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Informed Consent Form

Dear Teachers, I am completing a research project to conclude my Masters Degree program at West Chester University. During this project, I will be carrying out a study in our child care center to discover the effects of four different stress-relief techniques when used by teachers. Thank you for participating in this project. I am requesting your consent to use the data I collect from you during this process as part of my study. Your participation is voluntary, and you may stop your participation at any time, without penalty to you. There are no risks associated with this research; however, you should only participate in those activities (yoga, breathing) to the extent that you are physically capable. The potential benefits of this study include your learning about various stress-relieving techniques. You may get in touch with me at any time throughout this study. The director of the center has approved this study. Involvement in this study includes four weekly meetings and some at-home participation. The weekly meetings will be information, question, and practice sessions about the stress-relieving technique we will be learning that week. I ask that you implement the technique at least three times a week at home and use the response chart. I will use the response chart to assess whether the technique had an effect on the teachers involved in this study. This study will let teachers explore four stress-relief techniques and possibly provide them with a technique to use in the future. I will be using the information collected from this research on a website that will be published privately and shared with my WCU student colleagues and instructors. I will never use your real name, only the pseudonym of your choosing. By signing this consent form, you agree to the participation in this study and the use of data collected in this study on my website. Thank you,

Velva Foster



Self-chosen pseudonym

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