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360 Documentaries



ABC Radio National's 360 documentaries presents the best radio features and documentaries from Australia and around the world. You'll hear tales of ordinary and extraordinary lives, sound adventures and fresh perspectives on the way ideas and culture intersect with contemporary life. Online visuals and stories will take you to places and introduce you to people you'll want to know more about, from the corner shop to the rainforests of Kalimantan. The full 360documentaries-degree view. 99% Invisible is a tiny radio show about design, architecture & the 99% invisible activity that shapes our world. About videogames and people who love them Interesting views on Economics Short discussion on some great artifacts Brings together groups of scholarly experts to discuss the history of ideas, from the invention of radio to Icelandic sagas to the French Physiocrats.

99% Invisible

A Life Well Wasted Freakonomics Radio - NPR Hessian Headgear of The American Revolution In Our Time

Lu Times Two NPR

Stories in which Duct-Tape Solves the Ethereal Sadness while offering additional writings and drawings NPR, formerly National Public Radio is a privately and publicly funded non-profit membership media organization that serves as a national syndicator to a network of 900 public radio stations in the United States. NPR produces and distributes news and cultural programming. Interesting views on Economics

Planet Money - NPR Podcast Awards

Podcast Awards - The People's Choice - Award winners from 2005- 2012 ners

Radio Diaries



Radio Diaries has won every major award in broadcast journalism and produced some of the most memorable documentaries ever heard on public radio. Radio Diaries has been giving people tape recorders and working with them to report on their own lives and histories. They have collaborated with teenagers and octogenarians, prisoners and prison guards, bra saleswomen and lighthouse keepers.and along the way have helped pioneer a new form of citizen journalism. Radiolab is a show about curiosity. Where sound illuminates ideas, and the boundaries blur between science, philosophy, and human experience. Radiolab is heard around the country on more than 450 NPR stations. RISK! is a live show and podcast where people tell true stories they never thought theyd dare to share in public hosted by Kevin Allison, of the legendary TV sketch comedy troupe The State. The award-winning live show happens monthly in New York and Los Angeles. A critical perspective on social media Topics on this show are wide-ranging. Based on riveting TEDTalks from the world's most remarkable minds. TED talks in compressed, edited, audio format. e-second-of-two-shows-on-identity-and-content


Risk Show

Social Media Clarity Stuff you Should Know TED Radio Hour - NPR

The Brooklyn Institute for Social Research

Ongoing, interdisciplinary podcast series featuring members the Institute and occasional guests and a wide variety social-research/ of issues of intellectual interest. Many fascinating podcasts about historical events. This example is about shell shock suffered by WWI soldiers Produces bite-sized but always interesting stories drawn from history,

The History of England The Memory Palace

The Moth The Organist True Stories told live



The Organist is a monthly experimental arts-and-culture program produced and distributed by KCRW. The editors of the award-winning monthly magazine the Believer, published in San Francisco by McSweeneys, produce ten annual episodes of the podcast, which includes reported stories, interviews, comic radio drama, reviews, and more. Interviewer Elvis Mitchell offers reliably intelligent insights in dialogue with a wide array of filmmakers, actors and other erbergh artists. Sound is Third Coast's remix of music, documentaries, found sound, sound bites, and little audio surprises we find all over the world. The show features personal narratives, sonic portraits, investigative documentaries, experimental sound art, and humorous essays. It's radio you can't hear anywhere else, unless you live everywhere else. Stories like movies with varied themes each week. People in situations and things happen to them. archives/episode/504/how-i-got-into-college TotalPicture Radio's in-depth interviews give a "total picture" of emerging trends; featuring industry experts, thought leaders, and for-real gurus to help high-potential professionals like you succeed with your career aspirations. We deliver career advice and advocacy through our conversations with successful practitioners, and by reporting the latest trends, innovations, insider knowledge, actionable information, and hidden resources to our listeners. Underreported stories. Opens the eyes about mass media story selection. Utica Firefly is a collaborative effort to document central New York stories, to record the people, places, and events that form the fabric of our community.

The Treatment

Third Coast Festival - Sound

This American Life Totalpictureradio (the voice of career and leadership acceleration podcasts)

Underreported (The Leonard Lopate Show) Utica Firefly

Wax Audio



Wax Audio was started in 2003 as part of the anti-war, releasing explicitly political work (the Mashed countries Media trilogy). Since then Was Audio has branched out into doing more conventional pop mashups (the Mashopolos series) as well as an album based entirely of samples that were recorded on a 15 month trip across Asia (9 Countries). WTF with Marc Maron is a twice-weekly podcast hosted by standup comedian Marc Maron. The show launched in September 2009. The program primarily consists of interviews with comedians and comedy writers as well as others in the entertainment and radio communities.

WTF With Marc Maron

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