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Campus01 2013-2
INGLES III Perfil Salir

Act. 8 : Contents Quiz # 1 Vocabulary

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Unit 3 : Giving and Asking for Directions Select the best option. Choose the correct word according to the definition: People usually go to this place w hen they w ant to w atch a movie. Seleccione una respuesta. a. Park b. Mall c. Restaurant d. Cinema

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Unit 1 : Describing the place where we live Choose the correct word according to the definition: A public road in a city, tow n, or village, typically w ith buildings on one or both sides. Seleccione una respuesta. a. Avenue b. Block c. Flat d. Street

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Unit 4 : Present Progressive Select the best option according to the picture: What are they doing?

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. They are reading the new spaper. b. They are w alking on the street. c. They are looking for a job. d. They are reading comics.

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Unit 5 : Relative Clauses Choose the correct word according to the definition: Someone w ho loves sports is usually... Seleccione una respuesta. a. intelligent b. competitive c. lazy d. serious



Campus01 2013-2

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Unit 1 : Describing the place where we live Choose the correct word according to the definition: A large solid piece of hard material w ith flat surfaces on each side. Seleccione una respuesta. a. Block b. Avenue c. Road d. Street

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Unit 4 : Using ING forms as adjectives, subjects and objects Choose the correct word according to the definition: A w ord naming an attribute of a noun, such as sw eet, red, or technical. Seleccione una respuesta. a. Adjective b. Noun c. Preposition d. Adverb

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Unit 7 : Expressing Obligation and Giving Advice Select the best option. Choose the correct word according to the definition: If you are sick, you must go to Seleccione una respuesta. a. a school b. home c. a hospital d. a restaurant

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Unit 6 : Present Tense Select the best option: What does the statue of liberty represent? Seleccione una respuesta. a. Friendship betw een nations and freedom from oppression. b. Nations that fight in the revolutionary w ar. c. Nations that represent the victory. d. Nations that w ere enemies and oppression.

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Unit 1: Compound Adjetives Select the correct word after reading the description: People can go to this place w hen they w ant to be far from the city, it is a large and usually luxurious country residence. Seleccione una respuesta. a. luxurious villa b. luxurious apartment c. luxurious cottage d. ocean-front residence


P untos : 1

Campus01 2013-2
Unit 1 : Compound Adjectivs Select the best option according to the picture:

Tiem po restante

Seleccione una respuesta. a. a house ocean view b. a house view ocean c. an ocean-view house d. a view -ocean house

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U s ted s e ha autentific ado c omo M Y RI A M C O ST A N ZA C O RRE D O R (Salir)


Intersemestral 2013-2 90121 Cuestionarios Act. 8 : Contents Quiz # 1 Vocabulary Intento 1


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