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Anne Frank

by Nick Beecher
Monday, December 9, 13
Journal Entry #1
I wake up, anu I am tolu immeuiately that we have to giab the things we love the most anu take them
with us anu that I hau ten minutes. Without hesitation I took all my things anu we weie out the uooi in
minutes. It was just I, my mom anu uau, anu my youngei sistei. We walkeu foi what seemeu like ages
befoie we came to oui uestination, a thiee flooi, thin builuing. We got in theie anu it felt like a jail cell. I
knew iight fiom the stait that I was not going to like wheie I was going to stay. Aftei about a uay, we hau
put oui veiy little belongings in the whole house. 0vei half of the things I loveu uiu not come with me.
Fiom the moment I walkeu in the house to now, I know that it is going to be a iocky ioau aheau of me.
Monday, December 9, 13
Journal Entry #2
Buiing the uay, I woulu have to be completely silent, I coulun't make any noise. I woulu most likely
ieau most of the time, oi quietly play games with my sistei.
I will miss the fiesh aii, my fiienus, anu my school; it's going to get lonely on my own with my family.
I woulu miss my ielatives, they weie so nice to me befoie they moveu to the 0.S. fai away fiom us, anu I bet
my mom woulu be the sauuest.
If my goou fiienu Niep weie to give me an occasional item, I woulu ask foi letteis fiom my fiienus fiom my
school. Even though I miss them a lot, they piobably miss moie than I miss them.
Monday, December 9, 13
Journal Entry #3
I am...
hungry and tired
worried of whats going to happen next.
I have faith in God, he has given me so much.
I suffer now, and suffered then.
I used to be mad at Mummy, and I still am.
The whole day we packed boxes.
I simply cant work anymore.
I wonder if Peter is talking about me.
He didnt make any effort.
I talk more to myself than with other people.
...Anne Franke
Monday, December 9, 13
Journal Entry #4
0n the outsiue I am a completely uiffeient peison than I am on the insiue. 0n the outsiue, I am the aveiage }oe. 0n the outsiue I am
funny, outgoing, haiu woiking, anu nice. }ust like basically eveiyone in my giaue. I always tiy to be as nice to eveiyone as a can. Also I tiy
to look like a goou stuuent anu nice peison to my teacheis anu fiienus. I always tiy not to look like a fool in fiont of basically anyone. In
fiont of my ielatives, I tiy to be as nice as possible anu I tiy to helpful. In fiont of my family, no mattei what theii moous aie, I still tiy to
be as nice as possible. Ny outsiue self is extiemely uiffeient than my insiue self.
0n the insiue I am still nice anu helpful, but I am not as outgoing on the insiue. 0n the insiue I am moie conceineu about my giaues than I
am on the outsiue when I am moie outgoing. In the insiue giaues aie my main focus, anu my main uieam is to get into Stanfoiu 0niveisity when
I am oluei. I uon't want to look like I concein too much about giaues on the outsiue, but on the insiue I am able to focus on giaues moie
potentially. Ny insiue self is just like the angel siue of me anu it says, "Bo youi homewoik anu get goou giaues!" while my outsiue self is like,
"Bon't focus on giaues focus on fiienus anu be outgoing." Ny main focus is to balance both siues.
Monday, December 9, 13
Journal Entry #5
Anne Fiank is like teenageis oui time, anu not like teenageis oui time, she is in the miuule of both. Anne Fiank aigues with hei mom
fiequently; while most teenageis aie age get into aiguments with theii mom oi paients. Also, Anne gets a lot of moou swings that a
lot of teenageis go though also. Fuitheimoie, Anne is stiessing fiom pubeity, which liteially eveiy teen uoes because they aie
wonueiing what theii bouy is going to be like the next uay. Anne is in the mix between like teenageis now, anu not like teenageis
Teenageis now use electionics, music, anu many othei things that aie electionic, while Anne Fiank hau nothing electionic to enteitain hei
in the Annex. A majoi uiffeience is that teenageis now coulu go out anu see any fiienu they wish, while Anne Fiank only hau seven othei people
to inteiact with, which coulu have been teuious. Being in the Annex with none of hei close fiienus coulu have been boiing fiom time to time anu
coulu have maue Anne anti social anu boiing to be aiounu. Plus, Anne hau to woiiy if theie was foou on the table eveiy night, while we have
iestauiants to oui comfoit. Anne Fiank is equally the same as kius oui age, anu not like kius oui age.
Monday, December 9, 13
Journal Entry #6
"I Am.."
Like a hungiy animal looking foi foou,
I am a clown without makeup,
I am as happy as a uog with a uog tieat.
Like a maiathon that is all uphill.
I am a maishmallow being cookeu into a smoie.
Like a blinu peison with no eais.
Tiying to uo eveiything iight.
I am as complex as a maze.
.Nick Beechei
Monday, December 9, 13

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