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Interview questions 1) Who is the one that handle and manage the registration in cosmopolitan college?

How the registration process? 2) What is the current software used for managing the registration? 3) What problem occurred when using the current software? 4) How does the college approving and rejecting the registration form? 5) Does all the collecting registered forms is being stored in 1 place and then to be process? 6) What kind of letter do this college send if the students is being approve or rejected? Who write the letter and is it written manually? 7) Does the student ID is created base on the registered form? 8) For students who applied for scholarship how does the process occur with the student who paid by their own? 9) If we are going to make a system. What kind of features would you like to include in the new system? Why is it? 10) What do you think if creating the online registration for this college? Any opinion on it? Why is it?

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