Inquiry 4 Stories

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Story 1: It was Monday morning at 6:45 when Samantha woke up.

After realizing she had 45 minutes to get ready, she decided to lay in bed for an additional 10 minutes thinking about how much she was dreading the upcoming week. She eventually rolled out of bed and stumbled to her closet where she knew exactly what she needed to grab. She took her time while pulling out her school uniform that included a white polo, khaki pants, and Sperrys. She made her way downstairs where she took her time in figuring out what she wanted for breakfast. As she was snacking on her cereal, she kicked back and watched her morning television show, Full House. She arrived to school with plenty of time to spare before the bell rang, keeping her streak of not being tardy alive. Story 2: BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. It was Monday morning at 6:45 when Hannah, Samanthas friend and neighbor, quickly got out of bed realizing that she didnt pick out her outfit the night before. As a 17 year old girl, it was essential that her outfit looked good and was trendy. After trying on a multitude of different outfits, none of which she ended up wearing, she realized there was no way she was going to wear sweatpants two days in a row. She quickly threw on a designer shirt, a pair of jeans, and boots as time was running out. The clock quickly struck 7:20 so she flew out the door and raced to school. Hannah knew she couldnt be tardy again. While racing through the neighborhood, she sped past Samanthas mom who yelled at her for driving too fast. However, no matter how she drove, there was no possible way she would make it to school on time. Story 1: Samantha met up with her group of friends where they had a few minutes to talk before going to class. After gossiping about what happened over the weekend they proceeded to walk to class in their matching uniforms without the threat of people judging what they were wearing. Story 2: Upon arrival, the principal was waiting at the door giving the students that were late a detention. Once Hannah received the detention, she frantically ran to class without having time to stop at her locker. She barged into class halfway through the lecture causing a huge disruption to the class. After getting settled in, she heard the boys behind her talking about what she was wearing. They winked at her and gave her compliments about what she was wearing when she turned around to make it known she could hear their conversation. Story 1: Samantha and her friend Jenny entered their debate class together where they were instructed to have a debate with the entire class. The two girls looked around the room in hopes of sparking an idea for something to talk about. While contemplating what to discuss, there was a commonality that jumped out at Samantha. She asked Jenny how she felt about their school uniforms. This is when it became clear that this is was something that they could have a meaningful debate over. The teacher quieted the class so the discussion could begin. To start the discussion Jenny asked if having a dress code made the students feel like they couldnt express themselves. Many students thought that having school uniforms restricted how they could express themselves. Other students argued that the uniform policy was beneficial because it was easier for them to focus during class.

Story 2: When the class ended Hannahs teacher asked her to stay after class, not only to scold her for being late but to also ask her to change her outfit because it was causing a distraction. Hannah couldnt believe what she was hearing. No! she replied. I paid a lot of money for this shirt and this shirt expresses my personality perfectly. The teacher refused to argue with her and sent her to the principals office. The principal was disappointed to see her for the second time in one day. He understood that she was trying to express herself but he told her that what she was wearing wasnt acceptable for a school environment. The principal then gave her the two options of either changing her shirt or going home. Hannah was still reluctant to change so he sent her home. Story 1 In the middle of class during the heated debate, the principal came on the intercom and told the school they were being placed under a lockdown until further notice. A suspicious looking man wearing black pants and a black hoodie was spotted roaming the halls. Thankfully since the perpetrator stood out in his all black attire, the problem was resolved quickly. After the situation was taken care of, the students were able to go on with their day. Story 2: When Hannah got home, her mom asked why she was home so early. She explained how the principal forced her to go home because she wouldnt change her shirt to something more appropriate. After hearing about the discussion her daughter had with the principal, Hannahs mom was furious that her daughter would wear something that would cause so much controversy. Merged Together/Ending A few hours later when school was released, Samantha went over to her neighbor Hannahs house to hang out. When she got there Hannah mentioned that she had been extremely bored because she had already been home for two hours. This made Samantha really confused. Hannah explained how she got sent home because the shirt she was wearing wasnt appropriate for school. Samantha said that that isnt a problem at her school since they have to wear uniforms.

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