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Success is a process There are steps in the success process It is not an accident It takes hard work It takes active

participation It is continuously, positively changing.. It is learning from mistakes It is continuing in THE GRIND SWAC

-Evaluate and Correct - 0-0 Record - Represent






-Evaluate and Correct: Mental, physical, emotional preparing yourself

Sweep the SWAC

- 0-0 Record: Our record up to this point does not matter, every game is do or die - Recover/Dominate/Recover/Dominate/Recover/Dominate

SWAC Eastern Division Champions

-Evaluate and Correct: Mental, physical, emotional preparing yourself - Execute Team Chemistry: We no longer aim to get it right but do it till we can not get wrong - Weekly Consistent Domination: Wear on teams minds, bodies and souls. Show them every time we can not be stopped


-Evaluate and Correct: Dont let a day go by you are not getting better - Develop Team Chemistry: Roles and dynamics are being utilized and strengthened - Weekly Domination: We do not need someone to say that we are good we are proving it

-Evaluate and Correct: every day and every game is an opportunity to evaluate and then make corrections - Understand Team Chemistry: Building upon team unity off the field, understand the importance of those roles and dynamics on the field - Weekly Recognition: We want our players to be recognized by the SWAC, College Board, NCAA and all other organization positively recognizing student athletes

-Team Unity: we are all in this together. No one person is better than another and everyone is needed for success -Vision: what the program is about and where we are going -Goals: team and individual goals for the season -Fundamentals: soccer fundamentals in defending, attacking, possession, technical, tactical and fitness

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