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Murder On The Orient Express By Agatha Christie Study Guide PART I: THE FACTS Chapter 1: An Important Passenger on the

Taurus Express
1. Describe the Belgian stranger. Who/What did he save? What is his name? 2. What was Lieutenant Dubosc s duty? !ow does he "eel about it? !ow do you #now? $. Why did %ary Debenham loo# out the window? What was her im&ression o" !ercule 'oirot? (. What were 'oirot s im&ressions o" the young )nglish lady *%iss Debenham+? ,. What do you thin# 'oirot means when he thin#s that the Colonel is -susce&tible.? /. What hint does the reader receive that %iss Debenham and Colonel Arbuthnot #now one another better than the reader is initially led to believe? 0. What is %iss Debenham worried about missing? !o"a#u$ar%1 surreptitious *ad2.+ covert3 #e&t secret4 done by stealth valise *n.+ a #it bag4 a small leather trun# "or clothes3 etc. o&ening into two e5ual &arts pallor *n.+ &aleness burnished *ad2.+ &olished the Punjab *n.+ a &art o" 6ndia

Fren"h &ords and Phrases

Fren"h &ord'Phrase Mais oui comme ca Eh bien En voiture Enfin! Voila Merci jolie femme Page (um#er , , / 0 0 0 8 : Eng$ish Trans$ation But o" course7 li#e this/that4 in that way/manner Ah3 well All aboard7 At last3 "inally !ere you are3 sir 9han# you &retty woman

Chapter ): The To*at$ian Hote$

1. 9o where must 'oirot return? 2. ;" what was 'oirot a "ormer star? $. Who attracts 'oirot s attention in the restaurant? Why? What was 'oirot s im&ression o" him? !ow did this im&ression contrast with the man s a&&earance? (. What unusual event occurred on the train? Why can t 'oirot get a "irst class slee&ing berth? 1

,. What accommodation is 'oirot "orced to ta#e? Who is already in the com&artment? !o"a#u$ar%1 philanthropist *n.+ a lover o" man#ind4 one who donates to charity on a large scale benevolent *ad2.+ wishing to do good4 actively "riendly and hel&"ul4 charitable malevolence *n.+ evil munificent *ad2.+ s&lendidly generous

Fren"h &ords and Phrases

Fren"h &ord'Phrase Voila ce qui est emb tant! "res bien #ien$ Monsieur mon vieu% en brosse mon cher &es affaires' les affaires! Eh bien Pr(cis(ment )omment* "out +fait au bout$ Monsieur! ,e crois que vous aveun erreur! Voil+$ Monsieur En voiture! Page (um#er 1, 1/ 1/ 1/3 103 1: 1/ 10 10 18 1: 2? 22 2$ 2$ 2( Eng$ish Trans$ation 9he troubling thing *about this+ is< =ery well >ine3 sir my dear old man *"riendly &hrase re"erring to 'oirot+ A ty&e o" hair style *crew cut+ my dear3 my "riend Business3 business7 ;h well 'recisely 6 beg your &ardon? )@cuse me? At the very bac#/rear3 sir. 6 thin# you ve made a mista#e. !ere you are3 sir All aboard7

Chapter +: Poirot Re,uses a Case

1. Why does %. Bouc get such s&ecial treatment? 2. Why does %. Bouc believe that the scene lends itsel" well to romance? $. )@am&le o" "oreshadowing? (. What theory does 'oirot have regarding why %iss Debenham and Colonel Arbuthnot are not sitting together? ,. Why does %r. Aatchett wish to hire 'oirot? What does he carry on his &erson? /. Why does 'oirot re"use Aatchett s o""er? !o"a#u$ar%1 luncheon *n.+ a "ormal lunch .esticulate *v.+ to use gestures instead o" or in addition to s&eech toque *n.+ a woman s small brimless hat 2

autocratic *ad2.+ dictatorial nonchalance *n.+ indi""erence3 the absence o" interest or e@citement coquetry *n.+ "lirtatious *on the &art o" a woman+ behavior or actions unprepossessin. /ad2.+ unattractive3 una&&ealing plaintive *ad2.+ e@&ressing sorrow4 mourn"ul caprices *n. &l.+ unaccountable or whimsical changes o" mind or conduct

Fren"h &ords and Phrases

Fren"h &ord'Phrase mon cher Elle est jolie' et chic! client0le Page (um#er 2/ $? $2 Eng$ish Trans$ation my "riend -Bhe is attractiveC and stylish.. customers3 clients

Chapter -: A Cr% in the (ight

1. 9o what com&artment is 'oirot moved? Why? 2. What is %. Bouc worried about? $. Why is %rs. !ubbard annoying? What in"ormation does she share with 'oirot? (. What awa#ened 'oirot? ,. What does 'oirot notice about the train? /. Whose door does the conductor #noc# on "irst? 0 What time did 'oirot s watch read? !o"a#u$ar%1 valet *n.+ a gentleman s &ersonal attendant who loo#s a"ter his clothes3 etc.

Fren"h &ords and Phrases

Fren"h &ord'Phrase )e n1est rien! ,e me suis tromp(! #ien$ Monsieur! Page (um#er (? (? Eng$ish Trans$ation 6t s nothing. 6 made a mista#e/6 was mista#en. =ery well3 sir.

Chapter .: The Crime

1. 2. $. (. ,. /. 0. 8. Why does 'oirot have di""iculty "alling bac# to slee&? What does he hear? What was %rs. !ubbard com&laining about? Why has the train sto&&ed? What awa#ens 'oirot again? What does 'oirot notice in the hallway? Why are the &assengers u&set? What is missing "rom %iss Debenham s voice? What comment does %iss Debenham ma#e about her attitude? 3

:. What com&liment does 'oirot &ay her? 1?. What does %.Bouc reveal? 11. At what time does Dr. Constantine thin# that the death occurred? 12. What theory does the doctor have regarding the o&en window? 1$. What did the conductor notice about the door? 1(. About how many times was the victim stabbed? 1,. What is the chef de train s theory about who stabbed Aatchett? Why? 1/. What observation did Dr. Constantine ma#e about the stab wounds? 10. What re5uest does %. Bouc ma#e? 18. !ow does 'oirot intend to begin his investigation? !o"a#u$ar%1 dandified *ad2.+ unduly devoted to style3 smartness3 and "ashion in dress and a&&earance *on the &art o" a man+ calamity *n.+ disaster3 a great mis"ortune sardonic *ad2.+ bitterly moc#ing or cynical bona fides *n.+ in"ormation that serves to guarantee a &ersonDs good "aith3 standing3 and re&utation4 authentic credentials

Fren"h &ords and Phrases

Fren"h &ord'Phrase #onne nuit$ Madame 2e l1eau min(rale$ s1il vous plait! #ien$ Monsieur! &a dame am(ricaine' #on soir$ Monsieur Vous tes un directeur de la$ Monsieur! Vous pouve- nous dire' chef de train dejeuner 3h! c10tait terrible! )1est une femme 4ui$ Monsieur mon cher )1est entendu Page (um#er (2 (2 ($ ($ ($ (, (8 ,1 ,1 ,2 ,$ ,( ,( Eng$ish Trans$ation -Eood night3 %adame.. -%ineral water3 &lease.. -;" course3 sir.. -9he American ladyC-Eood evening3 sir.. -Fou are the director o" the line3 sir. Can you tell usCchie" o" the train/head conductor brunch -Ah3 it was terrible7. -6t was a woman. -Fes3 sir. my dear "riend -9hat s understood..

Chapter /: A &oman
1. 2. $. (. ,. Whom does 'oirot 5uestion? Where does 'oirot conduct his interviews? !ow does %r. %acGueen bruise 'oirot s ego? Why does !ector %acGueen assume Aatchett was murdered? !ow does %acGueen #now Aatchett? 4

/. 0. 8. :.

What sus&icions did %acGueen have regarding his em&loyer? What is strange about the letters Aatchett received? !ow did %acGueen "eel about Aatchett? !ow does 'oirot "eel about %acGueen s &ossible guilt? Why?

!o"a#u$ar% laboriously *adv.+ re5uiring hard wor# or toil *n.+ two wee#s ve%atious *ad2.+ annoying or distressing jovially *adv.+ merrily3 good naturedly reproach *n.+ disa&&roval3 censure3 rebu#e

Fren"h &ords and Phrases

Fren"h &ord'Phrase le docteur 5u1est 6ce qu1il y a * Pourquoi* Page (um#er ,8 ,8 ,8 Eng$ish Trans$ation the doctor What is it? Why?

Chapter 0: The 1od%

1. Why is the window o&en? 2. !ow many wounds does Aatchett have? $. What 2 things bother Dr. Constantine? (. What hy&othesis does 'oirot o""er? !ow does he "eel about it? ,. Why does 'oirot believe the situation is odd? What did Aatchett have that he did not use? /. !ow does the doctor e@&lain Aatchett s inertia? 0. What does 'oirot notice about the matches? 8. List the clues "ound. What are 'oirot s thoughts regarding them? :. What did the scra& o" &a&er say? 1?. Who does 'oirot thin# Aatchett really is? !o"a#u$ar% 7nertia *n.+ lac# o" motion scrutinised *v.+ loo#ed closely at cambric *n.+ a "ine white linen or cotton "abric elucidation *n.+ e@&lanation3 enlightenment

Fren"h &ords and Phrases

Fren"h &ord'Phrase Pr(cis(ment Page (um#er 0? Eng$ish Trans$ation 'recisely 5

5ue pense-' vous de ca* 3h$ c1est ri.olo$ tout ca!

01 02

What do you thin# about that? Ah3 that s "unny3 all that *stu""+7

Chapter 2: The Armstrong 3idnapping Case

1. What &arallels e@ist between the "ictional Armstrong case and the Lindbergh tragedy? What di""erences? 2. Who was Aatchett? What was he guilty o"? !o"a#u$ar% indi.nation *n.+ scorn"ul anger at su&&osed un2ust or un"air conduct or treatment

Fren"h &ords and Phrases

Fren"h &ord'Phrase Mon 2ieu rentes 3h! quel animal! "out de m me 3pr0s vous$ Monsiuer' Mais non apr0s vous Page (um#er 82 8$ 8( 8( 8, Eng$ish Trans$ation %y Eod &rivate unearned income Ah7 What an animal7 All the same -A"ter you3 sir. -Ho3 a"ter you.

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