ls rom !une 17-21. We need 2-3 days Lo
geL Lhere slnce lL's a 1200 mlle rlde. lL ls
an awesome opporLunlLy Lo fellowshlp
wlLh CMA'ers from across our naLlon,
and lL's a greaL rlde! lf you are
lnLeresLed, leL kenL 8russLar or !ohn Zook
know as soon as posslble as we wlll need
Lo book rooms eLc., very soon.


ueLalls are sLlll comlng ln, buL
Lhls year's SLaLe 8ally wlll be local!
(near 8eadlng) 1haL means our chapLer
wlll be hosLs" ln one way or anoLher,
wheLher leadlng rldes, helplng wlLh
reglsLraLlon, meals... whaLever-WL
WlLL 8L nLLuLu! lor Lhose who have
noL been able Lo aLLend a SLaLe 8ally ln
Lhe pasL due Lo dlsLance, Llme off and
so on-here ls your chance-!uly 24-27.
uon'L plan anyLhlng else LhaL

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