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Alaa Jason Mubaslat International Studies Micro theme 5 An interview with Chinua Achebe

An interview with Chinua Achebe is a great work from 1989 in which he discusses the role of the writer and literature. Rowell is the interviewer whom asks different types of questions, a few would be; what is an artist, what do Nigerians conceive an artist to be, what is a griot, what is the role of humanities in the African context. The responses Achebe gives shows the wisdom he has not only for his culture but for art from all over the world. He states that an artist can come in any form whether its a sculptor, painter, story teller, musician or even a writer. The definition of art he gives is also very intelligent such as he says art is invented to make the life of a community easier, not to make it more difficult, art is not something which is beyond the comprehension of ordinary people, it is for everyone. It is something they can take part in the making as their own. Achebe goes on and gives art characteristics that it should have in order to be true great art. It allows for construction of identity, it fills cultural needs, it brings seriousness and wisdom as well as people expect it to bring truth to society while helping in the struggle with life. Achebe also shares how he sees himself as an storyteller much like a Griot. He states it brings him that connectedness like the rivers, mountains, sky and the myths about man and the world. He shares with us a short animal story about how a snake was riding a horse, coiled up in a saddle when he passed a toad on the roadside and the toad said to him excuse me sir, but thats not how you ride a horse. The snake then replied can you show me and the toad did. This story shows the battle of the underdog, the snake is the aristocrat and the toad is a commoner.

The snake has a horse but doesnt seem to know how to ride it properly while the toad knows how to ride properly but is the one walking because sadly of the class differences. The snake arrogantly remarks it is very good to know but better to have, what does excellent horsemanship do to a man without a horse then he rode off like a punk. This story shows the battle between the underdog and how incompetent, complacent people can be when they feel like they are entitled to certain luxuries taking for granted the true luxury which is time and wisdom.

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