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Student Name: _________________________________ Production Company: ___________________________

Project Score_______________/________________ Presentation Score_______________

Producer Rubric:
Task: Budget On form, create a budget for your show as if it were a full-length being produced professionally. Poster Full color, full page, visually appealing. Includes: Show name, Production Company, dates & times, performance location, contact information (fake ok) and ticket prices. Program/Playbill Visually appealing & professional looking. Includes: Show name, Production Company, cast/character list, crew list, bios. Fundraising & Marketing Plan List of ideas for fundraising and marketing needs. Use attached






Evaluation On form, include what youve learned and would like to improve about the activity. Do this last,


towards the end of the project.

Participation Participated in project workdays and used time effectively to the best of your ability. Appearance Compiled into a 3-ring binder or folder. Everything is anchored down and includes best/final copies of all designs and paperwork. Overall professional looking. Presentation Speak about your process, your choices, and your reasoning behind the things you did.





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