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Audrey Brand, Samara Kizner, Ryan Randazzo, Courtney Moore

Definition- a decentralized worldwide
network of computers that can
communicate with each other.
The Internet is not the same as the World
Wide Web; they cannot be used
The Internet can be referred to as the Net
Internet Addresses
Follow the spelling and capitalization of the
website owner.
Use the name of the website rather than the
Web address.
Right: Facebook
Only include the .com if it is part of the legal
Right: Inc.
Wrong: Amazon
Internet Addresses
If an Internet address falls at the end of a sentence,
use a period at the end of that sentence.
If an address breaks between lines, split it directly
after a slash or a dot that is part of the address. Do
not use a hyphen.
Right: my.newpaltz.
Wrong: my.newpal-
Use the http:// at the beginning of an address, as well as
other starts.

Internet Addresses
When adding an address to the end of a
story to guide the reader to another website,
use the entire Internet address.
Avoid URLs that are lengthy and
complicated, unless it is necessary to guide
the reader to a specific place. Consider URL
abbreviation services such as and
Do not hyphenate the two terms. For example
it would be Derek sent an email yesterday.
Rather than Derek sent an e-mail yesterday.
However, with other e- terms you do use a
hyphen: e-book, e-business, e-commerce, etc.
The e should also be lowercase unless it
begins the sentence.
Internet is to be used differently than email or
World Wide Web, as they are subsets of the
Internet. The I in Internet should always be
Social Media Terms (1/3)
app: lowercase.
blogs: fine on its own without e-blog or weblog. Lowercase.
Bluetooth: uppercase. One word.
chat room: two words, lowercase.
download, upload: one word
e-reader, e-book,: lowercase, hyphenated.
Facebook: always capitalized.
Google, Googling, Googled: always uppercase
HTTP: uppercase alone, lowercase when inside a Web address.
IM: uppercase, used as IMing or IMed
Handheld, hand-held: one word when used as noun.
Hyphenated as adjective (compound modifier).
ex) The new hand-held device; instead of Bluetooth he
preferred his handheld.

Social Media Terms (2/3)
hashtag: one word, lowercase
home page: lowercase, two words
hyperlink: one word, lowercase.
Internet: always capitalize
IP address: Internet protocol address. Uppercase acronym.
iPad, iPod, iPhone: one word. Begins with lowercase i. Followed
by capital P. Use capital I when it leads off a sentence (IPhone)
IT: information technology should be used unless referring to a
specific department
JPEG, JPG: uppercase acronym
LinkedIn: It's a name and should be spelled out as one word with
a capital L and a capital I.
login, logon, logoff: lowercase, no hyphen.
Social Media Terms (3/3)
online: lowercase, no hyphen
selfie: lowercase; plural is selfies
smartphone, cellphone: lowercase, one word
social media: two words, lowercase
Twitter: Only Twitter needs to be capitalized. tweet, tweeted, and retweet
are lowercase.
unfriend: lowercase, one word. AP says defriend is acceptable though it
is less commonly seen.
URL: uppercase acronym, lowercase when spelling out.
Web page or Web feed: attribute belonging to the World Wide Web.
Second word remains lowercase.
website: one word, lower case. Also webcam, webcast, webmaster.
Wi-Fi: both capitalized, hyphenated
World Wide Web or Web: Always capitalize.
YouTube: capital Y, capital T
Where to look up Web terms
-Internet Entry
-Email Entry
-Social Media Guidelines in the Index of
the AP Stylebook

QUIZ (1/3)
Correct the following
Users of the site have been
complaining about excessive e-mails.
She had to google how to update her ipod.
You can buy Ebooks on Amazon.
He was on-line, using the internet.

QUIZ (2/3)
Decipher True or False for the following:
1. The Internet and the World Wide Web are
the same and can be used interchangeably.
2. Twitter, Facebook, and
should always be capitalized
3. You should always include the suffix .com
when referring to a website
QUIZ (3/3)
Use your AP Stylebook for the following:
1. Name 6 social media sites and reference
them correctly.
2. How should journalists vet sources found
through social media? Provide specific
3. How does AP refer to photos or videos
submitted by non-journalists? (Provide an
example of a cutline/credit.)

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