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the cars

the cars are one of the great inventions of the humans this inventions is a result of modernization but not only of there the cars are shaped from past ideas for example one of the idea is the carvan that was compost of two horses and seats But we did not stop with that the human understood that the transpor are important hence what they wanted in this invent are something more advance are the cars the invent more important in the world?

the first car

the first car was a invent of Pelland Steamer which desing steam carriage this a car was an inspiration of te trains which operate with the same system RWD fixed axis direction and caster
the tranformation from old to new

the tranformation was a big pass in the world of the cars because this has made us more than we can accommodate them and he have created more profits for example the races some changes have been the potency of the car the arriage handling and aesthetics of this

the construction of the carriage

this cars have many steps including

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