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Arahan :

1. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi lima bahagian dengan 40 soalan .

2. Jawab semua soalan.

3. Anda dinasihati supaya mengambil masa 10 minit untuk menjawab soalan Bahagian A,
10 minit untuk Bahagian B, 10 minit untuk Bahagian C, 10 minit untuk Bahagian D dan
20 minit untuk Bahagian E

Instructions :

1. This question paper consists of five sections with 40 questions.

2. Answer all questions.

3. You are advised to spend about 10 minutes on Section A, 10 minutes on Section B,

10 minutes on Section C, 10 minutes on Section D and 20 minutes on Section E.

Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 13 halaman bercetak

Learning To Score 2005 Halaman 1
Unit Kurikulum Jabatan Pelajaran Perak
_______________________________________________________Bahasa Inggeris PMR
Section A

Questions 1 – 10
Questions 1 – 2
Study the pamphlet below and answer the questions that follow.

What’s in the Big Mac…

Vitamins act as catalysts that Carbohydrates supply energy.

activate chemical reaction to The bun provides this
facilitate metabolism. Can be needed energy.
found in the bun, cheese and

Protein supplies the body with

Minerals are needed to regulate
amino acids which are the building
biological and physiological functions.
blocks of body tissues. It is
Lettuce, onions, beef patties, bun and
provided by the beef patties in a Big
pickles provide these nutrients.
Fat is a concentrated form of energy. It is
found in the cheese, beef patties and the
special Big Mac Sauce.

1. Beef patties which are used to prepare Big Mac provide

A protein and fat
B vitamins and protein
C carbohydrates and fat
D carbohydrates and protein

2. What is the function of amino acids in our body?

A To supply energy
B To build body tissues
C To facilitate metabolism
D To regulate biological and psychological functions

Learning To Score 2005 Halaman 2
Unit Kurikulum Jabatan Pelajaran Perak
_______________________________________________________Bahasa Inggeris PMR
Questions 3
Look at the sign below and answer the question that follows.

3. The sign tells us to
A take care of our belongings in public places
B look after pickpockets in special homes
C watch out for people with big pockets
D be careful of people with pick-ups

Questions 4 – 5
Study the table below and answer the questions that follow.

Amethyst In traditional Chinese medicine, it is grounded
and prescribed for stomach pains
Diamond The Greeks believed that diamonds could
protect against poison.
Garnet It was thought to cure depression, protect
against bad dreams and relieve liver ailment
Turquoise It is believed to be a lucky charm that is able
to protect or bring happiness

4. Lina often has stomach aches which make her weak. Which birthstone is
suitable to cure it?
A Garnet
B Emerald
C Amethyst
D Turquoise

5. __________ is believed to protect one from bad dreams.

A Garnet
B Emerald
C Amethyst
D Turquoise

Learning To Score 2005 Halaman 3
Unit Kurikulum Jabatan Pelajaran Perak
_______________________________________________________Bahasa Inggeris PMR
Questions 6 – 7
Read the flyer below and answer the questions that follow.
Enjoy a variety of delights in the warm and casual atmosphere of Santapan
restaurant. Appease your cravings with Pasembor, Daging Masak Hitam, Curry
Nasi Kandar and many more....

Daily Lunch Buffet (12.30pm - 2.30pm)

RM29 nett (Adult) RMI7 nett (Child)
if you love barbeque, you will love our Saturday Night BBQ by the poolside.
Available only on Saturdays from 7.00pm till 9.30
RM35 nett (Adult) RM22 nett (Child)

6. Lunch buffet is served

A every Saturday
B weekends
C weekdays
D every day

7. The word cravings in the advertisement can best be replaced with

A thirst
B desire
C hunger
D passion

Question 8
Study the extract below and answer the question that follows.

The government’s proposal to include co-curricular activities in determining

university entrance is laudable and certainly a move which is long overdue,
“Co-curricular activities vital in new rule for varsity entry”
(The Star, 2005)

8. Which of the following does the writer consider important?

A The new rule
B University entrance
C Co-curricular activities
D The government’s proposal

Learning To Score 2005 Halaman 4
Unit Kurikulum Jabatan Pelajaran Perak
_______________________________________________________Bahasa Inggeris PMR
Questions 9 – 10
Study the cartoon strip below and answer the questions that follow.



9. From the picture above, we know that the children

A enjoy the outdoors
B love watching the movies
C prefer going to the zoo than the beach
D dislike spending time with their parents

10. We can say that the parents are

A uncaring
B dishonest
C thoughtless
D irresponsible

Learning To Score 2005 Halaman 5
Unit Kurikulum Jabatan Pelajaran Perak
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Section B

Questions 11 – 18
Each question in the text below refers to a numbered blank. For each question, choose the
best answer from the options A, B, C and D to fit the numbered blank.

Have you ever noticed that it’s easier for you to fall sick when you are stressed out or
unhappy? Our emotional and psychological well-being _________(11) our physical body. Do
you remember _________(12) last time you were sulking about something? Didn’t you feel
so tired after that?
I’ll let you _________(13) on a secret. Some of the best pick-me-ups are pets!
Animals have been _________(14) to help humans to get that smile back on their faces.
They can be rabbits, guinea pigs, cats, goats, pigs, horses, donkeys, cockatoos, chickens
_________(15) even llamas. However, many people _________(16) dogs.
Some may think that it’s _________(17) work taking care of a pet. Well, it may help
to look at it this way. Your pet depends on you and it gives you extra purpose in

11. A affect 15. A if

B affects B or
C affected C so
D affecting D and

12. A - 16. A dislike

B a B prefer
C an C love
D the D like

13. A out 17. A not much

B off B a lot of
C up C a little
D in D more

14. A called 18. A livelihood

B known B living
C shown C lives
D caught D life

Learning To Score 2005 Halaman 6
Unit Kurikulum Jabatan Pelajaran Perak
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Section C

Questions 19 - 21
Read the conversation in Situation A and choose the best meaning for the phrases that are

Situation A : Mother is inquiring about the well-being of her neighbour’s son.

Mrs. Wong : Your son looks good these days. Has his appetite improved?

Mrs. Jega : Oh, yes. He can eat like a horse (19) now. In fact, I have problem stopping

Mrs. Wong : That’s wonderful news. He needs beefing up. (20)

Mrs. Jega : Thanks for introducing the ‘Weight-On Programme’ to me. I have been let
down (21) by other programmes. I’m really glad this works.

19. He can eat like a horse

A He has a very good appetite.
B He gets excited when he sees food.
C His way of eating resembles a horse.
D His behaviour is like a horse when he sees food.

20. He needs beefing up.

A He needs to eat more beef.
B He needs to take less beef.
C He needs to control his weight.
D He needs to put on some weight.

21. I have been let down

A I have been introduced.
B I have been impressed.
C I have been persuaded.
D I have been disappointed.

Learning To Score 2005 Halaman 7
Unit Kurikulum Jabatan Pelajaran Perak
_______________________________________________________Bahasa Inggeris PMR
Questions 22 - 23
Read the conversation in Situation B and choose the best meaning for the phrases that are

Situation B : Azlinda and Fadlee are shopping for a gift.

Azlinda : This vase is really going for a song. (22)

Fadlee : Are you sure about its quality? Maybe the salesman is just taking us for a
ride. (23)

Azlinda : I don’t think so. He is always at loggerheads (24) with my mother about the
prices of his goods. This must be a genuine offer.

Fadlee : We should just buy the vase.

Azlinda : That’s a fantastic idea.

22. going for a song

A heavy
B cheap
C beautiful
D colourful

23. just taking us for a ride

A cheating us
B coaxing us
C defying us
D bullying us

24. always at loggerheads

A seldom talking
B forever quarrelling
C frequently admitting
D usually surrendering

Learning To Score 2005 Halaman 8
Unit Kurikulum Jabatan Pelajaran Perak
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Section D

Questions 25 – 29
Study the poster below and answer the questions that follow.


The telephone is an important form of communication for most people.
Every day, millions of phone calls are made. There are, however,
irresponsible people who make crank calls. Besides wasting other people’s
time, these crank calls may also be disturbing in nature. Below are some
tips on how to handle crank calls.
• If there is no response after two
• If you hear an obscene word.
• If the caller refuses to identify himself.

• Disclose any information to an
unknown caller.
• Answer the question, “what number is
this?’ Instead ask what number he
• Prolong the conversation – cut it short.
All the caller wants is an audience –
stop giving him attention and he will
give up.
If threats are made against your life or property, report them
immediately to the police. Call 999.

25. What kind of people make crank calls?

A Busy people
B Responsible people
C Irresponsible people

26. The word disturbing in paragraph 1, can best be replaced with

A irritating
B worrying
C confusing
D distracting

27. What should you do if strangers say obscene words to you on the phone?
A Do not reply
B Call the police
C Scold the person
D End the phone call
Learning To Score 2005 Halaman 9
Unit Kurikulum Jabatan Pelajaran Perak
_______________________________________________________Bahasa Inggeris PMR
28. According to the brochure, why do some people make crank calls?
A To get attention
B To get to know you
C To ask a lot of question
D To end up getting caught.

29. The main purpose of the brochure is to educate people on

A how to make crank calls
B how to make telephone calls
C what to do in case of an emergency
D what to do when they get crank calls

Questions 30 – 34
Study the price index below and answer the questions that follow.

30. Ikan Selar is priced the lowest at the

A Chow Kit wet market
B Wellsave supermarket
C Carrefour supermarket
D Subang Jaya wet market

Learning To Score 2005 Halaman 10
Unit Kurikulum Jabatan Pelajaran Perak
_______________________________________________________Bahasa Inggeris PMR
31. What is the cheapest item sold in PJ Old Town wet market?
A Watermelon
B Cucumber
C Brinjal
D Sawi

32. Which of the following statement is NOT true?

A Generally local beef is more expensive than local mutton.
B The price of garlic is the same at all the stalls in the wet market.
C It is cheaper to buy watermelon at the supermarket than at the wet market.
D Cucumber is more expensive than watermelon but less expensive than sawi.

33. Who would be interested to look at this table?

A Teachers
B Housewives
C Businessmen
D School children

34. The purpose of the table above is to provide

A education
B motivation
C information
D conversion

Learning To Score 2005 Halaman 11
Unit Kurikulum Jabatan Pelajaran Perak
_______________________________________________________Bahasa Inggeris PMR
Section E

Questions 35 – 37
Read the poem carefully and answer the questions that follow.


To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,

Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,
To the last syllable of recorded time,
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player,
That struts and frets his hour upon a stage,
And then is heard no more; it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.
William Shakespeare

35. Life is like a “brief candle” (line 5) because

A it ends very quickly
B it is difficult to control
C it does not last forever
D it is easy to kill a person

36. Death is seen in this poem as something which

A cannot be avoided
B comes as a surprise
C happens to bad people
D is a mystery to everyone

37. “a tale/Told by an idiot” (line8-9) would be

A funny to hear
B simple and clear
C difficult to understand
D sad and heart-breaking

Learning To Score 2005 Halaman 12
Unit Kurikulum Jabatan Pelajaran Perak
_______________________________________________________Bahasa Inggeris PMR
Questions 38 - 40
Read the extract below carefully. Then, answer the questions that follow.

It was that time in Jamal’s life. Marriage time. Jamal had left the whole
rigmarole of choosing a wife to his mother and sisters. His mother finally found a suitable
choice, pretty, well educated and scion of a family that his mother would not be ashamed
to introduce as in-laws. Jamal also took an instant liking to his future bride. She looked
demure and sweet, hands folded neatly on her lap the day Jamal went to ‘view’ her. She
was not too short which was a no-no for Jamal and she had langsat-yellow skin. A typical
Malay beauty. Jamal gave her a 9/10 rating and pronounced satisfaction on his mother’s
choice. Arrangements then commenced and a date was set. It was to be in three months
“Why so long, Cik?” queried Jamal. He had already spent a few sleepless nights
thinking about his bride.
Of Bunga Telur and Bally Shoes
by Che Husna Azhari

38. The word commenced in the extract can best be replaced with
A lasted
B began
C finished
D continued

39. What is a typical Malay beauty?

A Tall and tanned
B Demure and sweet
C Dark and not too short
D Fair and of average height

40. Who is Cik in the last paragraph?

A Jamal’s aunt
B Jamal’s sister
C Jamal’s mother
D Jamal’s fiancee

Learning To Score 2005 Halaman 13
Unit Kurikulum Jabatan Pelajaran Perak
______________________________________________________Bahasa Inggeris PMR

Learning To Score 2005 Halaman 14

Unit Kurikulum Jabatan Pelajaran Perak

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