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Mu|t|med|a Copy Ld|t|ng & Layout Nancy M.

DMI 312 (01), CkN 728, 3 cred|t hours]week* Ad[unct rof., Iourna||sm
SUN New a|tz, Commun|cat|on & Med|a Dept. he|znQnewpa|
Ia|| 2014 718-208-SS61 ce||, txt

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G##H 9
Aug z6 1ue: lntroductlons to MMCLLC, edltlng und euch other
1))<EI=-I@); Reudlngs on coy edltlng, Post lntro und reudlng reuctlon to webslte,
Purchuse AP Stylebook und become fumlllur wlth course wlkl, webslte & Lrobox
Aug z lrl: lntro to lnLeslgn: Creute I(=- +(C.)
1))<EI=-I@; G(@+, JDI@ K<.-D)6 .-)<EI I(=- +(C. JDC LC-)-I@(@<DI MNO

G##H 7
Se z 1ue: Coy edltlng, edltor's role, AP Style: 1ltles (ulso comosltlon tltles, ucudemlc deurtments)
1))<EI=-I@: Reudlng on mucro edltlng, AP style exerclse (selfgruded)
Se lrl: More on fonts, deslgn, Nume curd resentutlons
1))<EI=-I@; Reudlng, vldeos on lnLeslgn, become fumlllur wlth tool unels
(Lust duy to dro the course wlthout u fee)

G##H 5
Se 1ue: Mucro edltlng, AP Style: Numeruls (ulso: dutes, tlmes, rutlos, s, sorts stutlstlcs, etc.)
1))<EI=-I@: Reudlngjdlscusslon on mucro edltlng, AP style exerclse (selfgruded)
Se z lrl: lnLeslgn luyout fundumentuls: Puge elements, creute u zuge luyout
1))<EI=-I@: Comlete your zuge luyout

G##H :
Se 6 1ue: AP Style:
Se lrl: More on lnLeslgn
1))<EI=-I@: Rework your zuge luyout, udd ullquotes, muster uges

G##H O
Se z 1ue AP Style: (Pructlce mucro edltlngjorgunlzutlon, ledes & nutgrufs)
Se z6 lrl "'()) A<'' ID@ =--@P ADCB DI QIR-)<EI LCDS-+@)

G##H T
Se c 1ue AP Style: Quotes, (Pructlce edltlngjorgunlzutlon, ledes & nutgrufs)
Cct lrl Puge Leslgn -lollos on muster uges, embeddlng lmuges, (Pullquotes). Mldterm roject usslgnment,
due lrlduy, Cct. c by z .m., before edltlng mldterm)

G##H U
Cct , 1ue AP Style, Quotes, mlcro edltlng (Pructlce seed edltlng)
Cct c lrl CLLC MlL1LRM (Ldltlng ln cluss, luyout due by z .m.)

G##H V
Cct ved MlLPClN1 Cl 1EL SLMLS1LR
0W(I+> A<'' ),(C- ( J--.?(+B K<.-D DJ >D/C =<.@-C= '(>D/@)F
Cct , lrl Mldterm revlew - edltlng & luyouts
Mu|t|med|a Copy Ld|t|ng & Layout Nancy M. ne|z
DMI 312 (01), CkN 728, 3 cred|t hours]week* Ad[unct rof., Iourna||sm
SUN New a|tz, Commun|cat|on & Med|a Dept. he|znQnewpa|
Ia|| 2014 718-208-SS61 ce||, txt


G##H M
Cct z 1ue AP Style: lnternet & web, feuture edltlng
Cct z lrl vlsuul Storytelllng, vordPress buslcs: Photos, vldeos

G##H 98
Cct z8 1ue AP Style, web edltlng & story uckuglng
Cct lrl vlsuul Storytelllng
(Also, lust duy to dro the course wlthout enulty)

G##H 99
Nov 1ue AP Style QUl2 (everythlng ls fulr gume)
Nov , lrl Storytelllng 1hrough Mus

G##H 97
Nov 1ue veb Ldltlng
Nov lrl Mus due, Storytelllng 1hrough 1lmellnes

G##H 95
Nov 8 1ue veb Ldltlng
Nov z lrl 1lmellnes due, Storytelllng 1hrough lnfogruhlcs

G##H 9:
Nov z1ue veb Ldltlng & lnfogruhlcs

G##H 9O X Y'-()- +D=L'-@- @,- *#Q JDC @,<) +D/C)- 0R-+ 9Z98F
Lec z 1ue Cther Multlmedlu Story lormuts

G##H 9T 2QW1$ #[1!*
Lec z lrl MMCLLC llNAL LAM, z: - :m

Lec z 1ue Lust duy for lnstructors to submlt flnul grudes

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