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uear SlsLers of xl,

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Wow, were we ever inspired by the speakers,
informed by the breakout sessions, and
encouraged by the fellowship of our sisters
from all over the southeast region. Mu State
really did a shining job of hosting the more
than eleven states for the event. Bea, Barb,
Diane, Jane, Nancy and I had a great time.
We were welcomed to The Gaylord and Florida
by the top- ranking female Florida Highway
Patrol Commander Major Cynthia A.
Williams. She compared our jobs as teachers
to officers as students are asked to raise one
hand but their job requires that two hands be
raised. She recognized her former teachers in
the audience and related how many teachers
had worked with her.
Courage was to be claimed after Sandra Ford
Walston presented ways to identify and address
obstacles to courage in our personal and
professional lives.
Marylands Womens Heritage Center loaned
us the talented Kate Campbell Stevenson to
tout the place of women in leadership and
history. Her one-woman musical of historical
women through the ages was fantastic.

We Women of Courage were called
SHEROS as Carolyn Fennell
validated our work as teachers and
Our membership chair, Bonnie, is
dealing with family issues and a
wedding and is unable to continue her
duties as Membership Chair. Please let
us know if you can assist with this
important role.
We are looking forward to our Fall
Initiation at COLONY WEST Saturday,
September28. We are hosting this

A big thank you and a gold star to Paula
for submitting all the forms treasurers
must complete over the summer.
Mark your calendars as Renee and
Margie have organized a fantastic set of
programs for us this year.
See you in September!
Pat Houchens, Xi President

SAvL 1PL uA1L!
lall lnlLlaLlon 8reakfasL
8roward ChapLers
SepLember 28, 2013
Colony WesL CounLry
1amarac, lL
See aLLached flyer for

xl CPA1L8 lS PCS1lnC
1PlS ?LA8S lnl1lA1lCn
Anu SuC81
?Cu8 CPA1L8!


MS. Mlnu? SCP8ACC, LxLCu1lvL
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Please send this registration form to your chapters treasurer, !"# %&'(& !)((*+, -./. 01 2345 06+**6,
7889*+ 7)6:, ;< ===3- LogeLher wlLh a check payable Lo Xi Chapter/Delta Kappa Gamma no later than
name_____________________________________________________________ ChapLer
name(s) of addlLlonal
hone (home) _________________________________________ (cell)
AmounL enclosed ($24 per person) ____________________________

PawLhorne vlllage Club Pouse
lanLaLlon, lL
(8roward 8lvd. Lo SW 70
SL. 1urn SouLh aL Lhe llghL and follow Lhe slgn Lo Lhe club house)

CcLober 17, 2013
lease [oln us for some LasLy LreaLs!

Lets celebrate our heritage by enjoying some cookies or other
LreaL LhaL you en[oy as parL of your naLlonallLy. lease brlng 2
dozen cookles LhaL reflecL your herlLage or culLural background.
Cn an lndex card wrlLe Lhe name of Lhe cookle and a brlef
descrlpLlon of when Lhls LreaL ls en[oyed. Also brlng several
coples of Lhe reclpe Lo share wlLh oLhers.

uelLa kappa Camma lnLernaLlonal provldes scholarshlp
asslsLance Lo women from around Lhe world so Lhey may
pursue advanced sLudy ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes and Canada. 1hese
scholarshlps are funded Lhrough donaLlons only. uonaLlons wlll
be collecLed prlor Lo our buslness meeLlng.

Looking mark your calendars!
September 28 8:00AM 8roward CounLy lall lnlLlaLlon 8reakfasL
Colony WesL CounLry Club - 1amarac
CcLober 17PawLhorne vlllage Club Pouse lanLaLlon
World lellowshlp
uecember 7..Holiday Luncheon (TBA)
January 25.District V llrsL 8apLlsL Church, lL. Lauderdale
nancy, 8arbara, aL, and !ane aL Lhe ukC
SouLheasLern Conference !uly 2013
ChapLer dues of $80.00 should be senL Lo our
1reasurer, aula Mlller aL 8696 SW 32
SL., Cooper
ClLy, lL 33328 by CcL. 1, 2013.

Mu SLaLe lall Workshop

SepLember 20-21
Lake Mary MarrloLL
(new locaLlon!)

Sesslon 7:00M lrlday

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