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Process Paper

I chose my topic with the handout we got about National History Day and it gave me the idea about the Holocaust. The topic was interesting and I learned a lot from it. I conducted my research mostly online and I also went to the library to learn about the Holocaust. I learned about the way the Jews and any not master race humans were treated unfairly. Thats why I wanted to do the Holocaust in memory of the people th at were treated unfairly. I selected to a website because I thought it was the best way to present my topic of the Holocaust and the Nazis. It gives me the best opportunity to represent all that I learned throughout this history fair. My project relates to this years history fair because the rights of the Jews and everyone else who was discriminated were violated. They had the right to be treated equally and not violently against. This has to with responsibilities because the German government had the responsibility to treat everyone equally and not discriminate against Jews and everyone else.

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